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Messages - Little Giant 89

Quote from: Whitecarrera on March 14, 2025, 03:57:18 PMWooster Hire

Haha - Wooster hired a local HS coach.  Sure, he's an alum and has a little D3 coordinator experience, but I can't wait to see how this turns out!

Interesting analysis given the resume of our current head coach.
Like shooting fish in a barrel at the Charlotte airport yesterday.  Wilkes baseball gear.  Gettysburg Bullets gear.  Ithaca college gear. Bowdoin Lacrosse gear. Shoot the entire Bowdoin Lacrosse team was there as they headed south for spring break training.

For someone like me who really enjoys this thread it was almost like cheating
For Pity's Sake, what are we teaching at F-D now?
Quote from: ADL70 on February 21, 2025, 11:14:35 PMCWRU schedule updated. At Rowan 9/6 and at Wabash 9/13

Only 4 home games? And two are week 10 &11.

Welcome To Crawfordsville!
General Division III issues / Re: Future of Division III
February 27, 2025, 08:02:27 PM
I don't dispute that there are plenty of jobs that can be done with a high school diploma.  My father and grandfather both raised their families without college education.

In the liberal arts arena we talk about creating a breadth of skills that extends beyond a single job opportunity; skills that give the graduate the ability to pivot and grow as the world around them changes.  Those are skills worth having IMHO

On the other half of this equation regarding a potential endowment tax.  Growing enrollment in order to avoid the tax makes sense, but as the drumbeat of postings regarding school closures makes clear, it's not at all easy.  That may be stating the obvious, but stating the obvious is what I'm good at.  :)
General Division III issues / Re: Future of Division III
February 26, 2025, 06:50:35 PM
Quote from: jknezek on February 26, 2025, 06:28:14 PMConsidering this limit would include Hillsdale, I have no doubt it will be magically raised to 600k per student before being debated...

Well reasoned, Jknezek.  This is the kind of cynical political analysis I can truly appreciate!
General Division III issues / Re: Future of Division III
February 26, 2025, 02:21:39 PM
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Endowment Tax Fairness Act could cripple small colleges (like mine) that have worked to build their endowment and use the income from that endowment to operate the school and keep the actual tuition paid by students low.
General Division III issues / Re: Future of Division III
February 19, 2025, 09:38:27 AM
Quite a few D-III schools in that third category.

A great deal of the money reflected in that report has been put in jeopardy recently.
General Division III issues / Re: Future of Division III
February 19, 2025, 08:14:42 AM
It is a difficult balance, certainly.

I work at an institution that trumpets its small class size and easy faculty accessibility.  Those sound like wonderful values and for the students in the program they absolutely are.  For the business office trying to balance the books those small numbers raise harder questions.

How long do you let a program linger when it's not graduating majors on a regular basis?

You also have an admissions questions to consider.  How many high school students who love chemistry (or whichever program its is that you are considering downgrading or eliminating) are not considering your institutions because you don't offer the program that is attractive to them.

How many alumni-donors do you alienate when you eliminate the major that they graduated with that led to their successful career and fulfilling life.
General Division III issues / Re: Future of Division III
February 18, 2025, 04:04:22 PM
The only hard science St. Norbert would have as a major is biology?  That's shocking.
Denison 53 Wabash 51
Denison versus Wabash at Chadwick Court tonight for the number one spot in the North Coast!

Wabash Always Fights!
Sad to report that former Wabash Athletic Director and Dean of Students, Tom Bambrey, passed away over the weekend.  Tom graduated from Wabash in 1968.  He was a three year letterman who ran track under fellow Wabash legend J. Owen Huntsman.  In his time serving the College he was instrumental in bringing Chris Creighton, Erik Raeburn, Brian Anderson and Clyde Morgan to the athletic department.  Tom is a member of the Wabash Athletics Hall of Fame.  He was also a regular contributor on this board under the moniker sigma one.

He will be deeply missed.