Well sir if that is the only take away you got from my post you missed the point in more ways than one. No need to reply, I'm done....... See all of you loyal ODAC fans in Salem.
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Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Old Dominion Athletic Conference
February 15, 2013, 03:22:57 PM #2
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Old Dominion Athletic Conference
February 15, 2013, 02:44:56 PM
Obviously some of the folks posting on this board have never seen or heard the Cameron Crazies when an opposing player is about to shoot a free-throw. Talk about raw, there you have real raw. Emotions run high when two highly competitive teams hit the court. Both teams were very physical, as you would expect. The refs could have called it tighter, but everyone would be complaining about how the refs controlled the tempo of the game. I was sitting next to a HSC fan that was complaining about the calls just as I was. Both of us thought our teams got the short end of the stick with foul calls, but you know what-the calls were pretty close (VWC 21- HSC 20). To criticize the student athletes (who by the way are the same age as those fans in the stands taunting them) is quite unfair. Just as the players should not leave the court under any circumstance, the fans should not come onto the court under any circumstance. If you don't think the HSC student athletes or any other student athlete doesn't give back to the fans what the fans have been dishing out to them during the entire game after a hard fought victory, you don't watch a lot of competitive sports. I heard the taunt from the VWC fans (all 100 of them) when the HSC players were at the line, but I also heard and saw the taunt and gestures from the 2000+ HSC fans. DO fans get carried away? Yes. But if a fan is going to harass an opposing player when their team is up by 10, they better be able to be on the receiving end when their team lose the game by 1. I don't condone flipping off the crowd, and I am sure if that happened the responsible individual will be reprimanded appropriately. For all of the posters and tweeters that keep referring to the players of VWC as thugs, I guarantee you have never once seen these players at school, walking in the mall, or at home with their families – They are just like your student athletes, doing what yours are doing, getting an education and playing a game they love as hard and competitive as possible. Maybe if you all stop calling VWC students and fans classless and respect VWC and other teams that visit HSC, we wouldn't need escorts to the bus. Respect your competition even when you lose and stop pretending you are so much better than them.