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Messages - BantamMom

Quote from: Nescacman on November 07, 2018, 11:59:37 AM
Quote from: BantamMom on November 07, 2018, 09:24:59 AM
;D" ...for this pseudo NESCAC team...Hartford State...

Can I say how much I LOVE seeing this?  It gives some insight to just how much Trinity's winning ways get's under Nescacman's skin!  Keep it up, I'm eating it up with a spoon!  #JealousyLooksSoAmusingOnYou

Looked who crawled out from under a rock.... ;D

Isn't it visitation day at Hartford State???

I have been here all along, reading every day during the season.  Just HAD to log in because I loved the "pseudo NESCAC team" comment so much.  Usually I read and smile, that one actually made me laugh out loud!  On a board where your -1 karma points are worn like badges, I would have given you a +1 if I could have.  Thank you to the three people that hit me up with -1's tho :-) 
 ;D" ...for this pseudo NESCAC team...Hartford State...

Can I say how much I LOVE seeing this?  It gives some insight to just how much Trinity's winning ways get's under Nescacman's skin!  Keep it up, I'm eating it up with a spoon!  #JealousyLooksSoAmusingOnYou
Quote from: Jonny Utah on January 27, 2018, 12:41:59 PM

The roster limit would be up to the schools in the long run. The admissions office is the first and last hurdle for the most part.  Isn't the roster limit in place to keep the larger schools (Trinity and maybe Tufts) and schools with high ncaa athlete/student ratio (Williams) in check? 

Wesleyan and Middlebury are both larger schools in terms of enrollment than Trinity -
Not that it matters, but HOW did I get another -1 karma?  LOL  You don't like the TRUTH?
Quote from: FanOfNescac on November 13, 2017, 02:34:32 PM
Quote from: BantamMom on November 13, 2017, 11:33:31 AM
Quote from: nescac1 on November 13, 2017, 10:14:57 AM
if you played all those games again, the results certainly would be very different.

I would say, if you played all those games again, the results certainly COULD be very different.

Found the message left by the Wesleyan team in the Trinity visitor's locker room - you be the judge which is worse, this or the photo of the kids in front of the scoreboard...

BantanMom -- I have no dog in this fight (neither a Trinity nor Wesleyan alumnus), and I'm not even certain if that's the actual, famous, offending chalkboard (or if you just scribbled on your own chalkboard to troll NescacMan). Assuming that's the real famous, offending chalkboard, it doesn't strike me as the work of the ``Wesleyan Team.'' It looks something the last guy out the door, maybe a walk-on who hardly ever plays, might do. Or maybe a handful of people, right after the adults leave. It certainly shouldn't pass into NESCAC football lore as representative of the entire Wesleyan program. Nor should a few Trinity players posing in front of a blowout scoreboard be considered representative of the entire Trinity program. My guess is all of these teams have a few knuckleheads in their ranks, who will eventually outgrow their knuckleheaded-ness, but shouldn't be emblematic of their team or their college.

I agree completely and I think I remember that the offensive photo was taken by a Trinity player who never got in the game - yet everyone determined that "Trinity had no class" because of it.  There are bound to be at least one or two knuckleheads on every team.  As for me scribbling it on my chalkboard (who has a chalkboard anymore?) ...if only it were that easy!  I had to figure out, for the first time ever, how to access my photos in the cloud since I have replaced my old phone since.  I think Trinity 8-0 saw the photo a few years back so maybe he can attest to it's authenticity?   As for "NescacCHILD", I don't troll him and am enjoying his radio silence as he licks his wounds!   ;D
Quote from: nescac1 on November 13, 2017, 10:14:57 AM
if you played all those games again, the results certainly would be very different.

I would say, if you played all those games again, the results certainly COULD be very different.

Found the message left by the Wesleyan team in the Trinity visitor's locker room - you be the judge which is worse, this or the photo of the kids in front of the scoreboard...

Congrats to TRINITY on their championship!  If anyone knows where Nescacman lives...perhaps you should check in on him!  LOL

Another great season in the books!  Until next year people!  ciao!
Quote from: Trin8-0 on November 10, 2017, 12:19:47 PM
Quote from: middpantherpride on November 10, 2017, 11:58:55 AM
2014 was not that far away... Seem to recall some pictures from Wesleyan's locker room where they were trashing Trin on the white board after a victory against the Bants :o

I tried to find the picture of the chalkboard message left by Wesleyan but couldn't track it down. If memory serves the message said something to the effect of "6-2 You F*#$ing Losers!".
That actually took place following the 2013 game in Hartford when the Bantams throttled a previously undefeated Wes team 40-10. The last time Trinity lost at home to the Cardinals was 1998.

Yes, it was ironic that the Wesleyan players, who had just been TRAMPLED by TRINITY, were calling the Bantams F$%^&ng Losers.  Ummm if they are losers, and they just quadrupled your score, what exactly does that make you?  haha  Silly boys didn't make the connection- I guess that's why they didn't get into Trinity!   ...not smaht enough...
Quote from: Nescacman on November 10, 2017, 08:25:18 AM

Lumber, after consulting with our colleagues, we wholeheartedly accept your comparison to the late, great Howard Co-sell and are honored to be mentioned in the same breath as he. Much appreciated and honored. He was a hero to us. Thank you as well for your kind words and good luck this week as your 'Cats try to finish the year on a 3-0 run.

As an aside, we find it refreshing that what has brought this entire board together (well except for our "friends" from Hartford State), is EVERYONE'S unwavering hatred of that Team from Hartford. We find it interesting that their supporters have completely gone radio salient now that they are proven to be mere mortals, rather than some super-human Team comprised of a bunch of "Khan"-like players ("Trekkies" get the analogy). Wouldn't it be nice if they finished 2017 on a 2 game slide and Picirrilo, Breuler, Morris, Kaminski and Co. were able to take a nice scoreboard pic from the "Coop" post-game...we can only dream...

Picks due out later today...we promise some surprises for our first ever Week 9 picks!

I think Nescacman is the ONLY one on this board who truly "Hates" TRINITY - Everyone else has an actual life and can't delegate that much energy towards them.   I never posted ANYTHING in regard to the Amherst/TRINITY game because I had a bad feeling about it pre-game and and after the game I had nothing good to say about it.  They showed signs of being very beatable and were soundly outplayed.  The final score makes it sound much more evenly matched than it was.  I don't recall any TRINITY people forecasting a huge win, most of those opinions came from other people. 
It's great that the league is making Head-to-Head play the deciding factor when there is a record tie, but regardless of it being official, I do believe that given two 8-1 records, everyone would have known who the actual champs were (most of all the players).  In the end all the boys, including those at TRINITY, are getting a top grade education along with some fun playing football. 
Trin-8-0 - I truly laughed out loud at your assessment of Nescacman being a former mediocre athlete and a current jock-sniffer who was once rejected by Williams - I had a different but similar assessment :-)  Good luck to everyone tomorrow - I hope everyone plays their best football and nobody gets hurt!
TheFlock - that photo showing celebrating football players in front of a lit up scoreboard winning by 45 points is going to hurt some feelings!  LOL  jk - Congrats to all the players!
Looking forward to watching (chromecasting) a great game between Middlebury and TRINITY tomorrow!

Nescacman - really?  "a very good academic school (like any school in the NESCAC other than HS)"  - all I can say is "Botton" line is you are a poor loser and a tool. 
ENOUGH ALREADY about that pic, call a whaaambulance. 
It was stupid - now move on...that pic was NOTHING compared to the behavior of the Wesleyan team in the Trinity locker room when my son was still playing - do what Trinity did - beat them to shut them the heck up!

I hope everyone (except Nescacman) has a great weekend and enjoys some good, injury-free football in some great FALL weather (finally summer weather football seems to be ending)!
Quote from: Hamiltonian on October 22, 2017, 10:39:55 PM
Here's a perspective from a team on the short end of blowouts.  Based on my experience at the games Hamilton has played so far, I would rank the teams with the worst behavior (i.e. disrespecting and showing up the losing team, coach behavior etc.) as follows:

1.  Amherst. By far.

2.  Wesleyan.

3.  Trinity. Well below the other two.

Thank you!  My son has graduated(15), but the things the Wesleyan team wrote on the chalkboard in the visiting locker room were extremely classless.  The board was actually photographed and used for fodder the next season.. Not sure if it's still around, but I am pretty sure I have a digital copy in the cloud somewhere. 

People have to remember the depth that Trinity has on their bench - when these former high school all-stars finally get in a game they want to play hard and prove themselves so they get noticed.  It's tough to ask them to not try - and yeah, maybe they shouldn't score, but when they get to the 3 yard line...  Most of these kids are very competitive or they would not have wound up on the roster at TRINITY.  (plus, mom & dad come to every game and never see them on the field - they probably want to make em' proud).  Other than that scoreboard photo, I have always been very proud of how the team conducts themselves and interacts with the opposing team.
Amherst pulls out the win against Wesleyan! 

And I'm sorry, mom, but I'm not sure where the "bullys" bit comes from.  There are folks here who legitimately question some aspects of the program, and those comments have been made for as long as I've been here.  Other programs don't get the same criticisms; there may be gripes about coaches, coordinators, play calling or the like, but not the questions of whether College X is playing fast and loose with Admissions, or the critiques on sportsmanship. 

The bullys are everyone who calls Trinity Hartford State - it's a great school even if it's not as good as where your jr. goes -
we all know for a fact that your children are way smahtah and way more qualified to attend a NESCAC than ours - ours barely got out of high school - but you do not need to CONSTANTLY rub our noses in how much more elite you are!

But the social media post of the kids gloating under the scoreboard can't be explained away.  Even Kellyanne Conway would have a problem looking at that photo, then calling the fans of other teams "bullys".

I never called the fans of other teams bullys - I called the people on this board who refuse to call the school by it's proper name (because it somehow makes them feel better about losing?)  bullys
- AND There is no excuse for that photo- being a poor winner is worse in my book than being a poor loser - I don't know them, but as a former Bantam mom I am embarrassed by it an apologize for them
Quote from: ColbyFootball on October 18, 2017, 05:28:28 PM
Quote from: BantamMom on October 18, 2017, 04:57:25 PM
Well, only one person "came up with" Hartford State - so does that mean everyone else who uses it gets a pass?  You don't have to coin the phrase to be guilty of using it.  I normally ignore bullying because they like it so much better when they know they hit their mark - just saying that is is disrespectful (and to me it seems an awful lot like being a poor loser).

Just to clarify, there is a big difference between "being" and "having" so Mrs. Polarcat, as far as I know, doesn't kiss and tell...

For the record, I love your style. And when the punches start flying, I'd take you covering my back anytime.

Thank you Colbyfootball - I would be happy to have your back - I like to think of the Nescac as one big happy family.  I was in line at Costco in Dedham 2 summers ago and a trio of big handsome boys in Colby shirts ended up behind me in line.  I had already spoken to them in the store and determined that they all played on the football team - told them my son played for Trinity etc... they were such nice polite kids.  As I was checking out I threw a giftcard in my order and when I was done turned around and offered it to them - told them to return the favor to a college kid someday once they were out - they ended up looking up my son on facebook and sending him a friend request.  I invited them to our tailgate (the game that year was in Hartford) but they never showed.  I would have loved to have fed them!