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Messages - Go Cards

Quote from: BigPoppa on May 24, 2017, 12:54:01 PM
Always interesting to see the differences between the D3Baseball All-Region teams and the ABCA All-Region teams.

From looking at CCIW players and the difference it sure looks like Sotiros from NCC got the shaft by the ABCA.  His stats overall look better than the 2 placed above him and yet the same three players were selected by D3Baseball but in different order. 
Central Region / Re: CCIW's All-Program teams?
June 28, 2016, 12:37:42 PM
North Central College

I went a little deeper listing the year and several players who have had highest awards bestowed upon them at NCC by position (and highest award for that year i.e. if All-American didn't list the assumed All-Region, etc.)  Perhaps will spur even further good conversation of comparisons for fun.  Regardless kudos to all listed.

1B Nick Sotiros 3rd Team All-American 16 (still active), Todd Trunk 2nd Team All-Region 96, Kevin Hennessy 3rd Team 13

2B Vito DeRango 2nd Team All-Region 15,

3B Jerry Pietryk 2nd Team All-American 89, Bill Judge 2nd Team All-American 92, Sam Klein 2nd Team All-Region 14 & 15,

SS Rich Ochenkowski 2nd Team All-Region 05, Nick Robinson 2nd Team All-Region 10,

C Michael Corrigan 2nd Team All-Region 09 &10 & 11, Dan Grimm 1st Team All-Region 99 2nd Team All-Region 97 & 98, Zach Ernst 3rd Team All-Region 08, Chris Hill 2md Tea, All-Region 16 (still active)

OF Ken Ritter 1st Team All-American 86 & 88, 2nd Team All-American 87, 1988 D3 Player of the Year

OF Tim Ehlebracht 2nd Team All-American 79, Chris Glanz 1st Team All-Region 97, Matt Abraham 3rd Team All-Region 08

OF Craig Stefan 2nd Team All-American 85, Mario Gianfortune 3rd Team All-American 02,

UTIL Sean Delaney 1st Team All-American 92, Tim McDonough 3rd Team All-American 95, Brant Roth 3rd Team All-Region 04, Dave Hardman 3rd Team All-Region 05, Joe Turek 3rd Team All-Region 09, John Ciolkosz 1st Team All-Region 13, Joe Paparone 2nd Team All-Region 15,

P Matt Richards 2nd Team All-American 87

P Bryan Polowy 2nd Team All-American 15, Central Region Pitcher of the Year 15

P Mike Willner 2nd Team All-Region 95, Mike Kloss 3rd Team All-Region 10,

P Mark Olson 2nd Team All-Region 96, Nate Arenson 2nd Team All-Region 10,

P Joe Piekarz 2nd Team All-Region 01, Brian Nendza 2nd Team All-Region 02, Kris Singh 2nd Team All-Region 14, Ben Krusen 2nd Team All-Region 14,

Coach Ed Mathey (active), Tom Purcell
Quote from: BigPoppa on June 28, 2016, 09:10:40 AM
Fun note: Carroll University Head Coach, Stein Rear, began his playing career at Carthage before moving closer to home at Whitewater.

How do we see Carroll stacking up in the CCIW in 2017? There is quite a jump from the MWC to the CCIW and Carroll was a middle of the pack MWC program.

I know Coach Versnik well from Carroll and he said it will be a huge adjustment for them.  Difficult for sure especially in the first years but really a great move for Carroll getting into a tougher conference in his opinion.

Personally I think it is great that another Wisconsin team is back in.  Would be interesting to know if the CCIW is looking at adding any more teams to balance out to an even number but perhaps this is a good number for other sports such as football?

New to this board so will apologize up front if i am not doing things correctly so fill me in if that isn't the case please.

Hopefully can be a regular who will chime in on NCC baseball and CCIW baseball as well. 

Was wondering (saw some conversation in the WIAC forum) if anyone has any insight as far as recruits for next years teams yet?  Also who may be the front runners in the conference and players to watch.  Other question would be with Carroll rejoining next year creates an imbalance of odd number of teams so what will a conference schedule look like - anyone see anything yet?

I started doing some searching on which players via the web have said they are going to NCC to play baseball but waiting to see before posting any names if you all have better sites to search for information like this or if it is ever discussed on the forum.

Was a fun season and unexpected for NC this last year and i followed along on the postings but wanted to wait a while to learn and get my feet wet following along before chiming in.  North Central will have a lot to return being so young this last year but pitching is always needed.  Also the senior leadership on the team, from what i've heard and read in the articles posted by North Central was outstanding.

Seems like a lot of teams will be returning good portions of their starters as well in the conference.