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Messages - jeff

and this is about 5-years to late...this coach was a turd from the first whistle...

this conference is ONLY as strong as the weakest member....and if you want to play the high and mighty angle, this conference is useless and lacks substance from top to bottom.....and you are right, there are far more important items to discuss, I simply dont see them as no one gives a crap..

and this is by far the weakest conference in the nation and no one even cares to post on this message board on a high quality site...what a combo...worst football conference, worst conference spirit...

dont act like 6-posts about FSC ruined the flow of this conference board....GIVE ME A BREAK...
a record of 4-41 for FSC over FIVE years sounds a heck of a lot better than 3-42... :-[

And of the 4-wins they have had in 5-years under 'coach' sullivan, and I use that term loosely with a small 'c', THREE of the four wins are against Mass Maritime...

So under sullivan, FSC is 3-2 against Mass Maritime and 1-39 against the rest of the conference...

Holy crap...

With the big win, Sullivan will probably sign a 5-year contract extension...

Does anyone notice that NEFC can't even compete in terms of message board posts?  Other conferences have far more activity...Does anyone care about a 16-school conference to make a post or two?
Quote from: gullgrad on October 13, 2006, 07:28:49 AM
Framingham over Westfield, why not?

to answer your question specifically....would would they win this game as they have won 7% of their games and have an awful coach over the last four years?  has FSC beaten Westfield over the last decade or two? have they ever? I doubt it..

other than that, I guess they are do for a win, so "why not".... ;D
football67, we respectfully disagree...he  flat-out isn't a good coach...he teaches nothing and is dry as the mojave desert...he couldn't motivate you to jump out of the way of a tank...

Lets face it, the football at this school hasn't been the best, but there were a handful of guys I played with that could have played at a much higher level...however...

From 1998-2001, 4 years where players changed in the parking lot for practice and played on easily the worst football field in the region and had ZERO workout plan, the team remained competitve with these schools and had players of note to watch...During those years, the team went 10-29, which is bad enough...

Now from 2002-2006 with a brand new athletic complex, great locker rooms, brand new weight room and brand new field turf, this awful coach [no disrespect to awful coaches by the way] has gone 3-35...

So the question can you add things to the football experience and get worse? 

The direction of this school and this coach should not be allowed in this conference...Period...he is an awful motivator, mismanges personnel and I could continue but wont...The AD and school wasn't on the side of the previous coach either, but that guy managed to at least knock off some better teams and for the most part remained competitive until the end...

You want to know why the NEFC is a bottom basement conference look no further than FSC...

On that note
why do folks continue to pick framingham to beat anyone?  ???

and herein lies the problem with NEFC that a school like Framingham, with easily the WORST head coach I have ever played for or have seen in action, is allowed to remain at the school and go 3-35 over 4+ years!  In today's day in age, how can ANY division head coach of ANY sport teams win 8% of their games and keep their job!  and to boot we got folks in here that pick this team to win!!!!!  WOW...

the good stuff is that Plymouth and Coast Guard, two teams that will bring up the conference, have been added, now the conference needs to get all members to 10-games with at minimum 1 out of conference game and drop the garbage like framingham

and how that coach has taken a brand new field and brand new athletic complex and make an already bad program WORSE is beyond me...

sullymust go-

what were your thoughts of AJ, Abe, Alex Tarpey, Luke, Guilmette, Stevie Jordan...

or are you one of them?   :-\
where were you with the pom-poms when Fitchburg had a 25+ game losing streak?

My assumption would be that if they had the internet back then and you were around, you would be posting about how horrible the program was...

and are you suggesting that suggesting a coach/player/team/school has 'no class' should simply be ignored or not discussed? 

I mean you have to be kidding me you actually think that this coach or any other coach/player is above critic?  Yikes...

and an open question to the NEFC forum...Why in God's green earth do some schools only play 9-games a year?  WHAT the heck is that?  All this talk of not having enough non-conference games and a simple glance at the schedules leads me to believe that there is at least ONE game where teams could do something extra...
I'm sorry, but beating MIT and Mass Maritime doesn't mean FSC is "good" it just means that there are worse teams out there...

dont tell me a 2-2 record is a good thing, looking at who they beat for their two wins and how they lost by a combined 100+ to NADA...
I've already said my piece...

and before Framingham came up, there were 4 pages compared to 50 in other conferences...Its not like this interupted anything special...

my guess would be Endicott... ;)

I gotta laugh...How does a coach clear house with 35 guys to begin with? Those 35 guys where there to play because of love..Its not like he had to skim through 200 players and cut 50, he cut down from 35!!!  The whole old school thing is funny, you must have played for him, cause you hit some stuff on the head....Spare me the whole respect is earned, yada yada...This coach got plenty of respect to start and if anything, how has he earned a pass from criticism?

It takes a special coach to make good players quit and for leaders to question, dont ya think... ;D

Again, its as if you speak of Bobby Bowden coming to FSC...Its was some guy from Worcester St. and a D25 Central Mass HS...His record SPEAKS for itself...I played his first year, he's had a few more and its got WORSE

I sleep easy at night knowing I busted my balls to prepare for a season and this coach...And please dont make a sweet aplogy for this coach...He's share of the blame pie is the largest...Its got WORSE under his watch...And no, I dont consider myself lucky to have been 20 playing there, its a nightmare...I actually avoid football talk because I am EMBARASSED of this program and where its going...

and the whole "new" stuff at FSC is funny...Why do you guys think facilites are built?  To look good?  To keep student athletes out?  This is like a 5th grade discussion about economics...Its simple really, you dont build football fields, locker rooms and weight rooms, if you dont think they will attract student/athletes that pay money....Why would the state have pumped money into Framingham State if they thought the athletic programs would STILL be unable to support themselves?  The average student doesn't use this equipment, its the athletes...

There, I have said my peice...again  :P

UMD 20 at Curry 18
Framingham 6 at Bridgewater 40
EC 29 at WNEC 18
MEM 44 at MAM 7
Fitchburg 23 at Westfield 24
Worcester 41 at MIT 0
Nichols 21 at Salve 17

again, to keep it simple...How can a program get WORSE when they get a new facility, a new weight room and a new field?  Why spend the millions if its not attracting athletes?

Coach A goes 4-6, coach B goes 0-9, clearly one coach was able to do "something" with nothing, while the other coach has done "nothing" with something...

It can't be to crazy of a thought to think that a program could go up....
lets put in frankly Pats fan....

do you see a difference between losing 20-19 and 75-0?  Or is that all the same?

My first year, we lost one game vs. Mass Maritime, who finished 8-2, by a 47-yard field goal...We lost vs. Worcester State because of a missed extra point in overtime...You dont see the difference of losing 5 games under 7-points in a team? 

Losing is losing, dont get me wrong, but we were always a hump team that simply needed to catch a few breaks to be a .500+ team...

And there was enough talent while I was there to be a decent squad...Matter of fact, there were NUMEROUS players getting New England honors, d2/D3 All-Star, all-conference players...

and yes, I will take 3-7 losing a few tight games over 0-9, without a shot in hell of winning a game...

and again, having a BRAND new facility/weight room and the BEST field in the NEFC is enough to sell potential athletes to come to a school...

so if a team/coach go 3-7 without anything like gym/weightroom/field, why did Framingham and the state of Mass spend MILLIONS of dollars on these buildings and field if ONLY athletes use them?  Isn't the point of renewing a facility to entice new/better athletes to a school?

having played at FSC, I can honestly say I had the worst experience there of my life...I was a mature, talented player that went DOWNHILL in my PRIME...D3 footbal, after putting so much work into it, should have been fun and rewarding...Matter of fact, I could have played another year, but why on earth would anyone go through that bs at that school?

We were always "in" games before this new coach came around...We were actually beating a D2 team at the half, which was a big deal for the program...We had EASILY the worst field in North America, changed in the PARKING LOT and didn't have a weight room...Yet this new coach comes in with a new facility, weight room and turf field and gets WORSE?  How can you get worse than 3-7 with all this new stuff?  He's found a way...

After dedicating myself in the weight room, I went to camp and noticed that this coach has no clue whatsoever...

My specialty coach didn't even have a clue and was attempting to teach me new things, yet never played my position...

I rant...As you can tell, I am fed up with my alma mater in a BIG WAY...
amen center...

what doesn't help is having 80% of the conference NOT doing what you are saying....Praise the 20% that do schedule upstate/NJ/Empire teams, but while those schools step it up, the others state schools are playing 9-games against junk....

You are only as good as your last place team as conferences go...

schedule a Springfield and a Hobart, but when you lose those two games, then go back to playing MIT, Framingham, Fitchburg and on and on, its counter productive...

the start is playing 10 games...9 is a joke...