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Messages - GoDiplomats

Quote from: Dave 'd-mac' McHugh on December 06, 2018, 11:46:17 AM
Quote from: GoDiplomats on December 06, 2018, 09:43:34 AM
Does anyone know how to get access to previous games that require a password? I wasn't able to catch the Dips v. Haverford last night and wanted to hopefully watch it this morning. Any suggestions appreciated.

Don't get me on my soap box on this one ...

The school is the only option. Ask them. They should be making all broadcasts available to everyone, but ...

Thank for this Dave. I guess I'll be giving Haverford a call lol. Never understood why they lock them anyway but hey.
Does anyone know how to get access to previous games that require a password? I wasn't able to catch the Dips v. Haverford last night and wanted to hopefully watch it this morning. Any suggestions appreciated.
Can anyone that follows F&M please share with me why in God's name is Mike Rice the starting PG, captain of the team and even on the team! Watching this kid play, at this point, is disrespect to the PG legacy of those who have come before him. The kid is god awful, lacks any type of basketball skill what so ever. Not quite sure why Nick doesn't have him buried at the back of the bench with Les Thomas & Jerry Ben, both of whom, I think, should be seeing more court time.

Great to see the development of Matt Redhead and the continued growth of JC. With these two in the frontcourt, the Diplomats should have a strong run this year. I'm hoping Nichay has something in the works to continue to work the younger guys into the rotation.

While I'm not totally happy with his use of the bench, I think Nick is doing a quality job in filling in for Coach Robinson in his absents. It's also really encouraging to see Ms. Robinson still attending the games in her husband's absence. I'd love to know how many games she's seen if her lifetime. If memory serves me correct outside of the 16-17 season when she was ill, she hasn't really missed any games.

Continue to strive Dips! #GoDips #WhyItWorks
Quote from: BleedingGreen on February 27, 2018, 10:59:08 AM
I think it is ludicrous that all three teams got into the tournament.  I think if you gave Muhlenberg/Gettysburg/Ursinus the same resume as F&M they are not getting in.  Seems like the classic NBA All-Star bid for a guy's past accomplishments, like Carmelo or Kobe getting to play in the game in recent years.  Alas, congrats to Hopkins on winning the conference.

I believe this may be the beginning of a dynasty in JHU. Ursinus, Swat and F&M are all losing key seniors, the Mules will struggle to replace their senior class, and Gettysburg is in the process of finding a new coach.  Dickinson looms as a threat, but I'm really impressed with the Blue Jays.  A coach can make all the difference in the world, just ask MJ about the impact Phil Jackson had on his team, or see how Steve Kerr turned the Warriors into an absolute juggernaut that can realistically only be stopped by superhuman cyborg LeBron James.  Winning the conference in his first year should make it easy for Loeffler to recruit as well.  Will be interesting to see if the future of the cent lies in Baltimore.

I hope wherever the Dips travel to has the worst parking situation of all DIII schools in the land.   ;)

I'm guessing that a shot at me since your team didn't even make it to the conference playoff?!?!? I don't think you're allowed to talk trash until your team is at least somewhat relevant.  ;D

Hopefully, Matt Tate learns from Friday's lost he needs to be a dog and GO GET HIS. Watching that game was beyond upsetting as they continuously deferred to Fed, who threw up weak shots left and right. I'd love to ask him if he would really feel comfortable taking that shot again to end his basketball career. To say it was pathetic would be polite. Igans needs to step up and Mike Rice needs to find his head or a basic skill set. Ignas seems to be stuck in his own head. The kid has some potential to be a heck of a player but for whatever reason, can't seem to get out of his own way. Mike Rice, my goodness, I don't even know where to start. How in the world do you come into the game and get three straight turnovers. JUST HOW!!!! GRob now Justin is the better of the two options. He needs to stop being stupid and play Justin and place Mike and the end of the bench where he rightfully belongs.
Quote from: Dave 'd-mac' McHugh on February 23, 2018, 01:59:10 PM
I am guessing the only place worth hosting the event is F&M, right?

SMH Good thing we don't worry about those who are having First World problems finding parking when we determine hosts for these events. Those who earned the right are rewarded instead.

Never stated "the only place worth hosting the event is F&M" but okay, I guess not everyone on here should be able to read. The main focus of the post was intended to convey, a message I'm sure most would agree with, that some venues are better than others. Swat's gym is nice but its small, parking is terrible and the school does little to work with nearby businesses to help out the issue. Excuse my "1st World Problems" for being slightly overdramatic, didn't think you all would get your panties in a twist over a statement about a venue. Additionally, I mentioned other schools being better than others for hosting. Reading is FUNdamental, you should practice it.
Quote from: txg on February 23, 2018, 10:57:08 AM
Or you could park in town or at the train station and walk like 300 yards to the gym.

Wouldn't have to do that if the venue wasn't so terrible. Tried parking in the hotel parking lot, which you think the college would work something out with them to arrange something for the day (but I guess that too much like right), but hey guess when your school profile is based on the highest of achievers; common sense is too much to request.
Quote from: GoDiplomats on February 23, 2018, 10:22:23 AM
I wish the Centennial would consider using alternate venues for the playoff games. I was having nightmares thinking about finding parking at Swat for today's games. I remember going to Swat for the game last year and parking was horrendous. The school doesn't provide adequate parking, even though the gym is one of the nicer gyms in the conference. The same goes for Johns Hopkins, Gettysburg and a handful of other schools. The best venues, in my opinion, to host an event of this magnitude is F&M & Dickinson, since they gyms are nice and there is ample parking for visitors. Now I know this wouldn't be fair to the school that wins out if they are outside of those two schools, but fan consideration should be taken into account. This is why I believe an alternative site/venue would be to the conference benefit. What are some thought? 

Sidebar: I personally don't think Hopkins should ever host the Conference playoffs if they win out. The parking in Baltimore is terrible and their gym in a closet. It feels like I'm in my grandmothers closet and I'm finding things from the 70's that she doesn't even know she owns. The venue is terrible.

BTW: Dips in 8!!!!!! GO DIPS!!!!! Pulling for you tonight. Hopefully, the right Federici shows up tonight and if not Tate has to be a dog.
I wish the Centennial would consider using alternate venues for the playoff games. I was having nightmares thinking about finding parking at Swat for today's games. I remember going to Swat for the game last year and parking was horrendous. The school doesn't provide adequate parking, even though the gym is one of the nicer gyms in the conference. The same goes for Johns Hopkins, Gettysburg and a handful of other schools. The best venues, in my opinion, to host an event of this magnitude is F&M & Dickinson, since they gyms are nice and there is ample parking for visitors. Now I know this wouldn't be fair to the school that wins out if they are outside of those two schools, but fan consideration should be taken into account. This is why I believe an alternative site/venue would be to the conference benefit. What are some thought? 

Sidebar: I personally don't think Hopkins should ever host the Conference playoffs if they win out. The parking in Baltimore is terrible and their gym in a closet. It feels like I'm in my grandmothers closet and I'm finding things from the 70's that she doesn't even know she owns. The venue is terrible. 
Any Dickinson fans on here have an idea of whats going on with Elijiah Wright? Haven't seen him all semester long. Is he still on the team, suspended, etc? Was hoping to see him against the Dips today but no show.

SB: Heres to hoping the Cent Playoffs isn't hosted at Hopkins. The venue sucks it feels like my grandmothers walk-in closet with things she hasn't worn since the 80's and probably doesn't even know is in there anymore. To say it gets cluttered is an understatement and parking near the arena is TERRIBLE!
Quote from: noonhooper on January 24, 2018, 04:12:13 PM
I agree, I finally start trying to post and no one is on here except people not interested in discussing CC hoops.

I think that the new coaches will bring life to their programs but I wouldn't expect all those teams to improve. The Centennial has some Have's and some Have Not's in recruiting and even though teams like Swat have been able to overcome some hurdles I think it's tough to project.

Speaking of recruiting, I agree that McDaniel's issue is partly that they have whiffed on some guys they were hoping would be better. On the other side though, Curley is running the EXACT same offense he was five years ago. Failure to recognize the need to change is dangerous to continued success.

FYI -- GRob and F&M have been running the same plays for possibly the last 3 decades, probably longer. I don't think McDaniel's issue is the "running [of] the EXACT same offense [from] five years ago." I think McDaniel's issue is heart and lack of identity. Watching them over the last few years there is either two teams that show up, especially against my Diplomats. I think 14-15 was one of the toughest teams they put on the floor. They were gritty, tough, played with heart and seemed like you were playing a 10 on 5 on both ends of the floor. They've gotten away from that identity and just get out there like it a boxing match with their hands down, expecting not to get socked.
Totally unrelated but by any chance would anyone know the passwords for streaming games on the Centennial website? I missed the F&M game against Dickinson and tried watching it but the website is requesting a password. Not sure what else I can do to stream the game.
Quote from: Reserved Seat on October 22, 2017, 03:04:01 PM
From what I see, Groll.

Totally agree with you on this RS. I've seen Groll recently he'll be a stud in the frontcourt with McGrath. Having concerns about bench depth for the frontcourt with Owana and Ben, if he as raw as you say he is. Owana hasn't been able to find the basket consistently for the past three years and if Hines is anything like his brother I don't foresee him producing much. While Hines seemed like a great teammate his production and light frame on the court often caused him to be bullied on the court by bigger stronger players. The tape on Ravitz seems to be decent at best. Guards are going to have to step up BIG this year, especially Fed this on both ends of the court. I liked the defensive mentality he had last years if he can sustain that this year he's an easy CC MVP for me.   
Quote from: Gabriel on October 19, 2017, 10:34:52 AM

Thanks for the update.  I would guess the one sophomore is Slyka who along with Tate, Osley, Federici and Owona should give them an experienced and formidable nucleus.  Ursinus brings in four freshman to go with 12 returnees for 16 as well.  But injuries are inevitable so that number probably gets whittled down as the season progresses.

As much as I'd love to see Osley touch the floor this year, I don't foresee that being the case. His role this year will be similar to that of Lior Levy last year, a more talented offensive player lesser skilled defender, serving as good senior leadership and mentoring for the young fellas brought in this year. GRob only seems to throw him in games when they are up by an incredible amount of points or when the team is struggling and needs a defensive stopper. I'd love to see him get to run this year but it's highly unlikely. Also, Mike Rice, who I don't think is much of a player, is the only other Sophmore on the team. With the recent additions and upgrades at the G spot, I could see him falling back on the depth chart unless the system proves too much for the younger guys to pick up.
Quote from: Reserved Seat on October 04, 2017, 05:00:41 PM
F&M has posted a list of its new freshmen.

Really deep class this year!! Hoping the best for the guys with the departure of Fed, Tate, Osley, and Owana after this year. With this guard-heavy class, I'm interested to see who spells the often injured Tate. Mike Rice didn't seem like much all of last year and the highlights from the Les Thomas kid seems to show him as a big athletic guard. Williams, at this point, seems to be the clearcut player to have a similar role as Fed, who I am expecting to have a HUGE year.

I can see GRod going with a start line-up of Tate, Fed, Slyka, McGrath and Ben (that tall no way you can't start him).

Given Robinson recent track record with player retention (i.e.: Gordon Rogo, Matt Wilson, Joe Krong and Wynn Miller to name a few),  hopefully, he can get most of these guys to stay for the long haul. 

LET'S GO DIPS!!!! So sxcited for the season to start up again!