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Messages - samwill47sju

Quote from: BDB on March 21, 2022, 07:58:35 AM
Yesterday morning I began reading "A Legacy Unrivaled" The Story Of John Gagliardi by Boz Bostrom. Other than a quick sandwich I couldn't put it down and finished about 5 hours later in early afternoon.

What I expected was there with very interesting historical facts and stories. What I did not expect and did not know was the incredible humor that John possessed. I was laughing consistently all through the book. My wife a couple times came in to ask me "what I was laughing about now?"

John's wife: "John, I know you love football more than me." John: "Yes, but I love you more than basketball."  Wonderful couple.

In the forward Lou Holtz mentioned that he though the reader would be a better person for having read this book. I think that's true. It translates a sense of knowing John and perhaps being one of his students and learning some life lessons through his unique teaching style.

The other thing that surprised me was what a wonderful writer Boz Bostrom is. I am sure some of you know him personally and have read this book. Some of you probably even took John's class at SJU and have memories of that.

Anyway, what a good read. You don't have to like D3 football or even sports at all to appreciate John and this book. Thank you SamWill47SJU for the gift.

Glad you enjoyed it BDB!  Thanks for bringing me back to this chat room as it has been YEARS! Go Johnnies!
Can't remember last time I posted on this board!

We knew the day was coming, we certainly hoped it would be on a winning note, but John's announcement to retire today does not deminish the incredible, legendary, unrivaled run this man had during his career!  I will forever cherish the seasons I played for him, and more importantly the many conversations I had with him during and long after my 4 years at St. John's.   I hope he is able to enjoy a long retirment and be forever proud of his accomplishments and the tremendous impact he had on players he coached and coached against over the years!  Love him or hate was hard not to respect him!

Thanks John!  Congrats John! 
Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on September 14, 2010, 10:06:46 AM
Hi Samwill,
  How are the boys ?  Got them in youth football yet?  One of my buddies has a little guy in his first year of youth ball. I think he is 8 or so.  Came home from practice and said he wants to be a LB, wants to hit guys so hard that their eyes roll back in their head !!  I think this little guy has a chance at either the Sam or Will position.  Gotta love it.

Anyway, hope all is well

Peace out

The boys are great!  Will (my 12 year old) is playing QB for his youth team, but being true to his Linebacker name he would rather play defense!  Sam (my 10 year old) is playing for me on the 4th/5th grade level.  We are off to a 2-1 start and he is like a heat seeking missle on defense.  The kid is 75 lbs soaking wet, but loves to hit!  Must be from the abuse he has taken from his older brother!

Life is busy with the two of them, but a lot of fun!  How is Linfield going to be this year?  Saw the Johnnies in person Saturday night.  Lost in ot...their defense is solid but wore down to a very physical team...the offense is a concern...especially at QB! 

Good to hear from you! 
Looking forward to a good time with Blue Devil Bob at the Gopher Game tomorrow....then we travel East to hang out with Dusty and the crew at the SJU tailgate party, then watch the red take over Eau Claire.......Does it get any better?

Hello Gig Harbor Cat!
Ritz????  Redtooth?  Johnnie Red??  Bring the Stiffyburgers!! 
I am in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, you already knew that!  I am calling out to OLDSJU67...get your butt up to Eau Claire!

BDB, Just waiting for the Gopher tickets to arrive in the mail. 

Should we rent a LIMO???"   Man, will that be a fun day!!!!!!
SJU Posters!

Help me convince BDB he needs to clear his busy schedule and come to the Red Tie Gala on the 5th as my guest!  He can have a great dinner, listen to the legendary coaches, then make mention of it on his radio show the next morning!  :)

Btw, don't you guys forget to register too!!!
Enjoyed a few hours with the Hall of Famer Blue Devil Bob today at the Blue Devil Booster Luncheon.  Enjoyed meeting some Blue Devils....Stout has a lot to be excited about with their winter sports!

Thanks Bob!
Hello GHC!

Not real good with the cut and paste thing....hell not very good with computers period.  Sent a reply to your post on the MIAC board!

Hope you are doing well!

Gig Harbor Cat!

Hello back my old friend!  Always staying warm proudly wearing my Gray Linfield Hoodie!!  I hope you are doing well!
Sam (9) and Will (11) are keeping me plenty busy!  Just wrapped up the youth football season.  What a thrill to coach both my kids on same team!  Will was my QB and did very well, and Sam (who is 65 lbs soaking wet) was my most fearless hitter!  Now the hockey season is in full swing, and oh yeah, I coached 40 baseball games this summer between the two of them!
Have only made it to one SJU game in the last two years, but try to follow as much as possible!  Go Cats....someone needs to bump the Mounties and Warhawks off this perch they are on!  Thanks for the note!
Quote from: sjusection105 on November 20, 2009, 07:47:01 PM
Quote from: samwill47sju on November 20, 2009, 05:24:44 PM
Love the Legendary picture of BDB on TD Tommy's profile!! 

Go Johnnies this weekend!  Coe a tough player I went up against...Cary Bender 1993....if he got to the outside, watchout!!! 

I have not been able to follow the Johnnies that closely this Boyle back for the playoffs?

Go Red!

Samwill 47-

Long time no hear from.
Boyle is slated to go tomorrow. He has some sort of a brace & will most likely wear a glove on his throwing hand ala Kurt Warner.

He played like this through the Tommie gave, without the benefit of 3 weeks in a cast for healing. I'm expecting to see Joe about 90% according to what I have read from Frank R. in the St. Cloud Times.

I'm more interested to see the new wrinkles that will be thrown in. New sets & formations come around when play-off season starts.

How are the boys? Sam Will & Mike?
The boys are doing great, but they keep me too busy to get back up to Collegeville much these days!  Tough loss for the Johnnies today! Classic way for SJU to lose in the playoffs....5+ turnovers....endured a couple of those back in the day...Albion 1994 I think we turned the ball over 7 times and still only lost by 3!  Congrats to seniors on great careers!  I for one am not jumping on UST bandwagon...too many of my good friends are Tommies....I don't want to give them the satisfaction!  Go Kohawks!
Love the Legendary picture of BDB on TD Tommy's profile!! 

Go Johnnies this weekend!  Coe a tough player I went up against...Cary Bender 1993....if he got to the outside, watchout!!! 

I have not been able to follow the Johnnies that closely this Boyle back for the playoffs?

Go Red!
BDB: Great to hear from you this morning!  Looks like I have some catching up to do!
As I told you this morning, I am off to Notre Dame with Will, Sam, and Holly (who I have now nicknamed Monster so she can fit in) this weekend.  I remember listening to your call on the WCCO Football Show!  I will be REALLY impressed if while driving back from South Bend Saturday night I hear you on some Sirius Sattlite Radio Talk Show! 

Shout out to Gig Harbor has been years!  Still wear my Linfield Hoodie with pride from our 2003 bet!  Hope all is well in the Great Northwest!

GO Johnnies!!!!!

Thanks for posting link to the Tierney Family website!  To all you posters, anything you can give, even if just a few prayers will be appreciated in this very difficult time!!  Rick lost his 7 year old to brain cancer back in April, and now barring a miracle is probably going to lose his wife.  That and he has a 5 year old son at home and a 6 week premature son who might never meet his mom!  BRUTAL!

Hug your wives and kids!

Hey Joe Boo...I mean memory is clear now! Thanks to some help from my friends of course!

I hope live finds you and your family well!

P.S. My hands were the only ones to coral that football on that fateful day in St. Paul way back when!