I was and continue to be a big fan of former ONU Headcoach Dean Paul who is now at John Carroll and he once told me while he was at ONU what a challenge recruiting was after I had called his attention to an athlete that my nephew was playing high school football and basketball with. In talking with my nephew later on I found out that his teammate loved ONU and Coach Paul but just felt the facilities didn't measure up to what similar D3 schools had to offer.
These indoor practice facilities cost millions of dollars but they pay dividends that result in increased student enrollments and pride for the community and the alumni for years down the road. This results in increased giving by alumni, the community and fan support. They really pay for themselves. I wish the ONU administration could see this. The "Forward Together" campaign brought in over $112M yet we can't spend $9M to save the oldest building on campus which is registered with the National Historical Society? President Baumann indicates that a New Health & Wellness Center is a Priority yet no movement on that in over 2 years? All while Musky has completed the Bullock Center and Heidleberg is completing their new indoor facility? Again, I'm just very dissappointed in what I see as a lack of support for our coaches, alumni and student athletes.
These indoor practice facilities cost millions of dollars but they pay dividends that result in increased student enrollments and pride for the community and the alumni for years down the road. This results in increased giving by alumni, the community and fan support. They really pay for themselves. I wish the ONU administration could see this. The "Forward Together" campaign brought in over $112M yet we can't spend $9M to save the oldest building on campus which is registered with the National Historical Society? President Baumann indicates that a New Health & Wellness Center is a Priority yet no movement on that in over 2 years? All while Musky has completed the Bullock Center and Heidleberg is completing their new indoor facility? Again, I'm just very dissappointed in what I see as a lack of support for our coaches, alumni and student athletes.