Rumor confirmed:
Coach Fordyce was a good coach and its a shame to see him go, but I can understand his reasoning.
Terror football team seeking new defensive coordinator
By Josh Land, Times Staff Writer Wednesday, May 16, 2007
McDaniel football coach Tim Keating hasn't had to search for a new defensive coordinator outside the program in 11 years.
With Brad Fordyce leaving the Green Terror for the same position at Susquehanna and several other assistants not returning, Keating is mounting a search once again.
Fordyce spent nine seasons with the program, including the last four as defensive coordinator. His goal is to become a head coach and to do so, both Fordyce and Keating said it's important to diversify his resume a little bit.
"I'm really just trying to gain a new experience, try and open some more doors for me professionally, just gain new insight," said Fordyce.
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Coach Fordyce was a good coach and its a shame to see him go, but I can understand his reasoning.
Terror football team seeking new defensive coordinator
By Josh Land, Times Staff Writer Wednesday, May 16, 2007
McDaniel football coach Tim Keating hasn't had to search for a new defensive coordinator outside the program in 11 years.
With Brad Fordyce leaving the Green Terror for the same position at Susquehanna and several other assistants not returning, Keating is mounting a search once again.
Fordyce spent nine seasons with the program, including the last four as defensive coordinator. His goal is to become a head coach and to do so, both Fordyce and Keating said it's important to diversify his resume a little bit.
"I'm really just trying to gain a new experience, try and open some more doors for me professionally, just gain new insight," said Fordyce.
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