Through all that gibberish I think u were trying to insult me. LOL... You don't know **** so don't critique my views and opinion because they are just that, MY views and opinions and my rights allow me to express them. Plus unlike you I highly doubt Lake Erie's team is reading my posts and getting upset about them. You're right I am a "bully" because i call a spade a spade. Lake Erie sucked so I said they sucked. Plus I actually played ball I wasn't just the mommy of some bum so yeah i do think i can express my opinions.
Plus aren't you a little OLD to be bickering on a basketball website when you have nothing to do with the game of basketball or never have?
And my mom would never call herself berlychick thats more the name of a transvestite.
Plus aren't you a little OLD to be bickering on a basketball website when you have nothing to do with the game of basketball or never have?
And my mom would never call herself berlychick thats more the name of a transvestite.