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Messages - Kilted Rat

Was able to listen to the game at the hospital between patient work today, hell of a win!

Also, awesome to hear about the classy gesture by the rats.

Is there an charity set up for Mrs. Caruso that people can donate to?

Also, does anyone know the address for the Rat Pack house and if it's still used by the Rats? Would love to send them a Gary's Pizza.
Long time lurker, first time (in a long time) poster.
Love you guys, love your show.

Making a brief return from my hiatus to share a quick John story.

Spring 2004 Theory of football class. Blake Elliott comes in after having recently worked out for NFL teams. John is having him talk about what the experience was like.
Blake says "they had me do the usual drills like the 40 yard dash and..."
John interrupts, "Now for the ladies, explain what the 40 yard dash is."
Blake with a very awkward look, "Well you run 40 yards as fast as you can."
John "Oh, that's it? I thought it had to be something more complicated than that as much as they talk about it. I figured the ladies knew what the hell it was, but I couldn't admit that I didn't know. So how did you do?"
Blake "I ran a 4.6" (No clue what he actually said for a time.
John "Oh, 4.6. is that good or bad?"
Blake "it's pretty good, but not amazing."
John "I bet I could have run a 6.0 in my prime, that's why I'm a coach."

RIP John, greatest coach in college history.

Tommies suck.

Prediction for Saturday: Triple Monkey Stomp Shutout. 63-0 Johnnies.

KR Out!
LCDR at least in the medical community is still pretty much a given as long as you can fog a mirror.
Won't change much if anything in my day to day work, I'll still be a resident but I will get a bigger paycheck which is very nice obviously.
I'll be putting on Lieutenant Commander next fall.
Yes, Laker tried to ban alcohol at tailgates, the rat pack, me, dancing, and tight fitting clothing amongst other things.

He was Jewish, not Mormon.
Thank you Gentlemen! Miss you all like hell.
I'm in year 3 of 5 of Orthopedic surgery residency which has me working on average 80hrs a week. Still in the navy and will be until at least 2021.

Unfortunately my posts here will remain sparse at best until residency is done.

Hamms, Jason Laker sucks, stiftungfest, TDT, and karma to all!!
This just in, Tommie's Suck!!

Go Johnnies!
Quote from: OzJohnnie on March 09, 2010, 02:59:46 PM
  At least three inches, no?

I would defer this question to our resident expert on three inches... TDT??? Thoughts????? ;D

Just dropping by, ****ty news on the Nathan front. Less than 10% chance he pitches with a torn UCL, and if it is torn, no breaking pitches, curveballs, sliders, etc. Nathan on fastball and changeup only is a disaster waiting to happen.

On a side note, I'll be deploying some time around mid May for points to be determined in the Middle East :-\. Depends on where one of if not the strongest Battalion in the Marine Corps is needed. Be back in December hopefully. Unfortunately this means I'll miss most of the baseball season and all of the football regular season. Cheer loudly and drink fondly. I'll be in need of significant quantities of booze and sports when I get back after 7 months of neither!!!

+k all around, catch ya on the flip side!
I got nothing out here from VOJ.

I do have the live stat page up and working though.

+k all around for a Johnnie gameday!
Testing, testing... is this thing on???

Long time lurker, first time poster. First things first, I want to say I love what you guys have done with the place, really classed up the joint.  +K all around

I'm currently between month long field evolutions. This whole playing Marine thing is not as much fun as you might think.

Anyway, just wanted to drop some knowledge; while I was at Mountain Warfare Training last month, MRS KR beat TDT in Fantasy Baseball despite not realizing that OPS didn't mean errors.

Almost forgot...

Quote from: snoop dawg on April 20, 2009, 08:25:10 PM
looks like something my dog did in my backyard.  What is that stuff?

If your dog's terds look like that, you need to take him to a vet.

Happy Tuesday! +K all around to the usuals. 1 week until Spring break when Mrs KR and I will be heading to Hawaii for a week of R&R... Rum and more Rum.

In other news, I'm now world famous for my ponderings on watching Jason Kubel's 218lbs lumber in for a triple.

See #8 "He ain't heavy.
Quote from: Mr. Ypsi on March 23, 2009, 06:26:23 PM
Quote from: Kilted Rat on March 23, 2009, 05:50:37 PM

Wait, Paris Hilton went to school ???

And a proud graduate of Washington Kindergarten she is! ;)

I figured she went to school in the same sense that today I went to the grocery store.
Quote from: finsleft on March 23, 2009, 09:49:04 AM
Quote from: Johnnie Red on March 23, 2009, 08:31:51 AM
Finslet, very nice article in ths Star Tribune yesterday on Lady Gaga. Wish I could make the concert at the Fine Line this evening in Mpls.
I saw that, JR. When I read that she was cut from the same cloth as Paris, the picture became clearer. (Same school, same obsession with fame, etc...)
I figure 2 tickets to Gaga cost about the same as my cable bill, so for the same money, I've got HDTV for a month. Now if I watch Japan vs S. Korea tonight in the WBC, I won't feel so ashamed.

Wait, Paris Hilton went to school ???
Apparently, this is what St. Olaf does with all the spare time they don't have to spend on planning Football playoff tailgate parties!

Some personal highlights from the clip:

1.  The nerdy guy with the attempted beard saying " comes down here and goes into it's lair." Obviously World Of Warcraft has provided this guy with countless nights of entertainment as well as inspiration.
2.  The announcer saying it was "both physically and psychically challenging" Apparently, some heavy level telepathy going on during the project.
Quote from: D O.C. on March 18, 2009, 11:56:59 PM
QuoteCan't complain too much about San Diego weather

No kidding, KR. Best in the nation. It's said some parts of Israel might compare.
BTW, Oozie is what happens to your blood supply when shot with an Uzi.

I do not care what Bluenote says, I know that was not you in that ice fishing video that circled the world-wide web...where the guy tossed the dyn-o-mite out onto the ice and the dog fetched it back to the truck.

OOzie, Uzi, Ozzy however you spell it, I don't want to be within 100 yards of one if I don't have to!
Quote from: snoop dawg on March 18, 2009, 05:43:04 PM
I love to fish.  I love beer.  I still have a hard time with the idea of sitting in a shed dropping a line through a hole and freezing my arsh off.  I grew up in Pa. and it got pretty cold there at times and I can honestly say that the last thing I wanted to do was fish in the cold weather.  Sorry, guess I am spoiled by our weather in So Cal.

Freezing?  That's what the heater in the ice house is for!

You wear winter gear to the fish house then get inside, crack a beer and turn the heater on and start fishing/playing cards/ bullsh*tting. ;D

Quote from: Bluenote on March 18, 2009, 07:15:29 PM
Quote from: Kilted Rat on March 18, 2009, 03:14:45 PM
Quote from: Bluenote on March 17, 2009, 11:05:51 PM
Quote from: Kilted Rat on March 17, 2009, 03:35:05 PM

Anyway, while I get stopped at a red light and while I'm standing there minding my own business, a dude driving a car stopped at the stop light rolls down his passenger window and yells "F*@* Linfield" then he drove off.

Was this person retarded?

Not sure if he was a relative of yours or not.

......I'll take that with a grain of salt coming from someone who likes to dress up in a kilt and do handstands and cartwheels in front of the football team.  :P

Says a guy who apparently noticed the above actions.  For the record, I haven't worn my kilt in 4 years I'm sad to say.
I've dropped about 25lbs since then, so I think my kilt would ride somewhere around my ankles if I were to try it on... insert San Francisco themed joke here