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Messages - Beaver44

Quote from: DBQ1965 on August 22, 2012, 03:41:44 PM
Okay ... time to up-date the IIAC Fan Base 8-)  I will start editing out those we haven't heard from by the time teams kick-off next weekend :'(  Most of you are regular posters and have immunity from the editing  ::)

"notlongago" and "putmeincoach1985" ... where do you line up?


UD:  doolittledog, DBQ1965, Spurrier, WillieUniversity, Keith45, UD-SPARTAN, jtplayer25, footballfan413, badgerwarhawk

Wartburg:  Walston Hoover, sportsknight, Wartburg Fan, footballdaddy, TheOne89.1, warthog, davedevine, Alfredeneumann, wartknight, pressbox, OutsideTheCrate, NewKnightDad, caddy1, WartTrainer, DMWartburg

Central:  dutchFan2004, Dutchfan1, Klompen, KCDutch, Dutchlb, oldbeake, Airborne Dutch, D1HawkD3CUI, Old Dutch, DutchHawk, fannosaurus rex, Dutchclone, Mav45, Tydebol Man, Dutch Radio, AZDutchman

Coe:  Charlie Kohawk, coocooforcokohawks, Kohawk Krazy, the_mayne_event, Kohawk Remedy, koecrazy87, DougiePetersFan, youcantseemestill, Cochuck, kohawkfan

Simpson:  Storm-what?, sc-stormchaser, New Storm, storm_tracker65, Storm Chaser

Luther:  Ram2, LCNorse, FloydinIowaCity, Thunderbolt, oldNorse, 5 Words or Less

BV:  The Show, Klopenheimer, BeaverOfYore, BeaverFan3208, MNbeev, BeaverNation

Loras:  du-sz, Confused77, duhawkdanran, steelhawk

Honorary Members:  Purple Heys, CaliRamRL6

Add me to the BV list
Only 22 freshman this year at BV according to the online roster.  My freshman year (2008) we had somewhere around 45.  Numbers are again going to be a huge problem in Storm Lake.
Here's a link to the new Peterson Field if anyone is interested.  Excited to watch a night game there sometime in the future.!/photo.php?fbid=10151135386935987&set=a.10151135386915987.496745.144921560986&type=1&theater
Quote from: warthog on August 12, 2012, 05:11:09 PM
Quote from: Beaver44 on August 10, 2012, 05:10:05 PM
Hey guys, new to the board but have lurked a little in the past.  Just graduated from BV and looking to talk some IIAC football and more this upcoming season

Welcome aboard B44.  I've always liked the setting for football at BV.  To me it was always a toss up between BV & Luther.  I guess it was whether one prefers water or trees & hills.  You both beat the train tracks at Cornell.

Love the setting at BV.  It's only getting better now with FieldTurf installed last year, new track, landscaping, concessions/ticket booth, new scoreboard, new lights and new visitor bleachers.  Really disappointed I played my last game there in November as the school seems to finally realize the importance of new/nice facilities.  Hopefully it pays off in future recruiting, though.
Quote from: Willie University on August 11, 2012, 07:48:42 AM
Quote from: Beaver44 on August 10, 2012, 05:10:05 PM
Hey guys, new to the board but have lurked a little in the past.  Just graduated from BV and looking to talk some IIAC football and more this upcoming season

Can't say I like your favorite team but at least you picked a great football number ;)

And at least your not a duhawk  ;D

Willie U

Haha, definitely the best football number there is willie.
As did Central
Hey guys, new to the board but have lurked a little in the past.  Just graduated from BV and looking to talk some IIAC football and more this upcoming season