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Messages - 321GO

Quote from: Gregory Sager on November 17, 2013, 03:16:40 PM
Quote from: 321GO on November 17, 2013, 02:58:50 PM
I think everyone who knows Mike Swider, understands this was never the intent. If that were the case, the score would have been 82-0. Yet, only one score took place in this 30 minutes of football outside of this mistake. Senior Roberts took himself out of the game, so others could get in.

You're missing the point on a couple of levels. First of all, excusing the last-minute touchdown by saying that it could've been much worse is just plain silly. It doesn't make a bit of difference whether it was one unsportsmanlike touchdown or a dozen. It's not a quantifiable matter; a lack of sportsmanship is a lack of sportsmanship. Can't you see that?

Second, the bigger issue here isn't the touchdown itself. It's Mike Swider's refusal to take responsibility for it in his postgame comments to his head coaching peer.

Quote from: 321GO on November 17, 2013, 02:58:50 PM
What took this ending emotional event to another level, was what I saw walking behind the stadium as NPU coaches quickly exited their box. One NPU Asst made a very vocal display of profanities to WC coaches and complete disregard for any composer. IMO, this egged on a couple NPU fans who began a loud verbal display of foolishness. This continued as both teams circled up with their families. In fact, as families finally began to leave, one of these guys, hung around just to make sure he got in a few more as the final players and coaches made there way to the bus.
I apologized to the entire NPU family, but I think this kind of display from this NPU Asst Coach lead to much of the after game drama.

Ah, the ol' "the best defense is a good offense" strategy. Let's take the heat off of our head coach by throwing some stones at the behavior of people connected to the opposing team. Nice. ::) Leaving aside any discussion of Matthew 7:3, the fact of the matter is that the actions of North Park's assistant coach did not "lead to much of the after-game drama" -- the actions of your head coach did.

Your initial apology was an honorable thing to do as a Wheaton fan. But now you're ruining it by trying to tar North Park in some sort of misguided attempt at self-defense.

Your wrong Sager.
Not my intent at all, so I won't waste my time addressing this.
Quote from: kiko on November 17, 2013, 11:10:08 AM
Quote from: Gregory Sager on November 17, 2013, 07:53:55 AM
I lost all respect for Mike Swider yesterday. With thirty seconds left in a ballgame in which his team enjoyed a 51-0 lead, his quarterback threw the ball thirty yards downfield for a final touchdown rather than take a knee or hand the ball off up the middle. Bad enough to display such an egregious lack of sportsmanship. But Swider compounded matters in his postgame conversation with a livid Mike Conway in the handshake line (I could see Mike Conway's rage during that final conversation from all the way up in the press box across the field), as he had the gall to alibi to the NPU coach, "I didn't make the call," rather than simply apologize for it. He pawned it all off on an assistant coach.

Wrong answer, Swider. You're the head coach. The buck stops with you. Whatever your assistants do or don't do, you answer for it. Heck, you're on the sidelines and you have a headset. You're really going to try to convince your counterpart on the opposite sideline that you bear no responsibility for that play? His words to Mike Conway made a poor decision much, much worse.

People get on Norm Eash on this page for supposedly running up scores, but I can guarantee that Norm Eash never did anything that classless.

The only light-hearted moment in the whole imbroglio was when Mike Conway stormed into the press box for his postgame interview with me with steam coming out of his ears. The look of stark fear on the faces of the WETN broadcasters as Mike stomped through the press box was palpable. I really think they thought that he was going to physically take it out on them. That's the last thing in the world he would've done, of course, but it was still pretty funny.

Nothing funny about what Mike Swider did at all, though. Just a completely classless play call, and subsequent abdication of responsibility for it, on his part.

Quote from: USee on November 16, 2013, 06:24:34 PM
Embarrassed to be a Wheaton alum today for the first time in a long time.  Though one play does not a classless program make, Wheaton was flat out wrong for what happened at end of the game at NPU.  Apologies from this poster to NPU fans.

Quote from: 321GO on November 16, 2013, 07:09:23 PMEnd of the game, under a minute, with 51-0 lead, and backup QB called a play which was to be a run, but instead passed and TD was scored. QB felt bad after, but by that time, it was too late. Should have just kneed it. Not a good way to close out the Senior careers on both teams. I too, apologize to NPU.

Quote from: Go Thunder on November 16, 2013, 08:41:23 PM
As a Wheaton fan that is not something I support.  The description of coach Swider after the play was that he was not happy with the play and walked over to talk  with the offensive coordinator. 
As a Wheaton fan for whatever its worth I would like to say I'm sorry and its not an action I support.

Thank you, gentlemen. I appreciate that.

I have no dog in this scuffle, and, well, let's just say that I don't make a habit of defending the Wheaties.

What happened was absolutely egregious, but from my perspective, this is a bit hard on Coach Swider.  Words matter, of course, but I take "I didn't make the call" as synonymous with "That shouldn't have happened and it won't happen again."  Would it have been better if he owned it?  Sure, but nothing he said in the 30 seconds immediately after a game would cause the steam rising from Coach Conway's ears to dissipate.  From your account, it's not as though he suggested the late twist of the knife was warranted.

If he had a track record of running up the score late, or didn't acknowledge how unsportsmanlike this was, it would be a different story.  Remember, he'd had approximately two minutes to internalize what happened and decide what to say.  Yes, coaches get paid to make split-second decisions, but for most of those you get to think about your options in advance.  I suspect he was as blindsided by this as anyone other than the knucklehead who decided it was a good idea.

I think everyone who knows Mike Swider, understands this was never the intent. If that were the case, the score would have been 82-0. Yet, only one score took place in this 30 minutes of football outside of this mistake. Senior Roberts took himself out of the game, so others could get in.
What took this ending emotional event to another level, was what I saw walking behind the stadium as NPU coaches quickly exited their box. One NPU Asst made a very vocal display of profanities to WC coaches and complete disregard for any composer. IMO, this egged on a couple NPU fans who began a loud verbal display of foolishness. This continued as both teams circled up with their families. In fact, as families finally began to leave, one of these guys, hung around just to make sure he got in a few more as the final players and coaches made there way to the bus.
I apologized to the entire NPU family, but I think this kind of display from this NPU Asst Coach lead to much of the after game drama.
Quote from: thunder38 on November 16, 2013, 02:24:50 PM
Congratulations to Jordan Roberts who just became the fifth quarterback in Wheaton history to throw for 6,000 yards in his career.

Interesting tidbit on this: Roberts passed Tim Hardy for 5th in career passing. Coach Hardy was the the OC, that recruited Roberts and was the key reason to the QB chosing Wheaton. Hardy left right after to take a Head Coach position in Georgia.
Quote from: Kovo on November 16, 2013, 06:57:25 PM
Quote from: CardinalAlum on November 16, 2013, 06:41:38 PM
Quote from: USee on November 16, 2013, 06:24:34 PM
Embarrassed to be a Wheaton alum today for the first time in a long time.  Though one play does not a classless program make, Wheaton was flat out wrong for what happened at end of the game at NPU.  Apologies from this poster to NPU fans.


Sager knows but he ain't tellin'!!

End of the game, under a minute, with 51-0 lead, and backup QB called a play which was to be a run, but instead passed and TD was scored. QB felt bad after, but by that time, it was too late. Should have just kneed it. Not a good way to close out the Senior careers on both teams. I too, apologize to NPU.
Quote from: USee on November 15, 2013, 06:29:33 PM
I do know that Wheaton absolutely needs Albion to beat Hope as that puts Albion in the final RR (most likely) and gives Wheaton a win vs a regionally ranked opponent. Wheaton will have a pretty strong strength of schedule (SOS) number already but they still need a lot of help and luck to have any chance tomorrow. I think it was far more probable for Wheaton last year than it is this year.

Wow, after going over to the pool C board and then reading this, it's clear I haven't the foggiest idea how this committee chooses who's in and out. Guess with this senior class at Wheaton, the lose of many staters, and their miss last year, it'd be nice to see the season extended.
Quote from: USee on November 15, 2013, 04:24:50 PM
Wheaton fans don't want IWU to lose to Elmhurst as they would not be ranked ahead of IWU in regional rankings due to the HTH loss. Albion beating Hope (very possible) and Depauw beating Wabash (highly unlikely) would put Wheaton at the table during the selection process and give them a prayer.

Also, to Wally's post. Wheaton was actually a pool C in 2010 and put into the West bracket. They hosted undefeated Coe as a 4 vs 5 matchup and then when #7 Bethel knocked off then #2 seed, they hosted the round 2 game vs Bethel.  IWU could easily be put into a similar bracket, though less likely because of how far south they are. And last year NCC was in the west bracket with Linfield, et al.

Thank you.
Not sure what tomorrow will bring, but the chance for the Thunder to sneak in seems a real possibility. After reading all the comments on the impact games/ scenarios, I'm cheering for Hope, Depauw, and maybe EC? Not sure how IWU loss is not good for WC?
Is there any other games which gives favor to Wheaton getting the nod from the selection committee?
Seems like Wheaton may be out in many a minds here. Just for the sake of giving some "Prayer" into this scenario.  Is there a chance the Thunder sneak in with a Wabash loss to Depauw, a Albion loss to Hope, and of course a IWU loss just makes it a slight slight possibility. The first two more than the third.  Well, that's the prayer.
Quote from: USee on November 11, 2013, 02:49:45 PM
Quote from: 321GO on November 11, 2013, 02:36:53 PM
First, I apologize to those who took offense to my post. It came across harsh. Congrats to NCC, for doing what WHEATON has failed to do, again.

Spencer Stanek has performed like a champion, and I wasn't taking away from anything what he has done.

Some of the recent posts seem to spell out the frustration of Wheaton football over the past few years,

If your goal is not 10-0 like NCC and playing in Salem, Va. in December, then what are you looking for? Referring to the goal being winning the Bell?

I plugged your post into Google translator but got a "translation failed" message. Sorry, you will have to try this again in plain english please.

Try it again, as I'm not sure what you are referring to, but your sarcasm is taken.

Sounds like this "CCIW open board" is not for everyone, just those who choose to feel that anyone new here is not welcome to comment, whether they have their facts right or not.  I would suggest, unless you've played on the field, been part of a national championship program, and/ or coached at this level, don't always assume others don't know what they are talking about.  (Sorry for any typos or grammatical errors)
First, I apologize to those who took offense to my post. It came across harsh. Congrats to NCC, for doing what WHEATON has failed to do, again. To Spencer Stanek, my apology to you as you have performed like a champion, and I wasn't taking away from anything you have done.
Secondly, some of these post seem to spell out the frustration of Wheaton football over the past 5years. I don't think highlighting a coaches career record allows for stating on. If your not looking at 10-0 (like NCC) and Salem in December, then what are you looking for?
Maybe I'm missing something here? I guess I'm not the only one scratching their head after Saturday...
Quote from: matblake on November 09, 2013, 04:44:58 PM
Awesome job by North Central.  Enjoy the one year rental of the Bell! ;D

Kudos to the Cardinals.  They controlled the second half.  Good luck in the playoffs.

Wheaton again could not get off the field on 3rd and Long situations, especially in the second half.  Stanek is as advertised.  I wouldn't be surprised if he got his 4th player of the week. 

Wheaton just didn't have the horses.  North Central controlled the game. 

Was annoyed at the last touchdown because it made iwu70 prediction correct.   ;)  I'm sure the Green Fans are relieved.

Wondering if you can still consider Wheaton as part of the national picture year after year.  They haven't been to the playoffs since 2010.

IMHO, Wheaton is where they are because of career ending injuries to key players and a mess in trying to execute. Take away NCC #1s top 4 WR and RB and see if Stanek has the same year? I doubt it.  The Wheaton offense struggled to keep things organized. Coaching was questioned repeatedly, and bottom line is players need to learn how to do their job before they very show up for Spring ball. Off season is where strength and skills are made. The skill positions need to get this in engrained. Season injuries, poor execution, and discipline issues (penalties), caused each down to be one where you never knew if they were going to go forward or backward. BTW, comparing Roberts to Stanek in anyway is for fools. He showed up, played, never took a play off, and left it on the field every day. Hopefully his final college game will be one where let him finish on a high note.
Seems if a Wheaton plans on making anything happen this season, players have to show up. They lose of Hiben which is huge, and injuries to WR Roberts and Houck doesn't help. Now today, Velling and Kemp didn't play. Last time I check, it takes 11 guys playing for 60 minutes. Solid O-line means pound the rock, cause that seems to be the only thing showing up.