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Messages - wildcat82

If the Cats play mistake free football and the coaches allow the QB to keep the ball on some of those option plays so he can turn the corner and use that speed of his, turn out the lights!

I have seen all but one game and there has been at least 6-8 times in each game that if the QB had kept the ball after the dive fake, no one, I mean no one was there to prevent at least a 15-20 yrd pick up.  Lets hope the Cats unleash the full potential of the offense this game like they did against the Texas team in the first game of the year.  QB keepers, screens, draws, pass to the big tight end, deep ball, bubble screens and a few trick plays!  Should be a great game.

Check this out.  Besides WOU not willing to exchange game film with the Cats, their classless actions during Ford's injury, dancing on the red L after the game and their general overall classless actions as a team (you would have thought they had never one a game before) I was at Hotel Oregon with my old college room mate after the game and witnessed a WOU coach buying a group of about 6-8 WOU players several pitchers of beer!  I leaned over to my friend and said, "Damn, would you ever imagine a Linfield coach doing that after a game?  Plus those WOU players have to drive 35 miles or so back to college!"  We both thought it very risky and inappropriate for a WOU coach to be buying pitchers of beers for his players?  I guess it just shows a difference in overall philosphy between the two schools.  I am almost tempted to write a letter to WOU school administration as I really feel their coach was out of line for doing that??
Bluenote - All very good questions and observations!  A top notch program like Linfield should not be having all of these types of problems at the end of the season?

Tuxguy - Not sure what the answer is?  There seems to be a polish or crispness missing with the Cats.  Way to many mistakes and, as criswyly pointed out, perhaps a lack of fundementals (i.e., tackling and defensive back play?)  I would think this all starts at practice.  Perhaps setting new expectations with the kids (and coaches) of a zero or lower tolerance for mistakes at practice and in the games.  I will never forget one practice during my freshman year in which the scout defense was scrimaging the starting offense and offense made like 3 mistakes in a row.  Ad went nuts and started chewing out all of the coaches and said, "Anyone can come out here and stand around and chew sunflower seeds all day, you coaches need to get of your butts and coach someone every play as it is obvious that no player is doing things right every play!"  That sent a powerful message to all.  Perhaps the team needs to script plays and just run them quick and by the script if possible keeping the D off balance?  Not sure. 

I also have to questions whether or not Linfield is really winning the recruiting wars?  I have heard from several parents of kids that I know from all over the state in which their son's ended up going to PLU, Whitworth or Willamette because those schools were able to put together a better financial package than Linfield could offer?  In several games this year it looked like we just got man handled and our team speed looked suspect?  Not sure?

I know we have a brand new offense and I am willing to give it one year for the coaches to perfect it, but not sure if it was the right move or not?  Seems like our passing game, which use to be one of the most sophisticated passing games in the nation, is non-existant.  I am all for a balance offense, but geesh.  I think their are lots of questions and lots of room for improvement and just hope the cats can get it done.  It almost seems they have gotten into a mind set or funk in which we just can't win the big games, usually because of shooting ourselves in the foot several times during the game.  We need to put together a game against a top notch team in which we win the offensive, defensive and specialty team battles.
Agreed - Summers is a stud with a good motor that never quits.  Plus he gets held and tackled more than any D-lineman I have seen and is still making the big plays!  He needs major recognition!!
I agree with the comment about moral victories.  Sure there were times when the team played well, but what about putting a complete game together and winning a close, big game?  This seems like a hard thing for the Cats to get done over the last three years or so??  Several concerning observations included - special teams killed the cats starting with giant kick off returns by the WOU return man, blocked extra point and field goal and a block below the waist on a kick off return that sent the cats back to start inside their ten.  The first drive of the second half was great (and needs to be replicated throughout the entire game) with a series of screens, short pass plays, draws and qb runs.  But then we get into the red zon and have to burn time outs  because we couldn't get a play in?  This has plagued this team all year and is still going on in the second to the last game of the season???  Fix the problem!  I agree with the earlier comment that the cats seem to move the ball pretty good in the 2 minute offense.  Actually a lot of teams run the spread option like this full time (without a huddle) to keep the defense off balance and from subing?   I agree that clock management was very concerning late in the fourth quarter and question why we didn't jump into the 2 min offense sooner?  I really think this game was Linfield's for the taking.  Very frustrating and concerning to get beat by Willamette two years in a row and WOU three and almost loose to UPS on the road!  What the hell is going on???  Lets hope the cats can take it to the Lutes and end on a winning note!
Wow.....what a game.  I can't remember when a Linfield team got beat like that?  I would have to agree with some of the earlier observations.  This team, as was the case in 2006 and 2007, just does not seem to be mentally sharp on game day.  For the third straight year, the Cat's can't win the big game and continue to make stupid, mental mistakes that cost them games?  It has gone past the point of just being fluky bad luck.  Other observations include, clock management was insane, especially in the 3rd and 4th quarters when we are using almost the entire 40 sec clock to get a play in and ran?  What is with the new punt formation.  Super wide stance which allows at least 5-6 defensive players to attack the second level untouched?  We are lucky this is the first blocked punt of the year.  Team speed?  Is Willamette winning the recruiting wars?  They appeared to have tons more team speed than we did?  Did the cats ever throw on first down?  Any screens?  Reverses?  One attempt to the tight end?

I can still remember Rutchman's very effective remedy for mistakes in a ball game.........................................240's.  Coach's might want to give that a try?

Another frustrating year.  Lets hope the staff and players can end on a good note and go 7-2 and beat Western!  
Looking at those regional rankings just about made me sick!  Knowing that Linfield could beat at least 4-5 of those teams hands down...............sick!  The Cats should really only have one loss (WOU) and be ranked in the top 5 in the country!  Sick, very sick!  Two years in a row.  What does next years QB situation look like?  How come UPS and Whitworth can find multiple 6'2, 240lb running backs and we can't seem to find one for our squad?  What happened to the quick bubble screen that Losey use to call 4-5 times per game which would equate out to at least 4-5 yrds a pop?  When was the last time the Cats ran a reverse or a fake punt.  How come everyone elses QB seems to have a sweep or draw in which they gain big yards on but we never seem to be able to do that?  I hate to say this, but I am affraid 6-3 in going to become the norm for the Cats for the next few years.  My sources say we lost the recruiting war big time this year and it could be a trend due to UPS, PLU and Whitworth having larger endowments than the Cats and being able to offer better financial aid packages?  Plus WOU had turned the corner into becoming a legit D-2 program and they will continue to steal kids away from the Cats probably at a greater pace than before.  Things are'nt looking to hot.  Time to bring back Rutch and establish a 50% run and 50% pass attack offense!
Heard the game on the radio, very frustrating.  Reading the above comments also makes me questions, did I as a Cat fan get spoiled with the likes of Brett Elliot, Allen, Hazenburg, Carter, Jenkins and the like?  Was that a special group of players that come along once every 20 yrs or so?  I Linfield destined to be a 6-3 team from here on out?  We seem to be loosing the recruiting wars over the last couple of years to WOU, UPS, Whitworth?  Has the tide changed for a decade or more?  Does this coaching staff have what it takes to win league championships year in and year out and go deep into the playoffs on a regular basis?  Is the Ace back offense really the right offense to be running post Brett Elliot?  How is it that we can have close to 200 kids show up for practice in the summer and just can't seem to find a power running back?
The fourth down and inches call and not going for the 3 points will certainly get some debate, but a bigger question for me is why wasn't your power running back getting the ball?  We have an all american caliber tight end who goes 2 to 3 games with never seeing a pass his way?  The penalties and turnovers game after game???????  The Willamette game?????????  What the hell is going on?
Much improved game today by the Cats, but still lots of work to do.  Still to many fumbles, QB not throwing all that well and unable to convert on 4th down and short situations (at least two that I can recall.)  Should have had at least 2 more touchdowns in the first half but mistakes keep killing this team.  If UPS had any kind of passing game, things might have been a closer.  They had some big backs that ran hard.  But in the 3rd quarter being down 23 to 0, and still running the ball 97% of the time?  Southern Oregon is big and physical like WOU, Cats need to bring mistake free ball on the road if they want to win next Saturday!  Mr. Masters was impressive...hits the hole quick and has great vision....but was sucking air big time.  Not use to playing half back.  He had better go run some 240's this week!
I agree with lack of urgency, organization and just plain sloppy play.  Can you imagine seeing an Ad Rutchman team put on a performance like this?  Never happen.  Plus, after watching several key match up in todays game, it sure looked like the Bearcats had superior talent at several positions.  How may times did Linfield qb get knocked on his butt?  Streak could end?
We got our monies worth today!  Congrats to UWW!  You guys had a great offensive scheme and your Mr. Beaver is the real deal.  Watching UWW on offense kind of reminded me of watching an Ad Rutchman coached team with a variety of successful running plays, draws, cuttbacks, off tackle, then throwing to wide outs and using the tight end very successfully.  You guys used all your offensive weapons and kept the Cat D off balance most of the game.  Very multi-demensional 50% run 50% pass offense.  You guys should give Mt. Union a good run for their money!  Keep it in the West!
Great season Cats!  Hope we can find a big explosive back in the off season.  Have a good winter everyone!
Can someone help River get off the crack pipe?  I'm scared for him!
When is Whitworth going to get some respect on the D3 poll?  Same story as last year where two or three teams in the NWC could have won games against every playoff team Linfield faced.  Whitworth should be around 10-15 range on the poll right now!  Why is Rowan so high?  That team was a joke last year!
Hey man, Linfield can't rank out as having the hardest schedule every year!  I think we have ranked 1st the last three though!

Coach August Update: He had quad-bipass this morning and came out of the operation without any complications, so everything seems to be going smoothly so far.

I hope Pat and the team at D3 have a good story line and lots of pics and graphics to post on the front page once the Cats hit the magic 50 yrs of winning season.  This has to be one of the most impressive streaks in sports history!  Definitely front page material?
Dear Cat Nation:

Join me in wishing Linfield Kicking Coach, Ron August, who is undergoing tripple bypass heart surgery this Tuesday, in a successful and speedy recovery!