Quote from: Gregory Sager on November 17, 2013, 03:16:40 PMQuote from: 321GO on November 17, 2013, 02:58:50 PM
I think everyone who knows Mike Swider, understands this was never the intent. If that were the case, the score would have been 82-0. Yet, only one score took place in this 30 minutes of football outside of this mistake. Senior Roberts took himself out of the game, so others could get in.
You're missing the point on a couple of levels. First of all, excusing the last-minute touchdown by saying that it could've been much worse is just plain silly. It doesn't make a bit of difference whether it was one unsportsmanlike touchdown or a dozen. It's not a quantifiable matter; a lack of sportsmanship is a lack of sportsmanship. Can't you see that?
Second, the bigger issue here isn't the touchdown itself. It's Mike Swider's refusal to take responsibility for it in his postgame comments to his head coaching peer.Quote from: 321GO on November 17, 2013, 02:58:50 PM
What took this ending emotional event to another level, was what I saw walking behind the stadium as NPU coaches quickly exited their box. One NPU Asst made a very vocal display of profanities to WC coaches and complete disregard for any composer. IMO, this egged on a couple NPU fans who began a loud verbal display of foolishness. This continued as both teams circled up with their families. In fact, as families finally began to leave, one of these guys, hung around just to make sure he got in a few more as the final players and coaches made there way to the bus.
I apologized to the entire NPU family, but I think this kind of display from this NPU Asst Coach lead to much of the after game drama.
Ah, the ol' "the best defense is a good offense" strategy. Let's take the heat off of our head coach by throwing some stones at the behavior of people connected to the opposing team. Nice.Leaving aside any discussion of Matthew 7:3, the fact of the matter is that the actions of North Park's assistant coach did not "lead to much of the after-game drama" -- the actions of your head coach did.
Your initial apology was an honorable thing to do as a Wheaton fan. But now you're ruining it by trying to tar North Park in some sort of misguided attempt at self-defense.
Your wrong Sager.
Not my intent at all, so I won't waste my time addressing this.