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Messages - formerwu

formerWu back in the house.  I had to jump in on the cheesesteak topic.  LaSpada is great and it is close to Widener.  Great Hoagies as well.  BMan and I used to hit Abners back in the day, but it is not the same quality as it used to be.  The last few times I tried it, very disappointing.  Short distance away at the Harrah's Philadelphia (Chester) casino is a Tony Luke's.  I agree with the roast pork sandwich being good, but not so much on the cheesesteak.  My favorite steak is Jim's on South Street.

For all you OR fans coming in, Philly is one of the greatest food cities in the country.  No one has mentioned China Town yet (right next to Reading Terminal).  Plenty of good food.

I'll be at the game this Saturday.  I'm hoping for a close one.
Quote from: bman on August 23, 2010, 07:02:31 PM
had to post this....

Down at the Outer Banks with the fam last week.   As I am sitting on the beach, a guy my age walks by with his family, and he's sporting a Lycoming lacrosse T he passes, I look up and say "Dude, Lyco sucks"...and without missing a stride, he looks at me, and replies "You must have went to Widener"...

We both laugh, and he goes on by...never saw him again...


Way to go Bman.  Show those dirty, cheatin, farm animal lovin, Lyco boys who's the boss. 
One more reason to stay out of Dover  ;D
Congrats DVC.  Way to represent.  Good luck next week.

Way to go Widener.  Anybody at the game against NCW this weekend?  Looks like the D showed up.
New website for Widener:

Looks pretty good.


News from camp.  Woody was able to pull in a couple of IAA and II transfers for this year.  I'll try and keep tabs on them.

Bye for now.
Has anybody else been following Andy Studebaker on the Eagles this preseason.  In my opinion, he looks pretty good.  He is in on almost every tackle.  He even caused a fumble in last nights game.

Way to go D3 player.  I hope you make the team.
Hey Pat,

How about updating the pick em list. 

Quick question, where do I pick up my new El Camino after I win the whole thing next week?
Congratulations on a great career Coach Girardi.  Lyco was always a big game when I was a player.  You will be missed.
PBR - Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing back my 4 friends at the bottom of your posts.
I'd like to see some wins as well, but in my opinion, the MAC was weak this year.  I hope I'm proven wrong.
General football / Re: University Athletic Association
November 14, 2007, 08:45:44 AM
WUDline - When in Cleveland head down to "The Flats."  Lots of things to do, and easy to get to.  Not sure how far it is away from CWR campus.  A little help here.

Bman - I'll be in Camden for our final reg season midget game.  Gametime is 12noon.  Will get home as quick as possible to catch what I can on the live stream.  Dude, didn't you already go to DW once this year?  BTW - I did get the Wii and won $180 later that night.  Woohoo.
I like our first round match up against Case Western.  I am definitely glad we did not stay in the "east".  Some very tough teams in this bracket. 

Playoff football - anything can happen.
Albright = ECAC at best
Congrats WU, way to come back after the early disappointments this year.  Any chance of hosting a playoff game?
The only reason to suspend a game is due to Lightning.  With all the rain that we had, the field was in great shape.  I didn't notice anybody having issues with the footing.

I remember playing against Juniata at the old stadium up on campus, during the final stages of a hurricane.  The only part of the field that wasn't under water was between the hashes.  While taking my stance, out on the corner, I looked down and noticed that my feet were in a puddle up over my ankles.  No joke.  After the game, it took me about 10 minutes to take my cleats off.  They were suctioned to my feet.

Those were the days.