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Messages - er1948

Hey 91, do you know if the "doctors" plan on attending a certain game, I'm going to try to get up this year
91- actually, he's back in Rochester for good, working at USA payroll for now-good to have him closer to home-couldn't stand the people in Cali
FA91- sounds to me like 99 has his pantyhose on too tight- have a merry-ER& ROB
Hey 91- say hello to the doctors for me, looks like I will make the game at Alfred, and saw a little of the Springfield game- they don't look the same as when 25 played, couldn't put my finger on it, but they looked flat-wish I could make it to UC, a cold UC sounds good at this point
Another Fisher stomp of IC, guess the worm has really turned !!!
Hey 91- sounds like we'll have to spring for some elevator shoes for PEP
FA91- sounds great, we may have to plan extra time for the gate to catch up on all the gossip/lies
FA91- Sounds good, we should have a ball catching up on all the news-who should we put in charge of the weather????
FA91- Sounds like a plan for the IC game, hope all the doctors can make it, I'll e-mail Big Jim and put him in charge of the tailgate- hope the game is as good as 06- never seen two plays shut up a bunch of guys in yellow shirts so fast
FA91- looks like the IC game is the only one I'll make too, we'll have to give the doctors a shout and see if we can have a little reunion that day- I'll probably make the Alfred game too, it's only about a half hour away from Bath
91- not sure which games I'll make, but will let you know when I know- glad to see your little bonfire in Utica did not interupt the flow of "mothers milk"
91-  I agree, the Uof R game could be a problem- they have a kid at RB this year from down my way- big, strong like Robby- if they come up with a O-line, it could be interesting for the Fisher D- lost my inside scoop this year about U of R- Noah's not coaching
Tags-  My old college roomie is an AD in Pasadena, outside Houston- let me know when you go and I'll give him a shout that you are heading down, I'm sure he could help with some info, etc.
91- sorry I missed you Sat., I just can't shake this bug-tried every med know to man-may have to break down and visit the doc- sounds like you and the doctors did a fine job of rooting-on to Alliance- GO FISHER
91- just increase the size of the diamond you must have bought for Christmas in order to get to 4 games and you're in- still working on Sat myself