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Messages - zman

Just so there is no misunderstanding, I have absolutely no issue with this player winning the G-award.  He's a fablulous talent and probably deserves it. More power to him.  I suppose I was merely venting, based on a long history of hearing gripes about DI transfers.  I understand the nature of the gripes and in some ways don't disagree with the issues raised.  I just find it ironic that the same level of scrutiny and criticism isn't applied across the board.  I have some theories as to why that is, but this is NOT a site for political/sociological rantings.

There is no rule about DI transfers being ineligible to win the G-award nor should there be such a prohibition.
Hmm....if the headline on the front page of the DIII site is true, then it's time to wonder:

I wonder how much moral outrage there would be if a DI transfer from Rowan was winning the G-award? 

Of course, considering the fact that when Linfield won the championship last year (which they earned and deserved) with a good number of DI'ers and the story line read like a fairy tale then I shouldn't be surprised at the lack of tsk tsking over the G-award going to a...ah...gulp....heaven forbid....a DI TRANSFER.

The irony is, RU seems to have less transfers than most teams now.  Regardless, I hope this puts to rest the issue of transfers, once and for all.

Let's get on to more relevant LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIPS.   ;)

Warren NEVER kisses and tells....too much of a gentleman to do otherwise. ;D

No need to apologize...I don't think these drunken knuckleheads represented the MU crowd at all.  In fact, my wife commented as recently as last night to someone who asked about the game that these morons would last 2 minutes over in the MU home side because the fans there wouldn't stand for that kind of stuff.  It just seems to be the sign of the times, and we see it more and more.  Alcohol has a bit to do with it.  ;)


Amen brother.


As always, it was great to see you out there.  I agree with your comments 100% about the RU effort...I kept waiting for the D to get worn down...but they didn't.  Truly a gutsy effort.

And while I, too, enjoyed most of the MU fans, regrettably there was a group of MU students sitting near our section who were obviously drunk and who felt it more fitting to taunt and heckle the RU fans rather than watch the game.  This was constant, seemingly lasting the entire game.  Most of the group I was with were parents and non-students.  It was annoying, to say the least.  I suppose that was their intent, but I just don't get it.  I thought Mrs. Z was going to go upside one guy's head....but her fatal vision stare did the trick.  Don't wanna mess with a Jersey girl.   ;D

The MU defense wasn't too shabby either.  ;)

And Coach K is a class act as well.  In this day and age, that's a refreshing change...regrettably.
I'm still beat from the 7 + hr. ride  back, so I may have more to write later.   Let me simply state that I have never felt so proud of an RU team...albeit in defeat...than I am now.  Unless you were there, you can't imagine the pressure the defense was under all game, particularly early on.  And while the RU offense didn't play well, in all candor, I think the MU defense had the most to do with that.  I've seen every RU/MU game, and the MU defensive unit yesterday might have been their best.

Losing is lousy...but I am buzzed with pride over what I would characterize as a tremendous effort.  Both teams..players and coaches...deserve a ton of credit.

Thanks, RU, for a great season, under some pretty tough conditions.
To all:

Mrs. Zman and I are heading out tomorrow to your lovely university...I've seen every RU/MU game...the thrill of victory (1), the agony of defeat (3).  But they've always been interesting.  We enjoyed our visit in '99, and I know we will enjoy this time as well...regardless of the outcome.  MU has a great program, coaches, team (again)  And so do we.

Safe travels to all.


I'd be angry if I wasn't laughing so hard.

In truth, in 1999 I referred to the Owl as the old in, "Streak Over Baby!"   ;D
Reality Check:

Oh YEAH??? Well....ah...hmm...

Good one.  ;)
Wrighthall whatever:

Oh really?  It was the CLOCK OPERATOR? Hmm...I believe you're right.  But you know, up until now,  nobody seemed to know just WHAT happened.  We've heard clock malfunction....loose wire...all the jumping around in the booth.  It's good to know that it was actually the operator who deliberately stopped the clock at 1 second rather than allow it to expire.  You should've brought Homer up to Wesley so he could've stopped the clock right after the opening kickoff.

Yup...still pissed about that little misadventure.

If Homer lived in Jersey, he'd have a horse's head in his bed.

At least in New Jersey we have clocks that work.
Geez....for a moment there I thought I was eavesdropping on a conversation between Alan Greenspan and Lou Dobbs. When did DIII football turn into C-Span???   ;D


Hey JT....Phil IS  a dinosaur.  But a nice one.
Hey Warren, who you callin' a "prelate?"  The last time I had thoughts of prelations was over 3 years ago, so I'm covered.

I can assure you all.....Pope Z  would be very convincing...I'd make 'em an offer they couldn't refuse.

Bless you my son.... ;D