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Messages - bspears

As Goose reported, SU drops another heartbreaker at the end, this time at the line.  Strong starts followed by losing streaks are becoming all too common at SU (year after year).  Come on fellas, we can't afford to drop all six in round one of conference action.  This weekend my boys turn it around with my support!

Sorry Goose, at least I didn't show up only after that 8-2 came after a current 4 game losing streak...OUCH!!!!!  I will be more active though the rest of the season starting with this weekend!   I am driving down from the hood (Bethesda/Chevy Chase) to Wicked Winchester and catching my boys in action.  Do you think they will welcome me with 2 W's or will I report back with the answer to my own question?  3 game winning streak starts tonight with Hood!

P.S.  Someone who has been more MIA then me...Swoosh3, where is my homeboy hiding @?

What the h*ll are wrong with my Hornets!? :'(
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 21, 2005, 11:29:08 AM
Hey everybody, I am back after being MIA for two weeks or so.  That being said, here is my $20 million fearless predictions...

1.  SU (I might be a little bias, but I really like this SU team this year.  Of course, we will find out more about this team after the first round of conference games).
2.  CNU (Picking CNU below 3rd place would be foolish).
3.  Methodist (That tough nonconference schedule will pay off.  I wouldn't be surprised if SU & MU switched places).
4.  NCW (Did you expect me to put AveNOT here?).
5.  Averett (Make me a believer ???).
6  Ferrum (Looking at their schedule/results this team isn't bad at all).
7. Greensboro (Magnificent Marcellous why have you forsaken them?).

Extra Prediction - My 'Canes 27, LSU 7

Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 08, 2005, 06:44:00 PM
Yes, it truly is ashame that we (Dixie/USA SOUTH) lost two good people way too soon.  I am not going to try and act like I knew Al personally, but I remember when I was a freshman knucklehead at open gym, he always spoke and seemed like a real cool person. 

All that aside, I would give Al a spot on 2nd team.  SU simply hasn't been dominant enough in the conference to have two people on first team.  Dixon definitely deserves a spot on first team as well as Strothers (DAMN!) & Boykins just by their stats.

R.I.P. White, Boykins & Tigney and anyone else we have lost in our conference. 
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 08, 2005, 04:33:10 PM
(**, *) Phil Dixon - 2297 pts (22.3/gm), 216 steals (2.1/gm) & 103 assists (8.6/gm).  ARGUABLY one of (if not the) the greatest DIXIE/USA SOUTH players of all time.

(** - HM) Al White - 2001 pts (19.6/gm), 898 rebounds (8.8/gm), 190 steals (1.9/gm) & 108 blocks (1.1/gm)

William "Billy" Blake - 1346 pts (13.6/gm), 522 rebounds (5.3/gm) & 37 blocks (.37/gm) 

Mario Pritchett - 1463 pts (17.4/gm), 184 assists (2.2/gm) & 117 steals (1.4/gm)

Cameron Jones - 1125 pts (11.4/gm), 579 rebounds (5.8/gm) & 64 blocks (.6/gm)

(*) Ronald Merriwether - 1319 pts (13.2/gm), 552 rebounds (5.5/gm) & 179 steals (1.8/gm)

** All American
* Dixie Player of the Year

I have to also give recognition to HELMEN, DAVIS & THOMPSON.

We all know stats can be misleading because presence outweighs stats.  I don't want to make any alumni enemies, but I always felt at SU, only one person was allowed to shine at one time (at least after I came to SU in '98).  My fellow Hornet in the earlier post brought up Davis & Merriwether "were sick together", if they were "allowed" to shine together, they would have been truly SICK together and in the conference.   
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 08, 2005, 03:33:35 PM
OH MY!!!  My own homeboy is trying to get at me (well did)!  Blockhead, EVERYONE who played in our pick up games basically got SHOOK, J'D, HURT by EACH OTHER.  But I repeat I NEVER repeat NEVER been dunked on.  For one, I would always move if the threat was near.  Y'all can call me a punk, but when you are one of the shortest cats out there (under 6 ft), I am no HERO!  I guess you have the Rob Harris syndrome (lol), think I am a helpless well...pop singer on the court and was shocked every time I made a basket.  You are still my man though, Shotblocker & I just go back y'all.  I can think of a time where I got half the people on your list and even your tall a**, Motumbo.  I recall you specifically ordering me not to bring my (edited) in the lane again AFTER I made the basket.  Fellow posters, we just have (had) this thing at SU, if you weren't on the team, you got NO PROPS or unless you played football.  Dean's List students like myself got a prop once a year.   At least I can make better CDs then you and I still averaged more points (in high school).  But let it be known, I RULE BETHESDA/CHEVY CHASE COURTS and if you ever put Corbin, shook and me in the same sentence again, you are playing with our FRIENDSHIP.  Holla at me sometime!

Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 08, 2005, 01:52:54 PM
Also I would be a fool not to nominate this Mario Pritchett cat who in 84 games scored 1463 points (3rd all time leading scorer at SU).  I just never personally saw him play, then again being an "ex young buck" I only saw Jones and Merriwether play (in games).  But of course I have heard all of the marvelous tales of Dixon (saw the jersey, record books etc.).  I saw Dixon play at an alumni game during my scholastic tenure at SU and man...that dude is good (great)!  I have been personally ALMOST dunked on by Blake & Jones (I moved); shook by White and for all of those who know...embarrassed (on the court) my whole life by Merriwether.

P.S. Rhone is a "young buck", but 973 points in two seasons is pretty good. 
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 08, 2005, 01:32:01 PM
Well CaptJ (thanks for the attention) I nominate (from SU);

Phil Dixon (1992-1996) - he is pretty much guaranteed a slot on first team.
Al White (1992-1996) - R.I.P.
Billy Blake (1993-1998)
Cameron Jones (1995-1999)
Ronald Merriwether (1998-2002)

Let the arguments begin ;D!
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 07, 2005, 05:58:15 PM
O...thanks Goose, I guess I didn't realize that all the "25th teams" being congratulated were  (Everyone) if we had to pick an all time first, second (and third) team who would the players be!?!?!
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 07, 2005, 11:41:36 AM
I know everyone has been checking out the USA SOUTH website at the 25th anniversary sport teams.  Anyone knows when the basketball anniversary team(s) will be released?  Any ideas on the players that will be on the team?  If this topic has already come up, I apologize, but I have been AWOL for a few weeks.

November means basketball season...and the return of Bspears!  How is everybody doing?  Where is my boy "Swoosh Thug" and "Rump Doggy Dogg"?  Check out the new graphics  :) ;D ???!  I am back in the area after living in Florida the past two years and I definitely will be in attendance for more then a few SU games this season!  Let's go ahead and start the Obie Trice P.O.Y. campaign.