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Messages - ECFAN$2018

FYI -- Coach Ponx at AU is gone.  They are looking for new coach.
Congrats to Eureka.  The new boy on the block wins the conference outright!!  D3 has us projected to go to UW Whitewater.  I think North Central is more likely.   
I was at the game.  Reasnover and Nixon put on an offense show for the ages.  Eureka had about the worst start to game I have ever seen, but recovered in the 3rd quarter.  It was a game that made you feel like the team with the ball at the end (and had enough time to score) was going to win the game.  Eureka got the ball with 4:45 and pretty much ate up the clock (17 seconds left for CUW).   Reasnover run to end the game was RIDICULOUS!