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Messages - themadswede

Hopefully the victory doesn't overshadow the improvement needed by the Cruthunder.
Quote from: Gregory Sager on September 04, 2009, 09:50:00 PM
... or you could just bypass all that advice, concoct a mythical coach for your favorite school and give him a name like, oh, I don't know, Schmitty Torkelson or something, and then praise him in pithy one-line non sequiturs at odd intervals.


And if you like non-sequiturs, you'll love Swedish potato sausage.
Quote from: robertgoulet on September 03, 2009, 12:19:19 PM
I'm thinking about doing the same thing in order to turn myself into an elite CCIW Post Patterns poster. I am going to hire a very successful former poster who had the respect from everyone on this board to post for me and build my post count and reputation. then, once he has generated the excitement from the board alumni, I will take over the reigns. I think this would allow me to give Mugsy a run for his money as the MVP of CCIW Post Patterns.

Goulet -

First of all, love the mustache.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Secondly, here's some unsolicited advice:

As a general has-been in many different aspects of the term, including poster on this bored...oh sorry...board, my advice would be to go for as many insults as possible.  Get people riled up.  Mock programs if need be.   Stir the pot.  The self-appointed Rodney Kings and bright smiles of the board will try to bring you down and do stuff like question your maturity, but it's all about focus and discipline.  As Rob Schneider would say, "You can do it". 

I was around in the early days of merriment and revelry here and it was a lot more enjoyable to have to wade through a bunch of smack and B.S. than it is to wade through people boringly analyzing (might I add, poorly analyzing) the game of football to the point where you'd rather shave your eyes with a potato peeler than have to read any more of it.
If it's Tombstone you want, it's Tombstone you'll get...

Johnny Tyler: Is something on your mind?
Wyatt Earp: Just want to let you know you're sittin' in my chair.
Johnny Tyler: Is that a fact?
Wyatt Earp: Yeah, it's a fact.
Johnny Tyler: Well, for a man who don't go heeled you run your mouth kind of reckless, don't you?
Wyatt Earp: No need to go heeled to get the bulge on a tub like you.
Johnny Tyler: Is that a fact?
Wyatt Earp: Mm-hmm. That's a fact. [Johnny Tyler stands up.]
Johnny Tyler: Well, I'm real scared.
Wyatt Earp: Damn right, you're scared. I can see that in your eyes. [Wyatt walks up to Johnny as Johnny reaches for his gun.]
Johnny Tyler: All right now.
Wyatt Earp: Go ahead. Go ahead, skin it. Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens.
Johnny Tyler: Listen, mister, I-I'm gettin' awful tired of your-- [Wyatt slaps Johnny hard in the face.]
Wyatt Earp: I'm gettin' awful tired of your gas. Now jerk that pistol and go to work. [Johnny doesn't do anything and Wyatt slaps him in the face again.]
Wyatt Earp: I said throw down, boy. [Wyatt slaps Johnny harder and when Johnny turns to look at Wyatt his mouth is bleeding.]
Wyatt Earp: You gonna do somethin' or just stand there and bleed? [Johnny still doesn't do anything.]
Wyatt Earp: No? I didn't think so.
Today's trivia (I think, maybe):

Which former Wheaton coach attended Franklin?
Many Americans have been screwed by the likes of Enron, WorldCom and more recently Lehman, Merrill Lynch and AIG.  Although I've been fortunate to avoid most of this pain, I now know how they feel, at a lesser level, considering how I've been screwed out of the past 10 minutes of my life scrolling through pointless arguments about puddles and Pete Ittersagen.  Any time anyone invokes the "L" word (luck, for the uninitiated), it's not worth arguing about.  That said, I think the majority of arguments that were made, well...made good arguments to support the fact that Pete Ittersagen is darn good.  In other words, it's funny how the best players always seem to make the luckiest plays, huh?  Furthermore, I can think of few things that sound sillier and more sophomoric (with the exception of this post perhaps) than calling anything in sports "lucky", whether it be the Immaculate Reception, the entire 2001 Bears season, et. al.  It just sounds like whining or paranoid fan fear.

Foolish musings aside, I look forward to getting past this discussion and then seeing the Thunder take The Dutch to the proverbial woodshed in a couple weeks, although I don't know any proverbs about woodsheds (though I wouldn't be surprised if Sager, with all his folk wisdom, does).  And for those who say I'm looking past Concordia 1) I don't play for the Thunder, so I'm allowed and 2) My interest is more related to proximity of game-watching than Thunder-love.

Matblake - see you this weekend.
Wow.  I know this is the kinder, gentler Post Patterns, so I'll be shunned liked a drunken Mennonite for posting this, but I had thoughts reminiscent of the various suicide scenes from Airplane as I read Sager and Company nitpick back and forth about if a guy can put on weight and be just as fast and quick.  I tried to click away, but I couldn't -- it was almost mystical.  To read Sager, in typical Sager fashion, make such a fuss over the fact that there are no guarantees and no one, save the Almighty, knows what the future holds.  For a second, just a brief wisp of time, I felt compelled to launch into a tirade against Greg, for old time's sake if anything, in true 1999 MadSwede fashion (whoops - 3rd person self-reference...sorry).  But then I remembered I had banned myself because Pat Coleman yelled (figuratively) at me because I recommended blocking the site's popup ads.  So consider this post for what it is...a cry for help.  Or maybe a cowardly, passive aggressive attempt to tell Greg that it's a waste of time to make a point about life that everyone, save the Amazing Kreskin and Dionne Warwick, has already accepted.  Adjö and ha det så bra my friends -- it's time for this self-absorbed tirade to end.  I now fade off into the mist as I wait for the fall.  By the way, whatever happened to those popups?
I don't doubt that Studebaker has the physical and mental skills to get a contract and make an NFL season roster, but I'm not thrilled about putting him at LB.   I've seen him play quite a bit and it's a strange leap one has to make when not having that hand on the ground at the snap of the ball and (especially) having to cover receivers downfield.  His mutant-ish physical skills will help, but I think this puts him at a disadvantage from the get-go -- although I suppose teams like a special teams guy that's a twofer with the ability to be a long-yardage specialist or something like that.

I'm also skeptical about some people viewing this as some sort of validation of D3 football or something.  I am thrilled for Wheaton and the potential recruiting impact and I am thrilled for Andy, but having played the D3 game, it makes perfect sense that D3 guys, D2 guys and most D1 guys end up as computer programmers or salesman or fireman or entrepreneurs or whatever, and not professional athletes.  There's just not a lot of room in the "best in the entire word" category.  Andy's drafting says a lot about Andy, but not as much about D3 athletics.

I am sure anyone that played against me would agree wholeheartedly!
Quote from: usee on October 14, 2007, 12:20:49 AM
Wheaton's Kick off coverage has been really suspect. Augie was a guarantee 40 yd line starting point every time. This has been a strength and must be weaker because of the injuries is my guess.

Until the kick coverage team angles down or lengthens their strides and then attacks the blockers instead of pussy footing around, this is going to continue to happen.  If you chop your feet and let the blocker get both hands on you, you're not probably going to make a play and definitely not going to blow anything up or take the ball carrier's head off.  Nothing's more frustrating than watching this happen.
Quote from: usee on September 03, 2007, 10:28:34 PM
where are the NCC scrimmage reports?

Wait a minute.  You're not serious.  Are you?
Holy kool-aid, Batman!  Did I just read two (2) people post that the NPC(U) - Benedictine game is a game to watch?  Or should be interesting?  Or something like that?  Granted, one was that weird guy with the Bob Marley avatar (and Bob Marley grammar and punctuation) that keeps asking questions about Olivet, Michigan, but how could a CCIW 8th-rank vs. Illini BADger 6th-rank matchup be something to watch?    Maybe alums, parents and girlfriends -- but Texas v. (Thee) OSU is on at 8:00...

Don't get me wrong.  If it is a good game, kudos.  But, although we all know that past performance doesn't guarantee future results, I just can't bring myself to believe that anyone's going the light the field on fire over in Lisle on Friday.
Usee (or somebody with a heart) --

Please insult me (or this post) or throw a barb or something -- for old time's sake, if anything.  All these pleasantries, measured, unemotional responses and lovey-dovey chit-chat are making me sick. I'm dying over here.

P.S. FormerD3db - 3 weeks until Hope loses to the Thunder!

I'm sure Hiker won't like this if he's still around, but (sadly) the most amusing part of the Wheaton-Gville game this afternoon was the PA system constantly twisting Gville's Mark Shopp's name into former Cinci legend "Marge Schott".  That said, Marge played relatively well.

What up MattyB?
Quote from: augiefan on September 08, 2005, 09:42:45 PM
This looks like it could be the year based on Saturday's bad home loss.

Wow.  Either Augie played that badly on Saturday or you're one of those unrealistic, wacko fans that only accepts 28 point blowouts as good games.  I'm not one to want to boost an Augie fan's spirits, but I'd hardly choose the first game of the season as the time to write the team off for the season.
Oh - for the days of yore, without "karma" and "posts" and "BBC" tags used and abused like a North Park offensive lineman.  Where have the days gone?  Am I really such a different person to no longer be interested in this dark master...Post Patterns?

It's good to read familiar writings from usee, irish and such.  And good to get inside info from around the league.  But it just seems so different....alas...

Anyhow - I was pleased to see that someone (Mr.Ypsi?) unknowingly resurrected The Great Norm Eash debate for this year (albeit short-lived).  It's debates such as these that warm my heart, like country restaurants with apple cider donuts or Brent Mussberger's dulcet tones calling a Saturday afternoon Big 10 matchup.


Go Crusaders/Thunder.