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Messages - WooClone15

Quote from: ohiofan1954 on October 29, 2017, 07:58:11 AM
Denison at Wooster should be fun next week. Might be 100 points scored in that game, without ot.
Yeah, I'm excited for that one. Wooster has had a much better season than I was expecting and hopefully that continues Saturday
Quote from: BashDad on September 29, 2017, 07:24:45 PM
A final irrefutable point (re: "class-neutral") before I take my bag of irrefutable points and go about my evening:

Not displaying class is the lack of class necessary for accusing the classless of being so.

[mushroom cloud emoji]
yep, sure...ok  ::)
Quote from: sigma one on September 29, 2017, 05:33:33 PM
Back, at least for the moment, to regularly-scheduled programming.
     What is the formula for Wooster to beat Wabash (the pick ems board has Wabash 12-2)?   
     I've been impressed with the Wooster offense, and with Muntean.  So, stop the run; stop the run; stop the run.  Don't let Wabash grind out long possession.  Play mistake free.  All this is obvious. 
     I worry that Wabash can't throw the ball, making a distinction between doesn't (won't) throw the ball and the inability to throw the ball, especially down the field. 
     This is a game where Woo is good enough that being one dimensional won't win the game.  This game will be a barometer for the rest of the season for the LGs.  Lose here, and, well . . .what's coming with Denison, and Witt, and DPU is more than difficult. 
     Tomorrow will tell the story of whether the HC and OC can put together a plan that works.  Relying only on the defense against Wooster's balanced offense is a dangerous play.  The Scots' defense has been vulnerable, so if the LGs can't put enough points on the board, it will be tough sledding in October and November.
I think this is a huge game for Wooster too. I think we can beat Hiram, Kenyon, and Oberlin, but I'm not optimistic about Denison and Witt. That leaves the game tomorrow. I'm encouraged because our offense seems to be better than expected, our strength is passing so we can score quicker, and at least so far, our run defense seems to be better than our pass defense, which may help us against Wabash. However, I'm concerned for tomorrow because of our lack of a running game against Depauw. If we get ahead, but can't drain the clock, that could be an issue. Just like it might be an issue if we go down and become one dimensional. I'm hopeful for tomorrow, and I think we could win, but it'll be an upset
Quote from: BashDad on September 29, 2017, 04:33:26 PM
Having class includes weak-ass sizzles of scrawny dudes mean-mugging, self celebrating, and claiming imminent victory (and he used the word "dub!")? Posted on the friday night before a game?


I mean -- if it was dope, I wouldn't care if it was classless. But it's not. It's just... it's awful. It's the worst football "pump up video" I've ever seen in my whole life.  It opens with pull ups. Skinny dudes struggling to do pull ups. Like -- the pull-ups look difficult. They shouldn't be ashamed, they should be humiliated.
I don't think it's great, but it's fine. Especially for d-3. And I think it's class-neutral; I don't think it's classy, but I also don't think it shows a lack of class.
Quote from: BashDad on September 29, 2017, 04:35:54 PM
Quote from: WooClone15 on September 29, 2017, 03:59:27 PM
So are there posts which are being deleted, or you are just talking to yourself, Bashdad? Because you're giving off a real "mentally unstable guy talking to himself" vibe.

Did you see what he ****ing said to you? Are you reading this ****?

Who is "he" and who is "you" in this post? Are you talking to yourself about what I said, or are you asking me about my opinion of what the DePauw players said in the video. Like I said, I didn't see anything outrageous in the video. I also don't think they were talking to me (a Wooster Alum), I think they were talking to OWU (and who calls it Oh-Woo?).

I just think it's hilarious how seriously you're taking this video. Of course, maybe part of that is because you're kind of melting down about the season and are worried about losing the Monon Bell for the second straight year?
Quote from: Pat Coleman on September 29, 2017, 03:12:10 PM
Which of the six posts of yours on this page are we talking about?

Quote from: BashDad on September 29, 2017, 03:11:03 PM
Seriously, is that The Best Message Board Post of all time?

We should get the bell back for that post.

No idea, but it's obviously not any of his posts. They're more sad than anything else
So are there posts which are being deleted, or you are just talking to yourself, Bashdad? Because you're giving off a real "mentally unstable guy talking to himself" vibe. Also, how is it a dick move or classless? It's just a pump up video
Well crap, Wooster just couldn't do it today. Still, I'm definitely happy w/ 3-1 at this point
Quote from: emma17 on September 22, 2017, 12:13:13 PM
I don't know your family situation, so I'll use mine. I have three kids in college. Although none of them play football, if any one of them were treated in the way the victim reportedly was treated by five football players, there is no way on this planet I would have silently waited for DuPage to clear its schedule while all five were allowed to play football in 2017 AND 2016.

Unless of course, I had reason to believe justice was served prior to the 2016 season.
That's fine; you could have gone public with what happened, but I don't think you can say the parents would have acted the same way you would have. Therefore, I don't think the fact that they haven't spoken out means it is more likely that there was some kind of agreement.

Quote from: emma17 on September 22, 2017, 10:48:24 AM
Quote from: wally_wabash on September 22, 2017, 09:04:18 AM
Quote from: emma17 on September 22, 2017, 02:58:24 AM
I ask this because I wonder if the victim and family didn't enter into an agreement with Wheaton College last year for this matter to be put to bed, only to now have a change of heart for some reason.

I don't get why you think that this hypothetical agreement happened so matter-of-factly.  Wheaton entering into some kind of backroom handshake deal to keep the whole thing quiet makes all of it infinitely worse, doesn't it?  Why would they (Wheaton) want to do that?  There is no upside to that play.

I'm not sure if this is a serious question but I'll answer.
1. The reason I think there is a good chance an agreement of some sort was reached last year is because the length of time that has passed beteeen the event and the charges being brought. I feel it's a more likely explanation than the idea that DuPage was just too busy to devote full resources immediately.
2. Companies and individuals all across this planet, probably since man first walked it, have looked for a cooperative resolution of matters (i.e. agreement) to avoid court involvement (several on this board can quote the scripture that applies). What you refer to in a negative way as a "backroom handshake deal" is actually how the overwhelming majority of disputes are handled. I realize this applies more often to civil cases, but rest assured agreements are made all of the time that involve assurances of privacy about events that one party or the other want to keep out of the public.
I disagree; it's possible, but I think it's less likely. I worked at a prosecutor's office this summer (in a much smaller county than DuPage), and there was still a lot of prioritizing more immediate concerns over those which could wait. And this case could definitely wait. First, like others have mentioned, it would take a while to get all the evidence. In addition, there really isn't a strong incentive to move this one through quickly. The athletes weren't really threats to anyone else, so the public really isn't in any danger. The kid left the next day and is far away so he isn't in danger. The students haven't been arrested, which means you don't have to get a complaint out quickly to protect their rights. They're students, so they really aren't going anywhere, and even if they did, it's a felony, so you'd be able to extradite them back to Illinois. All of these factors would contribute to not making this a priority.

In addition to that, even if the kid did wait to report it, I'd say its just as likely that he didn't report it out of a sense of embarrassment than out of a backroom deal. I could see not wanting to tell the police what happened to you because you found it humiliating (in a similar vein as to why sometimes sexual assault victims don't want to come forward.) And why would Wheaton or the parents offer a backroom deal? If you do, and the kid ends up going to the police, that's going to look really bad in Court for the defendants and the school. Is it possible that there was a backroom deal? Of course, but at this point I don't think you can say that it's more likely.
So I'll see if I can find the source again, but I had heard that Wooster was going to play the first down against Depauw with only 10 men in memory of Clayton Geib. I'm assuming they mean first down on offense since he was on the offensive line, but I guess it could be on defense if Depauw receives to start the game
Quote from: Go Thunder on September 20, 2017, 05:37:58 PM
Quote from: WooClone15 on September 20, 2017, 05:31:58 PM
Quote from: smedindy on September 20, 2017, 05:20:40 PM
How in the holy heck are we persecuting Christians as a group, much less Wheaton? Ye Gods!
Because we dare to question/criticize Wheaton's handling of this. Obviously that means we're persecuting them /s

Impossible to even begin to understand the Word of God unless you are a possessor of the holy spirit and not just a claimer.
You got me, Go Thunder. Since I don't follow the same creed as you, kowtow before Wheaton, and make large showy displays of faith I'm obviously not a true Christian
Quote from: smedindy on September 20, 2017, 05:20:40 PM
How in the holy heck are we persecuting Christians as a group, much less Wheaton? Ye Gods!
Because we dare to question/criticize Wheaton's handling of this. Obviously that means we're persecuting them /s
Quote from: Ryan Stoppable on September 20, 2017, 04:37:14 PM
Quote from: Kovo on September 20, 2017, 04:11:39 PM
And, at least in Florida, that is the standard for sending a case to the jury for consideration---that is, on viewing the evidence----can reasonable minds differ?

Obviously, we don't know the evidence, but yes---sometimes reasonable minds differ, and not because they have a motive or agenda, they just draw  different conclusions based on the facts presented.

Absolutely it should go to a jury at this point.

Eh, I wouldn't say should. If the DA has them dead to rights and their attorneys can get them good deals (especially what Lil' Giant's talking about) then they probably just accept those instead of going through the ordeal of a trial
Quote from: wabco on September 20, 2017, 09:49:39 AM
What is this with Wheaton?  I might expect something like this from some of the renegade out of control D 1 teams/schools ... but Wheaton?  And it occurred in 2016 and some of the players/miscreants are charged with felonies but played last weekend?  All the while Wheaton higher up/leadership are "investigating" ?  My personal view ... this is a smelly non-leader D 1 type cover ... not one expected from a school like Wheaton.  Have national rankings run amok as well in D 3 ... sad. 

I suspect I will receive chastisement for posting this but how could this go so wrong?
Yeah, that's what it looks like to me too. There's been a lot of conversation about it on the CCIW page (starting on 2303). Someone (I can't remember who and don't want to go back and find it) said they may have been suspended for one game at the start of last season. But is the allegations and Wheaton's response are true, a one game suspension, 50 hours of community service, and an 8 page paper is no where close to being enough
Quote from: USee on September 20, 2017, 12:08:07 AM
Quote from: emma17 on September 19, 2017, 09:46:22 PM
The injury thing is another stumper to me. Shoulder surgery on both shoulders due to the incident?
I'm no attorney but I do play in the world of insurance. When is the last time you visited a doctor for an injury without your insurance company asking if another party was at fault? If an insurance carrier had to pay the bill, they would look to subrogate. Certainly the victim wouldn't have picked up the deductible and coinsurance- someone had to pay the bill.

Or maybe the family found a friendly D.A. that wants another notch in his belt and could help them get a settlement to pay some bills?
You'll need to explain this to me, how is the DA going to help them get a settlement? Those are two completely different types of cases