A great game and atmosphere last night. The game's most critical time came midway through the first half. Gamble had been sitting for 8 or 9 minutes already and Raridon went to the bench as well with two fouls (though mainly for rest at that point). The score was 22-21 Wesleyan and NCC took a time out with 9:07 on the clock. Out of the timeout, the line-up on the floor consisted of Brandon Williams, Jack Merrithey, Jack Burchett, Vince Kmiec, and Aaron Tiknis.
At the time, I mentioned to my friends, "I don't think these five have ever played together this year..." It really felt like Coach Raridon was trying to steal about 3 or 4 minutes with offensive threats Gamble, Raridon, and Rosenberg on the bench and I think if he could have gotten to the four minute mark with the score still within a possession or two, he would have been happy.
Instead "Little" Jack hit a quick 3, Vince had a huge steal out front for an easy lay in. A couple of quick empty possessions followed for both teams before Zimenik was blocked by Tiknis which led to a run out and another 3 by Merrithey. The patched together line up had went on an 8-0 run in less than a minute of time and save for having to stave off a Victor Davis comeback in the second half, NCC was pretty comfortable for most of the rest of the way.
A huge minute in the game for a "unique" combo of players.
6:30 PM CST Friday in Salem. Good luck Cardinals!
At the time, I mentioned to my friends, "I don't think these five have ever played together this year..." It really felt like Coach Raridon was trying to steal about 3 or 4 minutes with offensive threats Gamble, Raridon, and Rosenberg on the bench and I think if he could have gotten to the four minute mark with the score still within a possession or two, he would have been happy.
Instead "Little" Jack hit a quick 3, Vince had a huge steal out front for an easy lay in. A couple of quick empty possessions followed for both teams before Zimenik was blocked by Tiknis which led to a run out and another 3 by Merrithey. The patched together line up had went on an 8-0 run in less than a minute of time and save for having to stave off a Victor Davis comeback in the second half, NCC was pretty comfortable for most of the rest of the way.
A huge minute in the game for a "unique" combo of players.
6:30 PM CST Friday in Salem. Good luck Cardinals!