Quote from: Mr.Right on November 16, 2016, 01:08:18 PM
Where are the UMB players comments? I have not heard them and do not see a link???
Here are some of the choice ones:
"Harverford, you guys are a bunch of f****ts for posting this video. just accept that you guys lost against 9 players and stop crying.
it is embarrassing that you are actually saying nobody was chanting anything racist,
tu puta madre"
"Say No to Racism at Haverford College!
It was very sad and shocking to become a witness of how strongly racism in college sports still flows thank to the families of the student athletes who managed to send their "miracles" to a college to get formal education but totally forgot to educate them culturally and teach some simple laws of civilized humanity.
To me as a person of a different generation it seems pretty wild how someone in their twenties could be so barbarian and behind the times. How it is possible that someone so young and living in such an advanced country that leads the whole modern world could still have such a medieval set of mind.
During the last Sunday game, YOU, HAVERFORD COLLEGE STUDENTS, YOU - ATHLETES' PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS and THEIR FRIENDS, wanted to humiliate the UMASS Boston team, because they looked different than you, because they played better than you! YOU shouted 'Build the wall!' and other racist and hate statements!
You were happy with every card that Boston team faced, with every inequitable judging. UMASS Boston Athletes had to play with 9 players against 11 of yours and YOU COULD NOT BREAK THEM! Now, after everything you did, sit still on you fifth point and learn how to lose honorably! YOU, who failed to raise respectable members of civilized society, sit still and think what SHAME and WORMWOOD you, and your kids are for this country!"
"Soccer is a contact sport, and everything can happen, but yes, you know better 'sofa and TV remote control experts'!"
"I know for a fact that they are playing. wbu? send me the link of your game i want to watch it online." (in response to Haverford not playing this weekend while UMB are)
"Leave your mail address and I will send you the masonry kit and a plane ticket to the border, so you could finally get up from the couch and go and build the wall you requested on Sunday. Do not thank me!"
"felixcloudy you aren't advancing to the next round. FACTS!!!!!"
"Gravitation is a powerful thing, especially if you walk your head forward, no?" (this one cracked me up because I guess they're saying that the headbutt(s) was due to a strong gravitational force on their heads!)
"Feel free to watch the game online on Saturday. They will be playing soccer while you guys are watching them. Lmao!"