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Messages - uamusme

Quote from: GeTiTBoI on November 20, 2005, 07:05:29 PM
were good and LC is good there will be a shift in power soon...

Um... I'm wondering where this shift is... I mean ... AU won a couple, then Mac, then CUW then the Split, then Lakeland... we seem to not have a shift, but a revolving door when it comes to our playoff representitive...

If you're talking about power in the conference... and CUW being not powerfull now and shifting to powerful... I think you're wrong. There was a shift of power 3 years ago when Zebrowski came to Lakeland. He took a passing team and with basically the same players minus about 3 freshman starters and turned them into a contender... So I guess unless you are talking about GC or BU jumping up, or a resurgence of Mac, I think you're mistaken... because CUW has been on/near the top of the conference for about the last 4-5 years.
Quote from: AUGIE2000 on November 20, 2005, 11:24:29 AM
All but seven of their points were scored on 2nd string Augie Defenders.....

So, that means nothing really... Other than it makes you feel better that a team from a " 2nd rate conference" can't score on your amazing defense...

Respect is different than what you think apparently. You don't earn respect by playing at all according to you... The only way to earn respect is to win... Now pardon my french, but that is bull****...

I respect anyone who is wiilling to put their body on the line just to try and boost a team.

Maiuri, man you're amazing... I wonder how the game would have turned out if you hadn't have BROKEN your leg... We'll neve know, but you have more balls than any other player I have ever seen in D3

Quote from: dansand on November 20, 2005, 09:25:31 AM
Uamusme, you can't expect fans (some of whom are friends and relatives of players) to not complain on cheap shots. The most blatant one I saw was when Aaron Kuzniar got planted well after the play was blown dead for illegal procedure. It wasn't called and Augie fans were, justifiably, upset.

Oh no... I have no problem with that if it's the play like you're talking about were Van de Loo laid the guy out after the play was over... thats fine. Be angry, yell all you want.

But it's more being up by like 30 points and yelling things about someones parent or girlfriend, or you know whatever... that just shows a complete lack of class that I wasnt expecting from Auggie.
Quote from: CardinalAlum on November 19, 2005, 10:45:05 PM
And the lack of respect just keeps on going!!  Lakeland learned that the IBC has no chance of winning a playoff game any time soon.  You guys want respect?  Better luck next year!!  You get none here! 

Yeha, but I've also lost a lot of respect for the fans at Auggie... at least behind the endzones and closer to the sidelines. Yeah there were some late hits by lakeland, but there were also a lot of pass interferences by Auggie that were more than blatent. Also Auggie seemed to like hands to the head a lot on defense...

Does any of this make a difference to the way the teams played? no...

But it does show just a general lack of respect for student athletes from other schools... I wish that they would actually enforce the derogitory comments rule sometimes... It was that bad...

If no one does it by like 10 tonight... I'll compile everything I can find and place it out here for everyone
Quote from: gc_fan on November 18, 2005, 11:29:12 AM
good ? - the conference website does not have it

Actually it does... but you have to click on the individual teams to find it
Well we're about 25 hours away from the Game, I wish all teams good luck...

Play hard...
Play safe...
Play smart...

Let's have some great games, with everything being left on the field...

As for Lakeland @ Augustana

I'll see yah down there... I'll be a photographer on the sidelines... Being press has it's advantages...
Quote from: Gomer Pyle on November 18, 2005, 10:31:04 AM
Question: Does anybody know where the All IBFC
   teams can be found?  All schools 

Do you mean locations?

Lakeland - Sheboygan, WI
Concordia WI - Mequon, WI
CURF - River Forest, IL
Aurora - Aurora, IL
Eureka - Eureka, IL (near Peroria I think)
Benedictine - Lisle, IL
MacMurray - Jacksonville, IL
Greenville - Greenville, IL

or something else?
Well we're about 36 hours away from the Game, I wish both teams good luck...

Play hard...
Play safe...
Play smart...

Let's have a great game, with everything being left on the field...

I'll see yah down there... I'll be a photographer on the sidelines...
Quote from: Soulsenda on November 17, 2005, 07:21:17 PM

*T.O.  leaves Eagles and joins the Lakeland Muskies for a one game contract.

No we'd bench him in a heartbeat... Zebrowski has done it in the past... horrible attitude... no play. His philosophy is what is best for the team... it's better for the team to not have a cancer like that playing for you, or even around on your bench.

Yeah, I understand, Lakeland's only real tests this year were against Carthage and UW-W.

Carthage went well minus the 4th quarter... Whitewater was close at half... no one knows really what happened in the second half... it was abismal.

To be honest with you I hope both teams are able to bring everything they have to both sides of the ball. I do hope Lakeland triumphs... but I know it's a very very slight possiblity. I just wanna see a good game, and either way win or lose Lakeland makes school history... so It's a good story for our paper.
Quote from: vikes35 on November 17, 2005, 06:22:53 PM
So I am reading the IBFC postboard and I can't stop laughing at these straight faced Lakeland upset predictions. If it is an upset then I will eat my words, but they haven't won a playoff game since the expansion...

Augie 38
LC 14

You've only read like the last 5 predictions... the previous like 50 were all Augustana...

As for my prediction... I think it'll be within 2 scores... it could be 7-0 ... it could be 49-35... who knows... we'll all find out on Saturday.
Ok, I'm not at all surprised for the lack of respect for our conference.

Do I think that Lakeland will win this weekend? I don't know. Do I think they have a decent chance of winning? Yes, if they can play 60 minutes of mistake free football. Mistake free means no stupid penalties, no turnovers, no blocked punts or missed PATs... etc.

Is this possible? Yes... Is this probable? Maybe not... we'll find out at about 3pm on Saturday.

Hey I think it would be great if all people going to the game from IBFC schools should wear their team colors in support of the conference... I think that show of solidarity would be great... I know I'll be doing it.
Quote from: Gomer Pyle on November 16, 2005, 04:46:22 PM
   Now your cook-in!    Thanks for the thoughts.
    Plus.............Rhetorical.  Now i know you had to reach down for that. LOL.  Just mess-in with ya.

Nah I'm just your classic smart guy thats really lazy...
Quote from: Gomer Pyle on November 16, 2005, 08:58:30 AM
  Thanks for your comments. My point is that LC
  is the IBFC Champs and they get no respect. Why is that? All past champs were ranked. Maybe that`s why they(LC) are seeded 6th and Augustana is seeded 3rd. National ranking has a direct bearing on where a team is seeded plus other factors. I`m talking play-off pairings here.
   If you have another plausable answer for  "why" LC is not ranked in D3 and seeded 6th lets hear it.
   So far nobody has answered that question.
   You take me to task for bringing it up but offer no rebuttal to the original question.........WHY are they not ranked?  Is it the conference? The non-winning out side conference play? What? 
   You see it as "beating a long dead horse" I see it as you not having an definitive  answer.
    I`m not trying to bust your chops,  put how bout
your answer as to .......WHY.
   By the way, that question would stand no matter who was in their place.
    The LC...Augustana game could very well be like last years Aurora vs Wooster game.  IMO. Although i`m hoping for a better ending.

Sorry it seems like your last couple of posts like that have been rhetorical in nature.

As for why we aren't ranked or recieving votes whereas the last 3 years we've atleast had some mentioning of our conference in the voting. I don't know, maybe this year noone from our conference is on the voting committee? I know that the Coach from CUW is on the AFCA poll according to their website. Maybe our area of the country... mostly southeastern Wi and northern ILL is over looked, or maybe because we won very few out of conference games. It also doesn't help that Lakeland lost to UW-W by about 60...
Quote from: Gomer Pyle on November 15, 2005, 09:30:01 AM
  Just looked at the D3 Top 25 and no LC.
   They don`t even show up on the "others receiving votes" section . Why is that?

Gomer, you say this all the time. No one disputes with you the fact that Lakeland is not ranked and did not get any other votes either.

No one that I have found on this board has said that Lakeland should be ranked or receive any votes. So why post it more than once?

I understand you're trying to be a reality check, but still... it's beating a long dead horse.

If I missed someone saying Lakeland should have gotten votes or be ranked, I apologize in advance.

As everyone knows, rank does not mean really all that much when it comes down to it. If you believe it does, than a win by Auggie by any less than 40 points would be a moral victory for Lakeland.

Hell according to some people on this board scoring at all should be a victory for Lakeland, because we are unranked unvoted for school...

The only way we KNOW who will win, will be about two and a half to three hours after kickoff... That is the only true fact right now