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General football / Houston Stagg Bowl Pros/Cons
January 07, 2025, 05:02:32 PM
         I was at the game.  I thought I would share some observations.  Went with a buddy-- we have no affiliation with NCC or UMU.

  • The game was held in a big city, in a venue for pro sports.  So we get the following-- cash is no good anywhere in the stadium.  My buddy has to get our tickets electronically (no paper tickets).  Didn't work when we go to gate.  So had to go back to ticket counter and try again. Along with that pain, you have a  hundred stadium minions telling you "can't stand there", and  "don't do that".
  • NCC fans and parents NOT allowed on the field at the end of game.   Sheesh, come on.
  •    On the D3 podcast it stated there was an "open practice held for both teams", and there was media day.  I would have been interested in attending both events, if we had known about them.  Just to sit in the crowd and watch would have been nice.  But no info shared on that.  Not blaming D3 guys (who are great), but NCAA folks could have shared that info better.
    • Ticket cost-- face value $20 for general admission.  But added fees pushed it over $30.  Thanks Seat Geek!   

  •     Great fans in both sides.  It was awesome to see the NCC band make it as well!
  •   Glad to see the game has kept up with the times:  T-shirts for NCC players available right at end of game stating they are champs was cool. 
  •   D3 football did a great job with their podcasts and their live play by play of the game. 
  •     I know my whining above is longer than my "pros", but I had a great time and would likely go again (even if "my team" isn't there)
When did the game get moved from Saturday to Sunday???
Tickets are available now online (NCAA site), then goes to Seat Geek.  Only option available $20/ general admission (no surprise there).  Then then want to tack on a 50% + "admin fee" for each ticket!!!!!

    Well thanks, but I think I will but them at the gate..............................
   Does anybody know if game tickets are on sale yet?  If yes, where to purchase?  Thanks!
     FYI for all-- I get on the official Houston TX visitor website.  They have a section with "Calendar of events"--  I go to  January 4-- nothing there on Stagg bowl.  Disappointing, but not surprising...............

     Half joking/half serious here-- maybe there could be an "Official D3 Football Hotel" for that weekend, with discounted rates???
      Thinking of going, just for the experience (since I never got there in my playing days). 

   Anybody know something about Houston?  What places to stay near the stadium?  Stay further out/cheaper?  Is there public transit in Houston that goes to the stadium?   Places to eat?  Etc, etc.  Thanks in advance !!

    Tried to find this answer, but not sure where to look.  I heard its leaving Salem, Virginia, right?  Where will it be this season?  Date?  Thanks in advance