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Messages - holbi1

After reading the SJU write up and the mention of the big running back, Kellen Blaser from Austin,
I am wondering if he is related to Jen Blaser, a basketball standout at CSB from a few years ago.

Can anyone answer that question?

So, how good is U.W. River Falls, anyway?

Big size advantage? Speed? Skill positions?
What can we expect against them?

Didn't catch who UST was playing today.
Any help on that?
Region 9 women's basketball / Re: MIAC
January 11, 2007, 05:27:03 PM
As a long time coach, eduator, and as a father who has had two daughters participate in Division III sports, I take polite exception to "East Coast MIAC Fan" that "Athletes are the same no matter what level you are talking about."

Divison III is totally about scholastic achievemnet first and sports as a compliment to the academics.
The proof is in the extremely high graduation rate experienced by D-III participants. It is truly an exception when a woman athlete does NOT graduate from an MIAC school, or for that matter, any D-III school.

I have the ultimate respect for the College of St. Benedict as both of my daughters had science majors which involved heavy lab obligations which conflicted with practice time for track or basketball. Never did any coach ever insist that practice take precedent over the scholastic responsibilities associated with their majors. This would NEVER be the case in a D-II or D-I setting.

My final comment: As a result of an outstanding D-III eduaction at CSB, my oldest daughter has a PhD and a MD degree. The youngest daughter will soon finish her PhD next year. Thank you D-III schools for the superb example of what is most important at college and may some day the D-II and D-I schools follow suit.

Region 9 women's basketball / Re: MIAC
February 15, 2006, 07:46:01 PM
It has been awhile since I have seen CSB play but I did catch the CSB-UST
contest down at St. Paul a couple of weeks ago. Great to see CSB win against the hated Tommies.

I was very impressed with the athleticism and quickness of this CSB team.
However, I did see some chinks in their defense, especially footwork and screening out opponents on shots. Some of this will come with experience
but I worry how much this will affect post season play.

Just my impression....what do you all think? :)
So, am I the only guy, old guy at that, who is worried about the UST game?

Really, those SJU-STU games are like the Packer-Viking games where no matter what the team records might be, all bets are even.

Someone console me that I should NOT be worried.


It was a test of your "manhood" to sneak them in.

Why do you think all of the seniors wanted rooms close to the door on 1st floor Mary?????
The mice thing brings back a flood of memories from the late '60's
where EVERYTHING was in a state of flux.

We were on first floor Mary and had bookshelves made of cement blocks and planks stolen from the new construction of the dorms on the "tundra" (everyone had such furniture.....they could have built a whole dorm from what was stolen that year.)

Anyway, mice were rampant and we managed to trap one in a cement block. The only way we could dispatch it was to light a match and then spray "Right Guard" into the hole. It was a virtual mini-flame thrower
but worked perfectly and fried that little sucker to a crisp.

Don't know if that should be done anymore but it sure did the job back girl friend was appalled!