Quote from: BDB on March 21, 2022, 07:58:35 AM
Yesterday morning I began reading "A Legacy Unrivaled" The Story Of John Gagliardi by Boz Bostrom. Other than a quick sandwich I couldn't put it down and finished about 5 hours later in early afternoon.
What I expected was there with very interesting historical facts and stories. What I did not expect and did not know was the incredible humor that John possessed. I was laughing consistently all through the book. My wife a couple times came in to ask me "what I was laughing about now?"
John's wife: "John, I know you love football more than me." John: "Yes, but I love you more than basketball." Wonderful couple.
In the forward Lou Holtz mentioned that he though the reader would be a better person for having read this book. I think that's true. It translates a sense of knowing John and perhaps being one of his students and learning some life lessons through his unique teaching style.
The other thing that surprised me was what a wonderful writer Boz Bostrom is. I am sure some of you know him personally and have read this book. Some of you probably even took John's class at SJU and have memories of that.
Anyway, what a good read. You don't have to like D3 football or even sports at all to appreciate John and this book. Thank you SamWill47SJU for the gift.
Glad you enjoyed it BDB! Thanks for bringing me back to this chat room as it has been YEARS! Go Johnnies!