Quote from: Rhythm21 on November 19, 2019, 02:05:00 PM
Our conference has only really been competitive in one playoff matchup in its short existence and that was 2012 Concordia Chicago and their explosive offense at the time coming up short on a 2-point conversion at the end versus a talented Bethel squad. Hoping we can show the current MIAC champions a good show and maybe have a chance late. Gonna be a fun Saturday. Leggo AU!!!
I agree, this is the closest the NACC/NATHC/IBFC have come to winning a playoff game. BUT....You are actually forgetting about Aurora back in 2004 when they gave Wooster a run for their money in the first round. Tony Sutton ran for like 200+ yards and 5 TDs (I mean he did this to everyone that year), yet Aurora still hung in there until the end. Other then those two, it's been blowouts I believe every other year.
Trust me, I want very much for the NACC to get our first playoff win like everyone else here. But I don't know, when you leave the NACC it's a whole different animal talent wise. Aurora may put up some points, but don't think they will be able to keep up with the Johnnies. I could see this being maybe a 65-32, 63-41 type game. Again, Aurora putting up some points, but just not enough. I hope I am wrong, but we've been through this before too many times.
I could see Zimbelmans arm falling off at the end of the game. 500-600 yards and he will have a WR with over 200 yards and a few TDs at the end of the day.