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Messages - ron doney

Here is the Johnnie legacy, appropriately in the corrections of a NYT article about UST's future in Division 1. Cant make this up - "as we fade into irrelevance please note we are not modest."

Correction: November 27, 2019
Because of an editing error, an earlier version of this article misstated the university where football attendance is modest. It is St. Thomas, not St. John's.
Quote from: hazzben on May 24, 2019, 06:10:46 PM
If GAC & Concordia were on the fence, I wish UST, SJU, and Bethel had pursued them and said stand firm. Let's call their bluff, reach out to St. Scholastica, Superior, and UNWSP, and then wait for a few to come crawling back when they don't have conferences. I just keep coming back to "where were schools like Hamline going to end up?" I think Augsburg and Hamline would have been left homeless. Probably St. Mary's and St. Kate's as well. Let MAC, Carleton, and Olaf go to the MWC if they so desire.

The issue with this is that it's a lot easier to rally schools to make the bluff and vote one team out than it is to rally schools to call the bluff, risk everything and stand firm when it all goes haywire. Momentum was already going against UST. It's also an attempt to shoot the moon if you're UST. You're essentially going to win and have a new and tougher MIAC, or you lose and look ugly doing it (all good PR lost). Also hard because it requires BU, SJU, St. Bens, GAC, & Cobbers to go pretty cold blooded on the other schools. If they come up short, they're in a really ugly position but still have to play with those schools going forward.

"When you play the game of thrones..."

If we are playing the coulda woulda shoulda game....  UST lost a true asset in Mark Deinhart when they decided to go with Sullivan instead*. Mark would have had the relationship, respect and credibility to navigate the MIAC through these growing pains.  Or I would like to believe. He and Fritz could have talked some sense into these children.

*thats not a knock on Sullivan. She's very qualified and has proven as much. And Deinhart probably lacked things she has - most notably gender.  But MN is a one of us small town, and Mark has that in spades.
Objectively I see a long list of valid reasons UST's time in the MIAC was up. That is clear, and pieces of posts here over the last year capture that.

It left the league with two options; one, make a case to UST to help all boats rise with the tide or two, part ways. I think the strategic and long term leadership would have chose the first - but then again, those type of people don't settle for a job at St. Olaf.

So they chose the part ways route. And the national narrative of everyone gets a trophy has exploded around them - rightfully so. BECAUSE they've chose to remain silent and not take ACCOUNTABILITY for their decision.

That to me is the most interesting and telling angle on this whole thing. As I've said at the top, there are plenty of valid reasons for this evolution. So stand up, make the case, and own the decision. People may not agree with it - but, they'll respect it.

Ironically UST's rise has been built on a culture of accountability. Especially on the football team, where Caruso champions a push yourself until you make a mistake mantra, but you are accountable not to make that same mistake twice.  It's a culture that serves the graduates of St. Thomas in the real world (as SVP highlighted on SportsCenter).

The MIAC leadership and member presidents lack the accountability fitting with their positions. And that's a fault that should worry all invested in the future of that league. It will rot its existence from the inside out.
Big shout out to the best in the biz - Gene McGivern. UST's Sports Info Director.

Shinning under pressure today.
MIAC coaches are back on the recruiting trail this summer pitching a new message -

"If you liked high school, then you are going to LOVE the MIAC. Because here, WE NEVER GROW UP!"
Brown just fired their coach after 25 seasons.

Any chance a local D3 or D2 guy gets a look?
I wouldn't be upset if Caruso bounced for something relatively high profile like this on the East Coast.
Tired of hearing all about these D1 transfer QBs. Who are just game managers, can't get rid of ball in pressure and can't throw a slant.  I blame the coaching.  Glenn, time to hand over the offense and QB coaching. 
Where were these shots downfield on first down earlier in the 2nd Half.
A quick slant, would've been a nice playing around in this game. Where is Glenn's playbook
Wtf - block in the back at the top of that punt return. Clear as day on film.
If UMHB makes it to the championship game - think Belichick gets the film and see his next Lewis / Burkhead?
Perra needs to get rid of ball - at least don't move yards. The kicker might win this for us if we can grab a few yards on the quick dump offs.
How about these rubes on the UMHB broadcast.  The color guy is a southern Sven.
These games have been Glenn's downfall. His play calling in the regular season doesn't work against these defenses. 

Nothing to criticize until now.  But after 8 runs in the playoffs, a trend is evolving.
FB was open on the dump - before Perra got sacked. Glenn has to drill that dump off pass - all week long.