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Messages - historymajor

South Region / Re: BB: 2013 South Regionals
May 19, 2013, 09:39:18 PM
I've got his juggling on video (somewhere)!

RIP historymajor, my good friend.

You get the last post on this board.
Congrats to Coach Page and the Millsaps Majors, after all those years battling Trinity in the SCAC, to make it to Appleton from the SAA is pretty special!
South Region / Re: BB: 2013 South Regionals
May 19, 2013, 12:54:44 PM
Congrats to Coach Page and the Millsaps Majors, after all those years battling Trinity in the SCAC, to make it to Appleton from the SAA is pretty special!
West Region / Re: BB: Top Teams in West Region
May 07, 2013, 02:20:58 PM
Teddy... wrong Trinity/ wrong Centenary.  Trinity went 3-4 and Centenary (transitioning from D1) is in West anyway.  New SCAC member from Shreveport, LA
West Region / Re: BB: Top Teams in West Region
April 17, 2013, 12:36:10 PM
Is Trinity the first to notch 30 wins?
I AM READY FOR SOME BASEBALL!!!!!  Are the TU Tigers ready????  At large and charging!
Heard that Reid Heim was hired as DC...  The '00 Austin College linebacker has since had European football experience and US coaching that included 2 years at Baylor.  Congrats Reid!
Why is EVERYBODY avoiding Trinity????  I seem to remember TU plays UMHB @ their new stadium next fall,,, can't wait!
Pat/Bonzo,,, The Harvard Pilgrim use of the "Miracle" footage WAS widely discussed AND agreed upon.  This is copyrighted material that in this case benefited nicely to both programs. We have NOT been happy with the 'representation" we have had in the past.  Changes have been made and use/compensation distrubution should be much better in the future.
Bonzo,,, The Harvard Pilgrim use of the "Miracle" footage WAS widely discussed AND agreed upon.  This is copyrighted material that in this case benefited nicely to both programs.
I'm a HUGE Kyle fan, too!  You rock! ETG... Saint Nyk IS the real deal!  Can't wait to face off against UMHB!
It's...  Will - am  - ette....  and they are that good!
Many people have mentioned the fact that we are even better than last year... ya think so?  56--6????
General football / Re: D-3 Players in the Pros
August 29, 2012, 05:20:20 AM
Jerheme Urban is still awaiting a call (Seahawks, Cardinals, Chiefs) Trinity great '03.  Currently an asst coach at Trinity..  AND we're lucky to have him!
Looks great for AC!  I'm partial to Trinity and I think that they may be better than last year.  The UMHB  game at TU should tell us a lot!  Go Tigers!  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr