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Messages - Ephs

Middlebury is by far the best. Of course, I'm partial to Williams, but I can see why other teams don't find it spectacular.

Trinity loses points for be surrounded by hartford, rather than nature....

I remember Hamilton doing that with the shade, and it stunk for us since it was towards the end of the season and getting cold.
Quote from: formerbant10 on October 25, 2006, 06:54:30 PM
My first game at Wes...there was a girl with blue hair handcuffed to a fence protesting something....might've been the consumption of red meat.

...or the comsumption of weslayan by trinity. when's the last time they beat you guys?
Quote from: Trinity 8(5)0 on October 23, 2006, 10:42:20 PM

I like Amherst's chances against Williams this year. Playing at home is an enormous advantage in that series and that, along with Amherst's balance, should stand them in good stead. The Jeffs need to cut down on penalties, avoid key injuries the week before in Hartford and improve their punting, but all certainly looks very good for a Jeff victory at this point. Very good indeed, Capt Partridge. Amherst plays here vs Trinity in a couple weeks and that game may take its toll on the Jeffs. In other action, Wesleyan may put up its best fight in years vs Trinity in years.

??? ??? ???
Quote from: alucardz on October 22, 2006, 09:24:35 PM
I see. Thanks for the input. But my experience on campus is somewhat to the contrary, being a student in a NESCAC who has friends on the football team you begin to learn that student athletes get preferential treatment. Whether that be in financial/merit aid (Which is sometimes not really earned but given for the sole purpose of enticing prospective athlete) or more generally in acceptance of sub par students. I love footabll and I love that kids are being rewarded for their abilities. I was only wondering if any other students noticed the same at their schools.

Now, I am not biased towards any end of this debate. But I wanted to throw out what I have witnessed on my own campus.

- Chas
I love NESCAC sports.

the TIP system, by definition, gives preferential treatment to athletes. Not just for football, but other sports as well. Football teams get more "tips" because, well, football teams have more kids (75 to be exact - no other sport comes close). Unless I'm mistaken, each school gets about 60, 10 of which are allocated to the football team. Everyone else has to get in on their own.

As for athletes getting more financial aid, i've never heard that. I was under the impression that it was a need-based system. If athletes get more, they must need more, which is purely coincidental.
Quote from: cruiser on October 03, 2006, 12:33:23 AM
what i would like to know is, whats the deal with the maine teams? can colby pick it up? is bowdoin back to its old losing ways? can bates rise from the basement? thoughts?

colby: perhaps they're overrated. perhaps middlebury just played a great game, who knows.
bowdoin: when you open vs williams and amherst, you get the benefit of the doubt. i think they're the best of the three.
bates: don't really know a lot about them, but i suspect colby and bowdoin are better.

i'm actually glad to see that wesleyan won a game. it wasn't that long ago they were really good. there's no reason they should be losing the way they've been.
congrats to trinity for winning 31 in a row. that is extremely impressive.

and congrats to williams for ending the streak (interesting how both williams's and trinity's winning streaks are flanked by losses to one another, more evidence that both have been the pride of the conference for almost 20 years).

like '91 said, let the fact that trinity lost on saturday end the admissions debate.

finally, let's not jinx williams and talk like 8-0 is a foregone conclusion. until the day comes when you mail it in, you still gotta play the games (ask the trinity alums, they'll tell you). they've positioned themselves to have a very special season, but amherst is 6 games away. they still have to win the other 5. i have every reason to believe they can do it (hell, their confidence should be sky high after this weekend). but bates always plays williams tough, they shouldn't overlook anyone.

outside williams vs amherst, i think trinity vs amherst is another huge game. can amherst win in hartfard? i don't know. but win or lose, let's hope the bantams soften them up enough that williams finishes what's left of them. ;)
Quote from: Trin8-0 on November 09, 2005, 01:26:17 PM
I was expecting a little more excitement from the Williams/Amherst people concerning "The Biggest Little Game in America". Has the game lost some of its luster due to the fact that it hasn't had any impact on deciding the NESCAC title the past few years.

i wouldn't say it's lost its luster, not for the kids anyway. this is do or die for them. lots of excitement about this game, for sure. two very evenly matched teams, playing well towards the season's end. i expect to see a war this saturday.

congrats to you trin boys on another successful year. always enjoyed playing you guys and i'll see you next year in williamstown.
dirty: the '91 game has become famous in some circles. i know williams alums who say it was the best game they've ever seen and/or been a part of, including williams/amherst '97.

interestingly enough, williams' 23 game streak was flanked by losses to trinity. maybe williams can take 'em next year...
Quote from: Trin8-0 on October 24, 2005, 08:56:52 PM
Ephs: That sounds about right to me... A rivalry is always stronger when the games mean something. That's probably the reason why the Trin-Wes rivalry hasn't been big in a very long time and why the Wlms-Amst rivalry has fluctuated.

Saul or BigToe or BobbyJ: You're truly pathetic. I'm not the least bit suprised that you dodged the fact that you were exposed as a morally questionable degenerate who created multiple fake identities in an attempt to repeat the same unsubstantiated claims. It appears to me, and apparently the vast majority of those who have read your posts, that the only person or person(s) who should be embarrassed is you. You're actions and elitist point of view lead me to believe that you are a very sheltered person. I sincerely hope you learn something at Amherst besides how to tell others that you're better than they are, otherwise it will be YOU and not Trinity graduates who will bring down the reputation of the NESCAC and it's member schools.

the interesting thing about williams/trinity is that it's early and can dictate the rest of the season for both teams - its a physically and emotionally exhausting game. and the losing team has an uphill battle. that's what impresses me most about Williams this year (and trinity in 2002). a scrimmage at amherst, and two away games vs. colby and trinty...that's a killer, but they've hung tough and won 3 in a row. Hopefully they can keep it rolling...
Quote from: Ephs1991 on October 24, 2005, 01:18:09 PM
On Trin 8-0's question regarding who Williams' biggest rival is - from the players perspective (at least during 1987-1990) we always looked to Trinity as the biggest rivalry.  Amherst was a big rivalry but more for the students.

'91: The problem was Amherst stunk in the late 80's/early 90's. I mean, they weren't even competitive. I'm sure you'd agree that had a negative impact on the rivalry. Meanwhile, Trinity was as good as Williams - a powerhouse. It made for some great games (a few of which i saw as a kid). When Amherst made a comeback in the mid-90's, so did the rivalry and its been strong ever since, while Trinity declined a little. But it still carried over to the teams I was on. We never took Trinity lightly, and they always played tough. Rilvary-wise, i'd say they were second to Amherst for us.