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Messages - ChicagoView

Don't paint with too broad a brush as it relates to AAU coaches.  Most attempt to do what the player and parents want.  Don't feel slighted but almost every kid that plays D3 that I come across feels, at the beginning, as if they settled or somehow missed out on playing at a higher level.  I can also say that four years later most see it differently than they did as a 17 or 18 year old.   Most parents are very much like their kids.  They want D1, sometimes as much or more than the player.  It's pretty startling to be a part of the process. What I tell kids is that I will do whatever I can to get them where they want to be, while at the same time being as honest as I can with the reality of their circumstances.  We discuss academics, etc., but all the kid hears is level.  I have had kids go D1 having never been on the campus or spending more than 5 minutes with the coach.  It's scary.  I tell my kids all the time don't make a decision that has 40 year implications for 40 minutes of Twitter glory, but it doesn't help. 

Right now I have about 30+ kids playing college ball on all levels (only 1 in D2).  Even when kids go D3 about half of them reach out and ask is there a way to still go D1.  Then when the season starts, ball is ball. 

One of the reasons D3 is so strong in IL is because the 13 D1 schools seem to be pretty clueless about kids in their own backyard.   Just got one of my kids to Houston, final schools were UAB, Whichita St. & W. Virginia.  Never received a single call from a D1 in IL.  Kid would have loved to stay closer to home never got the chance. 

As it relates to Bob/Windycity, if he says he got a kid an offer, he did.  Bob no longer coaches and truly just helps kids who are often overlooked... and he asks for nothing.  There are actually more people who just are in it for the kids in AAU than most know.  The shoe company teams get the pub, but programs like mine, Mercury Elite and countless others do a lot for kids on and off the court.  And yes our first conversations with kids are about D1 and the prospects of playing at the highest college level.  This conversation is unavoidable because for most kids it's the main reason they play AAU. 

Occasionally both the kids and the parents get it.  One of my current D3s received a D1 offer right before the start of school,  tough call, because the kid could easily play D1.  But the family made a decision and locked in with the D3. 

Finally, this whole issue about D3s being able to play D1 is silly.  Of course there are many kids on all levels who could contribute on D1. In my humble estimation after doing this for almost 30 years it works like this....  There are about 900 D1 scholarships each year.  The first 600 are easy calls, height, athleticism, connections, etc...  But there are probably a couple thousand kids that are talented enough for the last 100-200 scholarships.   That's where folks like Bob come into play to get your kid seen with those coaches as they give out those last few scholarships.  Then it becomes need and fit.  Coach may be looking for a shooter, defender or a GPA booster, you just never know.  A couple of my D1s are clear cut D1s and doing great.  I have some who would have the same struggles they are having at D1 if they played D3.   My D1s currently play at Louisville, IUPUI, Albany, SIUe, Chicago St., Incarnate Word, and a couple of other places that escape me.  A round robin of my D3s, D1s and JuCos would be fun to watch.  D3s would have edge shooting, D1s would have edge athletically, JuCos would have the most "game".  Take care....

Finally got out to a game (NV v. Aurora).  Really enjoyed the game and seeing a lot of familiar faces.  NC never pulled away but the game was never in doubt.  Loved the spunk of the Aurora guards, they were fearless.  Also loved how NC players held each other accountable.  After Aurora guards drove to the hoop unchecked a few times, one of the NC players yelled to the NC staff about his teammate, "get him outta here, he ain't guarding nobody".  I almost fell out of my seat laughing. 
Thanks so much for the info.  My team last year was one of my favorites.  Found this....  5 of my 6 are featured in this highlight.  Rhode/Peevy (now at a d1) went back and forth between us and other teams.  Hoping all the guys find this kind of success. Scrapped my offense to go 5 out all season.  Beat so many shoe company teams because none of them could shoot like us....In July we lost four games; Meanstreets EYBL in Romeoville, the Family EYBL in Indianoplis (featuring Winston/Bridges now at MSU), MIlwaukee  Spartans and to some team from Australia we had no busy losing too because the coach (me) had a brain fart. LOL.  Love these guys.....


Just followed you on Twitter.  Thanks for all the content.  I blinked and 6 of my guys went D3 and I am able to keep up with them better than all my D1, D2 and Juco kids. It looks like 2 of my guys are JV for Elmhurst and Aurora, could be more but won't know until North Central starts play.  Is there much JV reporting or will I have to bounce around in their respective websites?


Good morning everyone.  First, love this site...  I have been following daily to get updates on several former players and their programs.  I have three at NC, two at Elmhurst and two at Aurora with all but one being a freshman.  Will try to participate but I am clearly biased about my guys...LOL.  I am probably more of a Elmhurst fan simply because my son took a visit there and enjoyed it as much as any D1 visit he took.  To this day, three years later, my son still checks in on how Elmhurst is doing.  Just going to throw this out there knowing his dad  (who I see now posts on this board) and Coach Baines are probably going to kill me, but I can't imagine Rhode not playing a key role for Elmhurst.  Kid was most underrated PG in the state last year.  Every match up I witnessed this kid play against every top ranked PG last year he won.  So keep the info coming and sorry John and Coach B, had to say something.  Go Elmhurst!  Go Aurora!  Go North Central!   I am not a kid, not a player, have no inside info from anyone, just a former HS and AAU coach enjoying the passion shared on this board about basketball who is probably about to get yelled at by a certain players dad.  LOL.  Good luck to everyone and I am sure I will see you at the games.