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Messages - daniel

Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
February 26, 2006, 10:16:24 PM
You know what Narch, I really think you wish you were in charge of this board, I know Ihave not been to a game this year,so posting would not be justified without seeing the team live. The last 5 years you have been really consistent with your posts, you are vey critical of CNU, but in my opinion you are very invious of CNU. You are the only guy who posts from your school on a regular basis and I when I read your posts I just get the feeling you are bitterwhen your beloved school from fayetnam doesn't do well. CNUis here to stay the board has more CNU than you can deal with that's why you are always on the defense. Narch,I would love to get a look at you but you remind me of the Narrator of the Wizard of OZ, you know all, look Narch I know your going to give me the breakdown of why I shouldn't post or I just post when CNU is doing well, but it just boils down to I post when I go to a game, bottom  line. Say what you will, CNU won the game, the kids fought hard and AU is a good team. Your team underacheived and CNU overacheived, bring it on, I appreciate my fellow CNU posters (CNU85 etc) at least we have 3 you can name, it's just not the almighty NARCH, get of the your high horse, 5 years is enough, I appreciate your effort but your a bit much, relax and go see a Campbell basketball game at the Cumberland County Arena
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
February 26, 2006, 09:49:23 PM
Eddie, I was at the game and  I know just as everyone there who knows basketball ,would say they were outplayed until the end of the game, they won at the end with great play. They were outplayed the majority of the game, they know it, I know it, the game went down to the wire, AU was on fire the 2nd half, but your opinion I will respect, but not except.
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
February 26, 2006, 08:33:26 PM
Well, I can say this A U was the better team for 39 minutes and 59 seconds, what can I say, Romeo was in the corner with his shirt over his head with defeat written all over his face, they had lost in my/his mind and everyone all over the gym. Up by 3 with less than 10 seconds less at the free line, he missed it, Seldon went down and clearly was fouled, body check, I had a great view, he pulled his shirt out of his pants and put it over his head and clearly was in shock, what a great display of heart. He got more rebounds (offense/defense) this boy wanted to win, Romeo if you read this, give this boy a kiss. I know you already have. Romeo had a great tourney, as the brother of the last point guard I am very impressed with his heir apparent, Barton played like a veteran and he gave them a spark in the 2nd half when AU was hot and CNU was cold. Over the weekend the most solid player was Romeo, but in my opinion,Riley showed he's rady to start, he rebounds, he BOXES OUT, HE is solid! CNU was not the better team but they played with so much heart, I loved this game, I sat next to RMACOn coaches, they do not want to play either of these teams, in my opinion, AU can play/beat alot of teams out there, I hope they get in tourneywith the new format, (i'm not stupid, they would love to give the ODAC three before USAS gets two) Au deserves it, I love basketball at the D-3 level it has so much passion.
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
February 24, 2006, 09:21:10 PM
This was my first post because I have not seen CNU play since last year, but I will say that Romeo has not missed a beat, what a good article in the daily press, it really hit it on the nail. NCW, they came out strong but they only have two kids that can play, both of the guards,  both with there socks pulled up. The first half they did a great job,  2nd half they could not throw it in the ocean. I would love to be more critical of CNU like I used to be but with these  kids you get a reality check. I love going to CNU Freeman Center (the school everyone loves to hate) but I will tell you I was the first one to say I thought they would have a down year, but for all the bashers, sorry, this community is behind them, they overacheived, and I am so glad this school is in my community and has such a wonderful backing, you guys may think I'm bias, damn right, go to a game, see if your community backs your school like my city does, Paul Trible knows what he is doing, he has elevated our student athletes and still brought in the best, I love Paul, Go CNU,
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
November 22, 2005, 09:31:08 PM
Well i thought i would post after Va Southern, O.K I will be fair as I can, the posts after the first game were so far fetched I had a hard time reading them. I was there and after I saw the posts, not really sure what game they attended. I am a CNU fan trust me, but the things everyone said were totally fan based(liked if you really thought Virginia would beat Tech). CNU is the school that cannot keep players(more than 2or3) for the 4 year span. I will elaborate but I have kids that are crying, CNU, no disrespect,  never will you achievethe Golden Years, the academics are too hard, deep down everyone knows it.
This is a hard time for this CNU fan, I like to read all the posts, it seems this year you guys are right on. Blake is finishing up as a ART major and is more solid than ever (this is my last plug). I would love to address the topic of turnover, As his brother whom will probally disappear after this year because of two young kids, I just wonder what a team would be with kids who stayed four years. I understand this is all Division 3, but it makes me think. O.K.  but what about Blakes Senior year, Brookman, Hampton, Hepner, Carey, Brooks/Romeo. Honestly do you think any team on the schedule could even stay on the court with these guys. It is a shame that CNU turn over ratio is so high it really hinders the years that that the 4 year players are there. Now, read the first round game is at home for the conference tourney and they have extended the field for the NCAA  just stinks. I know I'm venting but this is the last couple of times I will, Bare with me, I just miss it, cry, cry