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Messages - stafford

Fishing for info again. Just general information. This time asking about Ferrum? Baseball-Football, the school in general?

We have been to and seen the following: NC Wesleyan, Greensboro, Piedmont, and Methodist. Pretty much getting a feel for the USA South. So, it's time to ask about Ferrum.

Anything anyone can provide would be helpful.
Quote from: narch on March 02, 2014, 08:11:32 AM
Quote from: stafford on February 28, 2014, 03:01:04 PM
Does anyone have any info on Greensboro College? Specifically baseball, but also football and the college in general?
i would encourage you to visit gc along with some of the other schools in the conference (specifically mu :)) and decide for yourself if it is a good fit for you/your son/whoever it may be you are inquiring for - they are behind most of the conference from an athletic facilities standpoint and have had lots of turnover in the athletic department over the last few years, but that doesn't mean it's not the right fit

on the field, i can't remember the last time they were a real threat in the conference from a baseball standpoint and they've only had a winning record in the conference in football twice and they've never been above .500 (although they did play mu VERY tough in football this year)

Thanks for that info. We kind of visited GC one day when we were in Greensboro. We tried to drive around campus and look around, but it was fall move-in day and and it was terribly crowded and some of the streets were blocked off. We took a quick drive through and went to find the baseball field at the rec center 15 minutes away. Of course, we had to drive right by Guilford College on our way to see where Greensboro College plays baseball. So, we drove through Guilford's campus. Guilford is a very nice campus with very nice facilities - top notch for any level.

On the plus side, we know of a local kid who went to Greensboro College for baseball and is getting playing time as a freshman. But they don't seem to be winning much.
Does anyone have any info on Greensboro College? Specifically baseball, but also football and the college in general?
Did anyone watch the college games on MLB network on Sunday afternoon? University of New Orleans vs. Southern and LSU vs. Grambling. There were several pitchers from UNO, Southern and Grambling sitting in the low 80's. Aside from pitching, Southern looked particularly bad. Multiple base running blunders and poor outfield play despite tons of speed on the bases and in the outfield.

For those of you who are knowldegeable, how would good D3 teams stack up against lower level D1 teams like UNO, Southern, and Grambling?
General football / Re: National Signing Day
February 14, 2014, 03:11:34 PM
Followed through the process with 2 schools so far, one a D2 and one a D3. The D3 ended up being slightly less expensive.

Now, if the D2 had offered a small athletic scholarship on top of the merit scholarships, then maybe the D2 would have been equal or just slightly more cost effective. But they didn't offer, so it was a walk-on opportunity for son at the D2

If son retakes the SAT and scores just a little higher, then the D3 will greatly increase their merit offer to the point that the D2 won't even be in the same conversation cost wise. The D3 will be the greater value. If son is seriously interested in the D3, then he'll be signing up to re-take.
General football / National Signing Day
February 05, 2014, 12:30:55 PM
Just saw that one of our local kids signed with a D3 today. The high school athletic department twitter feed followed all the kids who were signing. One was D1 and the others were D2. Then I noticed the D3 and wondered what it is that he was signing?

I was under the impression that there was no NLI for D3 or NAIA. 
What's the word on Peace baseball? I see they're starting a program this season.
General football / Re: Recruiting questions
January 30, 2014, 12:33:13 PM
Kind of what I figured. Receiving 0 response is fine. That's a clear message. However, when contact is initiated with athletics, and the response is only from admissions, it sends a mixed message.
General football / Re: Recruiting questions
January 30, 2014, 08:59:41 AM
Here are some other questions related to D3 recruiting:

Son identified several D3 schools and filled out their online questionnaires. He followed up with a direct email which included his video link. The responses were varied:

1. No response
2. Email from coach: Please apply, send transcripts and scores, complete FAFSA, and notify me when you are accepted.
3. Email from coaching staff to come for one of the athletic visitation days.

But the most common thing was this: no response directly from athletics. Meaning nothing came back from a coach. Instead, son was hit with emails and regular mail from admissions. So, the athletic recruiting questionnaire or the email generated a response from the college, but not necessarily from the coaching staff. And that is the confusing thing. How do you take that?

General football / Re: Recruiting questions
January 27, 2014, 08:38:01 AM
Once a decision has been made, I'll note which school. But at this point, it's probably better to keep potential choices under wraps. Heck, he may not even play in college, and if so, he'll go to a larger public institution.

In any event, I was well pleased with this school, and how they handled the visit.
2014 son emailed out some video links to several schools, including Averett, in late October. Didn't get any response from Averett, but no big deal. Late in December he received a personalized form letter announcing the coaching change, but assuring him that they were still interested. Hum.... didn't know they were interested at all.
General football / Re: Recruiting questions
January 23, 2014, 12:17:33 PM
I guess we'll know at some point. We're waiting on an estimate from a couple of schools, and as far as financially, we'll have a better idea. Unfortunately, I don't know if that means he will be any closer to deciding. While he liked the D3 school we visited, I don't think he's just dying to go play there. It's a maybe.

We also have a local school that has entered into the process from the baseball side, but, he's never considered this college because it is only 10 minutes from home.

He has been accepted at a public institution, so he has a fall back plan if he decides not to play in college.
General football / Re: Recruiting questions
January 22, 2014, 11:35:58 AM
If I had to guess, I would say it was admissions driven. It was probably just a phone call after we arrived on campus to the football staff that said, hey, there's a kid here who is interested in football, can you send someone over? I was glad they made the effort regardless of how it all came about.

It was a good visit and every thing was positive from my standpoint as a father.
General football / Re: Recruiting questions
January 22, 2014, 10:15:43 AM
It was very strange in a way. Son had sent the recruiting coordinator an email with his video link late in the fall. He started receiving regular email updates on their mailing list after that point. He had also had some email contact with the baseball coach so we scheduled the visit. On the form, you could request to meet with coaches so he selected both football and baseball.

Admissions replied back that they had the tour set up and he would meet with baseball but that football usually scheduled their own visits. O.K. no problem, we'll come to see the school, meet with baseball, and look around the football facilities on our own. Admissions said they would check with football to see if they could meet.

Upon arrival, we were told they had not heard back from football. Again, no problem, we'll be happy to meet with baseball. Did the tour, came back to admissions and four football coaches walked in and introduced themselves. Said after we met with baseball to come down and meet with them. O.K., so that's what we did.

Baseball knew we were coming, had us on the calendar, and has had contact with his baseball travel coach and had encouraged him to come and visit. It was a positive meeting, but they way they left things were... we hope to see you in the fall. Basically, if you show up and try out, you either make the varsity or j.v. squad in the spring. Pretty cut and dry. Also said no problem if he wanted to do both sports, but didn't really encourage it.

Football was, in fact, the same way. You show up and either make the varisty or j.v. team in the fall. However, they didn't seem to know he was coming for the visit or even know who he was, even though he was on their email list???? But the way they wrapped up was completely different. Said a football recruiter would visit his high school and meet with him and they would follow up weekly with mail and phone calls.

Just kind of odd I thought.

General football / Recruiting questions
January 22, 2014, 08:33:16 AM
Visited a D3 school with my son recently. Went for the campus tour, admissions informational session, etc... Really, just went to see the school. On the visit form, checked the box to meet with a coach.

In the admissions office, some of the coaches dropped by and said hello and told us we would meet with them after the tour. Saw the facilities, talked with the OC, etc.. Nice visit. This visit was initiated by us, but it now seems as if my son is on their radar by making contact with them first. I'm aware of enrollment driven programs, but, I've got a couple of general questions:

1. Do D3's usually get recruits as a result of the player expressing interest?
2. Do D3's usually wait until NLI's are signed at D2's and D1's in February to get serious about talking to players?