Quote from: 2RMCFans on November 14, 2012, 05:59:31 PMQuote from: Tiger Mic on November 13, 2012, 02:05:34 PM
Just getting around to reading the board today after this weekend's game, and I see that I caught it pretty hard for my "Little Pedro" reference. I can see why. As soon as that came out I thought, "That doesn't sound so hot."
Well, my partner on home games, Rob Stanley, was a legendary RMC linebacker (and college coach for many years--RMC, Ashland U, VMI) in the 80s. It just so happens that he was known as "Little Red." He, to my chagrin, got a MAJOR kick out of it and repeated it a couple of times. On-air I urged him to move on from that. Rob is a good friend of Coach Arruza and assured me today he would not take offense, and I hope that's true.
If you do 30 games a year for 20 years you WILL say something unintentionally odd or offensive at some point, and I really try to minimize those. I put some serious travel time in for this 2nd job (I have a family and a real job as a financial adviser with its share of intensity), and I try to serve the game and make it fun. Sorry if we miss the mark on occasion.
Thanks for the explanation Tiger Mic. We have great respect for all our coaches at R-MC & are glad to know that he did not take offense to those remarks. But the level of abuse then directed toward 78rmc who simply expressed his thoughts (and he was not alone in what he thought!) added insult to injury. We hope he doesn't leave the boards for good. And we hope everyone learned that we ALL need to be more respectful toward our leadership. GO Generals!
When your expressed thoughts are to call someone a borderline racist you typically can expect some criticism. Further why is his expressed thought of calling the announcers borderline racist an opinion but my expressed thought of calling his comment borderline stupid an insult? Is he and are you really that sensitive? Tiger Mic seems to be a stand-up guy. He says he made a mistake. Move on.