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Messages - Hawkview

Quote from: PauldingLightUP on January 30, 2025, 09:43:51 PMVery ominous to quit on your teammates with six regular season games to go. Barker very quietly in my opinion got to 1000 points at the end of the Warhawks game against Eau Claire on the 18th.

It is my understanding that Jameer did not quit, he was cut. I don't know why he was cut, but in fairness to him I thought it important to let people know he did not quit on his team.
I would like to report that Bleed is fine and totally focused on the next game
Quote from: stoutguy on March 02, 2015, 07:48:56 PM
Quote from: bleedpurple on March 01, 2015, 07:40:28 PM
Quote from: Hoops_n_Golf on March 01, 2015, 06:00:53 PM
Quote from: stoutguy on March 01, 2015, 10:33:16 AM
Quote from: AppletonRocks on February 28, 2015, 09:34:15 PM
Whitewater handled the Titans today.  Glad to see the Phi Betta Kappa guys from Whitewater could get out of the library to shout rude things at the Oshkosh fans.  Interesting that with a 17 point lead Pat Miller works the refs to get a Technical foul, one of three the Warhawks had today.  Might want to have a sportsmanship refresher if they host in NCAA tournament there.  >:(

Congrates to WW.  Your program just continues to amaze me.  I will be hoping for another national championship.   But I have to wonder after watching Pat from close range for all these years, why people are so afraid to call it like it is and say that his behavior on the sidelines is way over the top.  After the game, during interviews, during the week, and in any situation that I have spoken with him he has been professional, friendly, and classy.  On the sideline during the game is a whole different story.  The number of stories are endless.  Now I expect to be ripped for suggesting anything remotely negative about WW, but go for it.  I am old and have thick skin.  Besides, I don't live for karma points.

HOW DARE YOU!!!! You're a former coach by your own admission. THere are plenty of detractors. How dare you criticize a coach. Un-believable!

Touche'. Big time touche'.  Although I don't know the facts at all regarding the Stout coach and your earlier comments, your strong comments about Stout's coach were far more harsh than we are used to on this board. As such, I didn't really like those comments. But this is one of those message board moments that I like to acknowledge. Your eyes must have gotten pretty big when you saw this post of Stoutguy. Well done.

"Touche'.  Big time touche".  Really, BleedPurple?  I wasn't going to respond and I promise to let this thing go right now, but I need to point out that I am offended that you are putting my reaction to Pat's sideline antics on the same level with Hoops and Golf's attack of Ed Andrist.  When I reacted to Pat's sideline behavior I also used the words, "classy, friendly, and professional" when discussing my opinion of Pat Miller.  As a matter of fact, if you ever talk to Pat why don't you bring this topic up and feel free to mention me in your discussion.  I have the utmost resect for Pat Miller and I think he knows that.  I just don't like his sideline antics and I stand by that.  End of discussion.  Good luck to both SP and WW in the tournament.  Both first class programs that the entire WIAC can be proud of.

I'm not real sure what you are referring to when mentioning coach Miller's sideline antics.  Can you be more specific?  Were you referring to the passion with which he coaches? Or, the fact that he correctly points out the blatant missed calls or incorrect calls?  Or, the fact that he has an obligation to protect his players (not to mention the other team's players) from injury when the officials get too lazy at the end of lopsided games to make a call?  If you are going to label Coach Miller's behavior as "over the top," how would you describe the behavior of the officials?   IMO, the officiating in this conference is poor at best, and, sadly, is not on a par with the quality of basketball played in this conference.

Pat's success is a result of his long-term  commitment to excellence.  He demands excellence from himself, his staff, and his players. And he has a right to expect a certain level of professionalism and excellence from the officials calling the games.  After so many years of witnessing blatantly poor performances by the officials, I can understand  Pat's attempts to work the officials. In no way am I suggesting that the poor officiating is one way.  There have been plenty of bad calls made against all the conference teams. That being said, I do feel that, in part, due to the success at Whitewater, that the 'Hawks have a "target" on their backs, not only by other teams but also some of the officials. I believe that some of the exchanges Pat has had with officials is due to their own  insecurities with their ability to properly call a game.  And I have watched other coaches work the officials as intently as Pat, sometimes even more intently, without being assessed technicals. 

I doubt that the officiating is going to improve anytime soon in the WIAC, but I would hope before you publically label a coach's sideline "antics" as "over the top," you would take a step back and look at the bigger picture.  By your own admission you have stated that, in your personal experience with Pat, he has always been professional and classy. If that is your experience, why wouldn't you consider the possibility that Pat's sideline responses are appropriate and merited?