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Messages - oldmantoo

Quote from: oldmantoo on September 20, 2007, 10:11:51 PM
I haven't been on in awhile but when I checked in tonight the most recent message is 8-17 and I know that can not be right.  Has there been a change to the board where I have to go somewhere else to get new messages.

Now I feel real dumb, I was going backwards starting at the highest page number first.  I guess I am too tired to be doing this and should be going to bed.

I dropped my MUC season tickets this year.  I hated too but the cost of gas at $3 a gallon and a trip in excess of 250 miles roundrip to see a game just did not seem the best of ideas anymore.  I will have to settle for the games in Columbus when MUC plays either Otterbein or Capital at home.

I haven't been on in awhile but when I checked in tonight the most recent message is 8-17 and I know that can not be right.  Has there been a change to the board where I have to go somewhere else to get new messages.

Quote from: Pat Coleman on April 08, 2006, 11:35:49 AM
Maybe one is a transfer from IUP:

Weidl did not play last season because he was serving a one-semester suspension from the university stemming from an off-campus fight in February 2004. Krewatch, as a true freshman, led IUP to a 5-5 mark this past season after winning the job over freshman Brad Dawson, who will transfer to California. Junior Danny Harris, who was also suspended for his participation in the '04 brawl, will transfer Division III Mount Union."

Whatever happended to giving a guy a second chance.  We seem anymore so quick to point our fingers and convict people for the rest of their lives.  I do not know the details of this young man's story.  Maybe he had been trouble all along or maybe this is the first incident.  Young people (as well as us oldtimers) screw up.  I wonder how many of have not made a mistake in life that we regret.  A test of character is what we do with what we learn from the lesson. 
Quote from: e_lee on December 22, 2005, 12:24:47 PM
Was this year perhaps the best coaching job done by LK and company?  Just a question that has been rolling around in my head.

Being the arm chair coach that I am I thought over all the play calling was conservative.  I thought they really needed to open up the passing game more.  That aside, they won the national championship playing it the way they did.  What do I know!  Maybe I was just hoping for the more exciting days of Ballard and Borchert when the bomb was the ultimate weapon!

I felt for Ebey at the end of the season.  He worked very hard as a blocking back and he did not touch the ball.  He did lead blocking and he did pass blocking.  Any number of times he picked some body up and Jorris more time. 
I just got off of and found that Capital was ranked fifth in the final poll.  Way to go Cap!

Now that Mount has won the Stagg Bowl, I have worry about OSU beating ND!
Just a little vignette from the weekend.  My wife and I were leaving our room to go to dinner Friday night and when we reached the elevator we saw a very tired looking man sitting on a bench by the elevator.  We looked and it was Larry Kehres.  My wife and I graduated with Larry in 1971, so even though he looked beat we said high.  He informed us he was just taking a power nap!  

I think we forget what the coaches and team go through off of the field.  They came down several days earlier and as I remember arriving fairly late.  The coaches have the responsibility for watching all these young men.  Not to say that they are not adults and can not take care of themselves, and yet, they know that they are just young men and may need some reminders occassionally.  I have never heard of a problem with the MUC players while down there.  The team gets more attention than they have all year.  Members find themselves being interviewed by ESPN and other members of the media.  Certainly something that does not happen a lot during the regular season.  

Another vignette.  I was impressed, inspired and awed as the team departed for the game to be in the fan line up wishing them off.  The line stretched on both sides from the buses to the elevator (which if you have been to the Wyndham you know is a long way).  The fans applauded them and wished them well.  I saw one player kissed by his mother (probably much to his embarrasment).  You could just tell these people were behind them, win or lose.  

Another vignette.  Being put back in your place after the game when a waitress asked who played at the Stagg Bowl and did we win?
Quote from: skunks_sidekick on December 12, 2005, 09:31:20 PM
As someone else has posted previously, the reason Mount is always on the "smaller side", is it's where the ESPN cameras are focused (or so I have heard).  They want the fullest stands they can get.  Not that they don't show the "home" side, but most of their cameras are located on the pressbox side, which is the "home side".  

At least there really are no really bad seats on the visitor side.  The stands are up off the ground and even if you are in the first couple of rows, people walking by do not block your view like on the visitors side at MUC's stadium.  I think I am in the first or second row about the 35, not as good as in Alliance but still pretty decent seats.  There I sit on the press box side with the animals on the 45 yard line!
Quote from: JK on December 11, 2005, 08:33:45 PM
By the way, my first hack, little to no research, off the cuff prediction:

MUC: 21
UWW: 17

How does anybody predict the score of the game.  I always have trouble when there are no common opponents or realistic way to judge.

What I did find interesting in Ric's unofficial MUC site in his tale of the tape, there is actually a team that averages more penalties and penalty yardage the MUC!

Quote from: seventiesraider on December 12, 2005, 04:42:50 PM
Despite what the ticket office tells there is a section that they consider to be for local Salem/Roanoke people and there is also no end to the room on that hillside on the south end. Don't anybody stay home because they think they won't get in because they will. Also if Mount Union had tickets on Saturday I'm sure Rowan and Wesley had some as well. Come to the game and you'll find a away in. Let's pack the place.

The thing is the tickets that Rowan or Wesley had are the same ones that Mount and Wisconsin Whitewater sold.  They just bring the tickets to the semi-final playoff sites.
But I am with everybody else that there will be lots of tickets, however the two sides do not have an equal number of seats and MUC was assigned the smaller side.  I picked upmy tickets after the game on Saturday.  I was one of the last ones to get tickets and I would guess the MUC side was about half sold.  But there is more danger of that side selling out than the other.  It probably holds five times as many.  If you do not get your tickets early you might have to sit on the WW side.

See you all in Salem!

Go Mount!
Quote from: mtfan on December 04, 2005, 12:28:31 AM
Well said RC, I felt the fans for both schools were well into the game and for once the MOunt fans woke up knowing well they were in a dogfight for once. But as you stated there is always a few in every crowd the feel their "15 minutes of fame" is to be a total arse no matter how they go about it. I for one met a few Cap fans and congratulated them and the team for being a great group and having such a great season. Likewise both teams left it all on the field and at the end of the game they both showed great sportsmanship and comradary , well representative of their schools and the rivalry this OAC conference posesses.

Yeah and there are several kinds.  One was the MUC fan in front of us who started the 'start the bus' crap.  And guess what there were no takers, he was alone.  Besides with 30 seconds left in the game it did not make much sense!  I guess a couple of rows behind there was a woman complaining about our standing up.  I am in section 13 in front of the press box and I think we were standing for the last three minutes of the game.  You almost had to be dead not to be excited and not on your feet!  However it did look like the covered side was sitting down. :( 

This made football fun again.  I think the fans had gotten complacent, and it was near impossible to generate any enthusiasm the ONU game in that miserable weather where the team could have used a lift from the fans.

Congrats to MUC and Cap for one of the best football games I have ever seen.  And I have seen alot.  My wife would tell you too many! 
Quote from: JK on November 28, 2005, 04:46:09 PM

You wouldn't know it from Sunday's or Monday's paper though.  If you were an outsider you would think that OSU was the only football playing school in town.  Granted, they are the "big boy" and if they want to devote most of Sunday's paper to the latest OSU news and recap, fine.  But at least consistently put in a release from the smaller schools on a later page.  Only occasionally did they have a column devoted to the smaller schools in the area, and usually that was an AP "around Ohio Colleges" type of release.  Perhaps they could run the scores on Sunday and do more in-depth stuff in Monday's edition.

But it is not just the Dispatch.  In Columbus there are also many radio and TV stations as well.  They never usually mention Capital or any of the others either.  

Hey Cap99Fan it has been that way for a long time.  I have never understook it either.  OSU is way over covered.  You hear when one of the players sneezes.  But I have a feeling that the paper prints what sells and the combined number of OAC grads and students in the Columbus area is around a couple of years of grads from OSU.  Write Znidar and let him know how you feel.  I have.  Maybe if he hears from enough of us there will be more coverage. 

BTW, Sunday's coverage is about the most I have seen.  I mean capital got what 2/3 of the top 1/3 of the page while Mount got the other 1/3.  That I think is more space that I have evers seen, even in their football preview guide.
Sorry to have missed all the fun of the last few days but I have been too busy having a life.  I read you guys for the fun.  So many so assured of their positions.  Sometimes I wonder why play the games.  For all the talk that goes on, the real test is on the field and you know what, the best team will be the one who wins the Stagg Bowl Dec 17th.  All our talking does not change what goes on on the field. 

As for Mount Vs Cap it will have to be an interesting week for the MUC defensive preparation.  Capital is probably the opposite of Augustana with an explosive passing game.  I sat there Saturday in the stands trying to figure out how MUC became such a potent running team.  I thought MUC was pretty balance team until Saturday, then Kmic goes crazy.  I wonder how MUC will be able to keep him.  I mean as freshman so of the larger school would probably want to give him a look.   

For you football experts, was it all him, was the offensive line playing over its head, was the Augustana defense that poor?  It did seem to me the Augustana did a good job of keeping up with the MUC receivers.  I very seldom ever saw any of them wide open.  The short slant pass over the middle after some time allowed for the area to clear was the most effective part of the passing game.  I think Mount went deep only once or twice which is unusual.  I love watching the bombs! 

I am running behind as always.  I went to game Saturday and then visited friends in Alliance.  We did not get home until very late.  Today it was to church and a meeting this afternoon.  Glad to see so many CAP fans on here.  It was getting old only having MUC posters!  It must have been a bummer to loose the internet broadcast at such a crucial time.  Best luck against Wabash next week.

The MUC v MSJ game was marred by two things for me.  The inconsistent officiating.  I think it threw off both teams as to what they could do.  In the first half MUC could do no right and then in second half seemed like MSJ was getting flagged for who know what.  The personal fouls were beyond understanding.  One occured in front of us and all we saw the the MUC player on the ground out of bounds nowhere near the ball carrier and MUC gets the penalty.  One pass interference call occurred pretty much in front of us and it was real ticky tacky.  Both players were going for a ball that neither had a chance to get.  We watched one official in the first half stare at a MSJ lineline holding the MUC rusher and not throw a flag. 

The other thing unfortunately was some of the MUC fans.  I usually defend them but there were two in front of me who were an embarrasment.  I apologize to any the MSJ fans that happen to come in contact with these two.  These guys who were older need to get a life, wore purple wigs, thats OK that can be fun but giving the officials the 1 finger salute and mouthing off with profanities is not.  One guy behind even yelled at them that this was a family venue.  I guess I am just old fashion and believe in good sportsmanship.  There is a group seated behind me that think it is cute to start yelling at the visiting team, "Start the Bus."  I just feel that type of behaivor is inappropriate.  Not only that, they start it earlier and a team someday is going to make a comeback that is going to make these guys slink out the nearest gate!

Glad to see the MSJ coach get up after being nailed  (accidently) by a group of players.  He was down what seemed like quite awhile.  He looked wobly for a while but seemed to be OK by the end of game.

Where was everybody?  I mean we had more people at the regular season games.  I know OSU Michigan was on, but isn't a live game better than watching on the TV.  I mean for mid-November it was a beautiful day for a football game.

Quote from: kirasdad on November 13, 2005, 10:25:18 PM
For those of you who didn't know, the last two MUC games I have seen in person are the loss to Mary-Hardin Baylor in last year's playoffs and the ONU game this year.


Heck, I have been to the Rowan loss and several others.  It does not keep me from going.  I do not feel that I am a jink or anything because have been there for far more many wins!  I sat through that miserable weather at the ONU game, in fact now, I have sat through miserable weather for two ONU games in a row(last year in Ada).  Is there a trend there?
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / ONU
November 14, 2005, 12:21:35 PM
I have been lurking for the most part.  I post occassionally and do not read often enough to stay current.  What happened on ONU's suspension?  Did this come into play in their not being selected?  I know that nobody knows what shapped the committees decision but the selection committee. 

Minimizing travel certainly caused some inequities too. 

However I have a great deal of sympathy for the committee.  I would hate being the one trying to figure out which teams go and which do not.  There are a lot of good teams not going.  Are there some weaker teams going?  Maybe.  Should the selection eliminate automatic selection of some league champions.  Who makes the decision what conferences should get an automatic and which ones should not?

All I know is I have my MUC tickets for Saturday and say a big Go Raiders