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Messages - AdmiralPapi

Quote from: narch on September 18, 2014, 04:25:45 PM
Quote from: jbyrd on September 18, 2014, 01:56:03 PM
HAHA Last time I had a few with AdmiralPapi it did not end so well!
papi probably started something he couldn't finish...just like a qb to stick his head in something and hope his ol will bail him out :)

Narch...come on man, don't try to lump me in with these modern day "wear pink shirts and please don't hit me QB's"
Took me a couple of years but I finally remembered my password ;)

Abn...I'm glad to see you're still kicking around.  Narch, you're due for a 22 North trip! Bring abn and jbyrd with you when you come!
Happy Turkey Day Boys!!!  Abnrgr...I hope where ever you are at I hope you ate as good as I did today!!!
#4 the heck are brother?  My wife is a Saints fan so I guess I will be rootin' Brees and boys on.  We'll be frying some of them good ol' Harkers Island shrimp up for the coming?
ABN...the Rams always field a tough nosed, hard hitting team!!!  At least someone from that area had a good season.
MM19....where were you stationed at?  I'm in the CG stationed at Camp Lejeune hanging out with about 35,000 of your brothers. 
kickerdad...if I had my guess, I'd say it was a player...probably on the defensive side of the ball, and by the sounds of it, a little disgruntled.

MonarchMarine, Congrats on finishing out your career with a W!  Don't forget ol' Narch, he also bleeds green and gold and has stood behind the program for years.  Does the "marine" portion of your screen name mean you are heading for the corps???
Natural Selection....just out of curiosity...In your opinion, did the MU coaches make at least one correct decision this season.   Just curious because out of all your post I don't think you have had one thing positive to say about MU on this board...granted these boards are a place to vent frustration but dang if you are a fan you must have seen at least one positive thing this year!
85, sorry to hear about your dad....sounds like one heck of a man!!!

MU congrats on the win....seems like the defense came ready to play yesterday.

NCWC...congrats on the conference championship!  Good luck in the playoffs!!!!
Quote from: abnrgr on November 13, 2009, 02:32:54 PM
I know they are moving High School Playoff games in NC to Monday

Guess I'll have to stay around the house and roast some oysters tonight instead of going to the Hoggard game   :'(
It's easy to take for granted the freedoms you enjoy everyday when you've never had to sacrifice anything for it!  Remember today to thank those Veterans who's sacrifices have made it possible for us to enjoy the freedoms we do everyday!

It's funny how quickly people forget.  Sypult built the Methodist program from basically the ground up.  When he has had players, he has won, when he hasn't, he's lost (just like most coaches).  I was a part of both winning teams and losing teams with Sypult and I can tell you the man can coach.  Up until the past year or so I don't think you could find many former players or parents of players who had anything bad to say about Sypult.  I don't know believe the man has forgotten how to coach in the past year.  Maybe his players today just don't hear his message or refuse to hear his message.  Outside of my dad and grandads Coach Sypult was probably one of the most influential men in my life, so yes, I'm probably a little biased and quick to defend him.

As far as a defensive lineman being benched for jumping offsides...I'd be willing to bet there is more to the story than that.  
Narch and Hasanova are the Yin and the Yang of the d3football boards, mess with either and your life might disappear before your very eyes  ;D
ABN...I'm sure you can handle yourself if one them eagles comes to put a hit on ya  ;)  If you make any trips down to Lejeune I still owe you that beer!

Natural Selection....seems like you blame a lot of MU's defensive woes on the coaching staff, granted I have not witnessed a game in person for quite sometime but from what I can gather from reading these post and talking to people who go to the games it seems like the defense is lacking intensity or what I like to call "nastiness".  It's like MUS said, Ferrum doesn't try to tackle you, they try to knock you out of your cleats and it seems like MU is missing that.  I'm not sure you can blame lack of intensity on a coach.
Some will argue that the coach may need to fire up his unit, but if a player needs someone else to fire him up to play on the collegiate level then he should just turn in his cleats and take up table tennis.

Again, I haven't seen a game in person this year so this opinions are based solely on what I've read on here and from what I've heard from other people.
Saints did host MU that year.  I'll always remember that game because it was my first start.  I think you beat us by about a TD.