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Messages - SoccerMom6

Women's soccer / Re: 2024 Recruit Help
October 06, 2022, 05:36:15 PM
These are some great leads and very useful tips. Thank you again for taking the time to provide detailed feedback! It is very much appreciated!
Women's soccer / 2024 Recruit Help
September 23, 2022, 03:11:10 PM
Hi All! I'm new to this board and realize this may have been discussed but haven't seen a recent thread about recruiting. My daughter is a 24 recruit, was originally looking at academic D1s - Ivies and Patriot - but has decided she would prefer the balance of a D3. She is interested in some NESCACs, NEWMACs, Liberty - primarily schools in MidAtlantic and NE. However, we live in the South so this makes it difficult. Timeline, suggestions? How important are the ID clinics? Is spring and summer too late to go to them? Can't seem to find consistent information on D3 recruiting as a whole. Thank you in advance. Any help is welcome!