1999 St. Lawrence - Hands down the best team in Division III history. I'm surprised more people are not talking about that group. They were incredible. Player for player there has never been a better team assembled in Division III history. There were 8-9 professionals that came out of that group. Danny Annan, Ali Montacer, Jamal Ballantyne, Scott Dulay, Ryan Carruth, Nick Hillary, Allan Maragh, Brendan Murphy, Eric Harms. These guys were unreal.
You can put 1999 St. Lawrence into it's own category, and then talk about who might be the second best team of all time, but there has never been a DIII team even close to that 1999 SLU team.
You can put 1999 St. Lawrence into it's own category, and then talk about who might be the second best team of all time, but there has never been a DIII team even close to that 1999 SLU team.