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Messages - thehouse76

Hey all...

Sorry havent been on much, getting married soon and if you are married you can understand all the planning and crap that goes into all of it.  Anyways,  went to the Loras game last week and did see some good things.  My concern right now is that we are staying with the "going for the long ball" on every play.  What ever happened to using the 2 minute offense? Loras tried to march down the field in exactly 2 plays.  You try to live on the long ball, you will die by it too.  Some that should have been noticed was the St. Ambrose had their secondary playing deep to prevent the 30+ yard pass.  It may have been QB error, but I can just go by what I saw.  I was impressed with the running backs, they are short, but they run hard and that is what they need behind a strong O-line.  The defense I was also impressed with, they fly to the ball and are high geared which is something to get excited about.  Lets hope week 2 can bring some vast improvement.  Good Luck Duhawks!!   House
Thanks for the info.  House
Ok i am a lil confused now.  when did the great and ripped Romagna roll. Wasnt that around the same time? Just want to get it straight in my head.

My condolenses on the loss of a great person. 
well alrighty then...
I think that Loras' work ethic just went up a few points with the new higher.  Coach K was great and brought great energy to the players, he will be missed.  Now to focus that energy into a great strategy to win games and without the coaching/playing just hard enough to win.  This is a great pick up.  Now about Loras and getting the Illinois schools interest.  Coaching in Illinois I have found out that it is difficult to get the aid as Confused talked about.  If the family has the money to pay the whole way then it lies on the parents, high school coaches givinng tape and calls themselves.  I had it great during my recruiting process because my hs coach made calls for me to get schools interested, that is how it works.  Getting the kid in for a visit always helps too, if the kid doesnt show interest in the school and tells the recruiter that their school isnt even in the top 5 of schools, then do you take all that time to get to #5? I think not.  Just a few cents in on it.  Im out, House
hey all, long time no see, been busy doing the wedding stuff, boy does that stuff take some time.  Seen a few things are going on with Loras looking for a new coach and the death of a legend. My sympathies to the Central program.  Anyways, I also think that Loras should go for Hoskins, he is here in Rockford and doing an excellent job with the program here.  For who ever posted the assistant jobs, Tom Kropt is in Rockford also as a assistant to Hoskins.  Reading some of the post I noticed that some have said that getting some youth at the helm would be the way to go. I disagree.  Loras needs someone that is aggressive and ready to get after it right away and know how the Iowa Conference works.  That guy is Mike Hoskins, I did the opposite of what Confused decided to do, but I had a fantastic football experience at Loras.  His energy alone and constant passion for the game is enough to make you know that you are important to him beyond what you do on the football field.  I still talk with the guy and still feel close to him even without talking to him all the time.  Well enough of that for now, but seriously I hope everyone in the Iowa Conference is ready to gear up and get after it, good luck to all.  House
Well, what a weekend huh, after thinking this through on how to deal with the Loras loss to UD  I have decided to congratulate UD for the win.  FINALLY!!! this game can possilble start meaning something every year instead of just all hype with the same results. Ive been saying this for years, in order to have a true rivalry you need both teams winning.  I cant wait for next year and how that game turns out now.  Now instead of straining to try and remember a game that happend before i turned 1 year old(1981), we can look at 2005 and say they beat us and that pisses us off.  Could be a good thing for the future.

On another note, congrats to Central and Coe for getting spots in the playoffs, play well, play together and you shouldnt have many problems, Good Luck,  lata. 
OK OK OK enough about the case against Charlie... what things do you see happening in the Loras vs. UD game that strikes you with a UD win Dutchfan1??? hmmmmmmmm? I believe that Coach K from Loras will bring back the Johnny Betterman story and this will get the blood boiling again.  Well it is either that or we(Loras) will have a good week of practice and just get the job done.  Loras still has a good quick team that when comming to play can play with the best in the conference.  Get that offense going and the defense will carry the team to a victory. 

The most recent i can think of is when my junior year was, we went to the semi-finals and lost.  Other then that it has been a while since a legit run. My senior year was a good year, going 9-0 in the regular season but we lost in the first round of the play-offs to Crestwood.  I am hoping that they can take on Decorah, I hear they have a good team, so it should be fun to watch.  Being over in Illinois it is hard to keep up, even though my mother calls me whenever anything goes on in good ol Chesterville.  :)
Well going with the High School talk, how about them Hawks of West Delaware. 10-0 and looking to go a lil ways in the play-offs, lets hope that they get the next game in the friendly confines of Brown Field.  This could be a big year for getting West Delaware back to the top where they belong, Go Hawks!!
I realize that i am a lil late on this topic, but here it goes.  I cant believe that Dow has said those things.  I admit that at first i was entertained with his silliness and impressed with his way of sticking with his team, but come on?  The only thing that you got off of this Dow is that you have given your school a bad name on here.  In the past with spurrier and others that came on from UD it was understood as playful fun and they would still give compliments to Loras or other schools that UD played.  Hopefully you can make some sense in your head and make a decision to say you are sorry for offending not only Loras' tradition with past coaches and players, families, ect., but everyone on here that took offense to your childish way of typing on here.

On a better note, Dutchfan, guess who is having a baby!!! It isnt me... but it is my brother,   ;D
Have a good week everyone and a good weekend of football, hopefully no injuries for any teams.  take care.
The Loras/WB game seemed pretty close, what was the difference in WB taking the game?  Did Loras have some close chances to win the game?
any score on the Loras/WB game??
well i would hate to say it but the Rockbowl does have those lines for soccer, does it make the field as a whole look bad? Hell no, the field still looks great and if it helps the soccer team get even better players then they have had before then great.  Every schools overall goal is to have every sport be the best in the conference, so if recruits are seeing that sports are getting better at school(a noticable difference) then they will be more proned to stick with that school. 

On another note, some of us in here talk about Loras being always behind in things, I dont feel this is the case. I dont know that much about how funding for schools goes besides all the letters in the mail from Loras, but to put down that EVEN Loras has this, or to make it sound like losing recruits to Loras is like losing to UD(no offense).  Many would admit that Loras arguable each year has the talent to take on some of the top tear teams and these past few years have been in the top tear of the conference.  Loras is hopefully going to get a few kids that they normally wouldnt get, but remember there is more to Loras then just sports or any school for that matter.
I thought the offense of Loras looked pretty strong.  It was surprising that Loras doesnt have that many big people.  Probly going for that quicker, attacking style players on both sides of the ball.  The field looked great and I think Loras actually looked comfortable playing on the new turf.  I am just hoping that they can bring in that momentum against a tough WB team.