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Messages - WidePride

Quote from: Jonny Utah on September 17, 2018, 01:24:17 PM
Quote from: WidePride on September 17, 2018, 01:22:07 PM

I wasn't really responding to you, I was only commenting on the situation in general and the google press conference.

The lie was about saying someone was a "fan", which I cannot prove, but until you can prove otherwise, I will still think.  That does not mean what you are saying is a lie, only that I have to take it with a grain of salt.

ok  gotcha....and I'm very careful...fine line between "someone's perception" and BS. I can't vouch for the other posters....but me??...
I'm just giving my opinion on an issue I have seen and fear will fester.

Yea I mean a quick google search will tell you that this guy is a hot head who probably wouldn't have been hired if the job were to open up today.  He better be careful if he wants to keep coaching.

Google search does reveal an arrest for a domestic dispute, with charges dropped. You can read into that 200 different ways. Hopefully WU did it's due diligence with his background, before hiring him. The rumors mills about parent comments and alleged players comments and complaints, as you said, should be taken with a grain of salt. I've always held that, "you take what's said, divide by 4 and that's the truth". I'm finding that even when divided by 4, too many things about this guy are troublesome at best.
The wonderful thing about the truth is, it's always eventually revealed. We shall see...!!!

I wasn't really responding to you, I was only commenting on the situation in general and the google press conference.

The lie was about saying someone was a "fan", which I cannot prove, but until you can prove otherwise, I will still think.  That does not mean what you are saying is a lie, only that I have to take it with a grain of salt.

ok  gotcha....and I'm very careful...fine line between "someone's perception" and BS. I can't vouch for the other posters....but me??...
I'm just giving my opinion on an issue I have seen and fear will fester.

First I don't think what he said was bizarre or nonsensical.  It how he shared it.  The players might not put forth an effort.  His google thing makes a lot of sense to me and is also probably true.  You just don't say that about your players on your team.  If he said it in general terms I think we would all agree with him.  But I'm 100% with you in terms of calling out his players in a public forum is uncalled for and not what d3 football is about, even if it were true.

I agree with you and that's basically what I wrote. If you want to rip your players, do it in  private and try to have some tact in public.  I still think blaming the whole Google thing is ridiculous. That in and of itself is a bit irrational. And no, it's not what D3, or any level of college football is about.

But it is also important who is posting here.  Parents of kids who don't start can be very disingenuous when it comes to commenting on the coach, especially when it is anonymous.  That is why I always try to be fair when talking about real people on here.  I'm giving Kelly the benefit of the doubt (except for his press conference) because only anonymous people have come on to criticize him.  If they are factual points but you lie about who you are, we as readers don't know what angle you are trying to take.  That is important in my opinion.

Read, once again what I wrote. I said, if the Google press conference hadn't turned out like it did and/or, he didn't have the legal issue following him, people may see it differently. The reality is, both happened. My first post never mentioned his prior incident. That, I thought,  had nothing to do with the Google thing. Someone else brought that up. Did I not also state that the game outcome or how it was handled was subjective?
I also agree with you on the disingenuous parents comment. However, what points were brought up that were lies?  The Google PC is there to see/hear. Kelly's past is a fact. Do either play into what's happening with the team? I think so.
And no axe grinding. Just stating my opinion like so many others you're opinion of who you think Linecat that in factual or opinion?

Quote from: Jonny Utah on September 17, 2018, 08:33:30 AM
Quote from: Machiavelli on September 14, 2018, 01:42:53 PM
Quote from: pumkinattack on September 14, 2018, 01:40:16 PM
Player or coach?

Calling Special Agent Jonny Utah!!!

Ok so I've never really paid any attention to Widener football to about now (fun fact: Widener was known as Pennsylvania Military School until 1972.  My computer is broken so I opened up my Funk and Wagnalls which actually still lists the school as PMS, but that's another story for another time.)  I do know Widener has a very rich history of high level, even national championship caliber football, so it is good to see fans/players/coaches get fired up and proud of their football program.

Anyway, this youtube clip of Coach Kelly essentially throwing his players under the bus was interesting and here is my take.  Kelly is probably right and sometimes your players effort sucks, but often that is your fault, not the players.  To me, that presser was an obvious sign of frustration and I hope he apologized to the team and should clarify publicly that the coaching staff is also lacking effort and he simply forgot to add that in his speech. 

Side note, this Kelly guy has an interesting history, and guys like him are common in the football ranks.  He has that voice and tone that I see so much at coaching clinics and talking to coaches from across the country.  Almost salesman like, but I don't want to comment too much because I really don't know the guy and have no idea what kind of coach he is, what he does to prepare, how calls were handled in the game etc.  He has an impressive resume and in my mind deserves the benefit of the doubt here. 0-3 in year 5 is going to raise some questions though, and the pressure is on, especially after that speech and if it is true that he is "losing the locker room".

Which brings us to "linecat".

Here is who I think LineCat probably is.

15% current player
20% former player (or cut player)
15% former parent
35% current parent
5%   current coach
5%  former coach
5%  "fan"

Anyway the axe grinding is strong with him, bordering on personal.  Makes for good internet board talk though.  Hopefully we get more.

You state "I hope he apologized to his team". The problem is, this isn't the first or even 20th time he's spoken to his team like this. This is what prompted my first post, to begin with.
As I mentioned in a previous post, it's one thing to rip your players in private. You can go so far as to say, "they blocked poorly", " the running game failed today" etc in a post game PC. Coaches fresh off a loss, may make a blunder that they regret. But this was done with enough time to think and absorb the loss.  Further, the things he said were completely bizarre and nonsensical.
I was at the game. I'll skip the Monday Morning QB spiel about how I or anyone thought the game should have been called. That's all subjective.
What's not is,  the fact that many* people ( mostly parents from what I could see) were livid. Had the "Google" video never happened, I think things would have been calmer. However, Coach Kelly painted a Bull's Eye on his own chest by making those foolish, degrading, harmful and team-spirit killing comments. Most folks are aware (or so I thought) of his prior legal issues. Again, if he was treating his players better, it may not be (as big) an issue.
But couple his history of abuse, with his current verbal abuse of his players, now you have a recipe for disaster, if not a coup'..!!!
I do not know what words were spoken, as I was some distance from the post game fracas. I did though, witness at least one parent make comments to Kelly, which caused to turn around and say something and gesture back.
This is clearly becoming a distraction for him and his team. I believe the AD should step in and control this before it spins out of control. In a way, I fear it's too late.
As for Linecat, who cares who or what he is? If he is a former, cut player or parent or whatever, if he makes factual points, that aren't from left field, it shouldn't matter who or what he is. Unfortunately, his sentiment is echoed by many others.
The new uniforms arrived....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really can't hold back any longer. I am in shock at the asinine post game press conference with Coach Kelly. This guy has made it his trademark to say stupid things in the past, but this moron really lit it up this time.
What fool goes off on his team, the way he did? If his players are searching google, they're certainly going to see the video of him making a fool of himself and his players. It was awful.
(And by the way, I am neither parent of a player or a former player. I have the great fortune of being a long time fan of this program. But under Kelly's command, I have watched the team deteriorate at a record pace.)
His facial expression showed a man on fire. Maybe if his coaching and even better, his play calling were intact, he possibly could have an argument. But even then, you don't bury your players the way he did. He, in essence, said his team sucks, his players suck and they're liars. Of course, none of the blame...ok..ok lets's call it "responsibility", falls on his shoulders. They lost to Lycoming because of Google.....not because his play calling sucked, didn't run the ball or has a limited-run-mobility QB. 4 sacks and 34 yds rushing. Even at that, you keep the complaints, discipline and comments close to the the locker room or coaches office. Publicly shaming your players is one stupid move. I wouldn't be surprised if the players didn't want to take the field for him this Saturday
Perhaps his players should Google; "where can we find a supportive/knowledgeable Head Football Coach"
I promise you, Kelly's name will not come up in that search.