Quote from: Flying Weasel on November 17, 2021, 09:39:10 PMQuote from: Futbol is Life on November 17, 2021, 08:17:03 PMBut the point is Margolis, as the chair of Region 2, buried the best argument for an at large bid for that region down under the teams that finished 4th and 5th in the league. I'm not saying he did it consciously, but simply pointing out that decisions in the Regional rankings are vital.
I think you are aware that there are Regional Advisory Committees (RACs), right? And that the members of the national committee (in this case the Division III men's soccer committee) chair these RACs, but are non-voting members of the RACs? The regional rankings are decided by the voting members of the RACs, not by the national committee member who chairs the RAC.
Flying Weasel- thanks for the info. I wrongly assumed the chair was actually the leader of the RAC, and not just a non-voting member. My stance remains the same but should have been pointed at the RACs as a group. It's vital to give the Regional Chair the best possible argument to enter into a debate, and conference performance over weeks of play should not be so easily blurred by knockout tourney results.