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Messages - cruprez

God Bless Our troops and their son did 3 tours in Iraq..with the last one finding his truck blown up....he returned to us unharmed and now is in Germany for 3 sister lost her son in Iraq....2 days after his daughters first birthday....a pain and emptyness no family should have to endure....but we are proud of him -- he was doing what he loved (next to playing football!)...I AM PROUD of all our soldiers and know the GOOD we are doing in Iraq!  STAY safe and I will continue to pray for your safe return!

God Bless you!
Let me also remind the readers that UMHB LIKES to play on the road....during their run in 2004, they played EVERY game on the road...hence the nickname--Road Dogs!  The place and the weather does not bother our CRU.....if they bring their A team and play like they are capable...we are on to Salem VA!  I, too, hope the UWW posters are over confident and hope they stay that way.....surprises are coming their way.  AH...there is nothing like Football in December!

congrats to the CRU!  Fine job and what a way to make a statement.  Now for next is hard to beat the same team twice in the same let's prove that right!  Next week belongs to our DEFENSE!  Go CRU!

Every team has their share of "rude fans"'s the nature of the beast.  I think a majority of the CRU fans are not rude....and I have experienced very gracious fans from teams we have played in the playoffs in the past.. W&J had the most hospitable fans I have ever come across.

Let's pray for a safe trip to Delaware, an injury free game and a WIN for the CRU....


Thanks for the invite to tailgate...hope to see you Saturday
Quote from: roocru on November 23, 2006, 01:16:20 PM

Happy Thanksgiving to all and especially those troops overseas !!

Same to you roocru......and our troops had the traditional thanksgiving dinner, which according to my son, was like eating at Luby's!  not exactly home cooking but better than their usual rations!  Now all he wants is another UMHB win on Saturday.
I agree---a football game is 60 minutes long and BOTH teams must play the entire game if they want to advance to the next round...failure to do that will result in that team putting equipment away on Monday.  I dont want anyone to think that W&J "has already lost"----they will show up to play and UMHB had better show up also.....while I am a Cru fan and parent, I know what happens if you overlook a team that you are predicted to beat (remember Thanksgiving weekend last year?). I am sure while W&J might look good statically, I am also sure they have not met a run defense like UMHB's.   It will be a good game!  Go CRU!
Bill---same to you and to all D-3 Football Players, Coaches and Fans...have a safe holiday weekend.  from the Bryson Bunch!

Say an extra prayer for our troops in Kuwait and Iraq and other places....our oldest son is there and we will truly miss him this we know all the families of our troops will do the same....
Hey--W&J fans....first, let me say that you are the friendliest people we met when UMHB made their run to the Stagg Bowl last time.....we hope you will pack some warm weather clothes and come to Texas to enjoy our food and some TEXAS football......see you on Saturday.....should be a good game....
Oh yeah, Eric says "Because if this year's fiasco is any indication, many of those people have No Clue About Anything (NCAA)."...he is right....

Interesting article by the Temple Daily Telegram writer Eric.....good facts....just a small part of the good article....let me know if you want the entire article...I will send it via email tomorrow...

Yes, I agree....d3 did a great job and knows the politics of the NCAA quite well!

Well, the cards have been dealt and we shall place them as given to us....while I know it's hard to beat a team twice in one season and while HS is good, UMHB's defense is better than when we played them before...the game will be a great one and no doubt the best team will advance to round 2....

GO CRU.....
CNU85--you are correct it is air vs bus....but some of their matchups just dont seem right...and while I tried to raise my boys with the notion that "life isnt fair" it still is bothersome to me how we have rules and guidelines but they only apply as long as they dont affect the $$$$$......
One more do you know the seeding rank so you can determine where you will play in seceeding rounds?  I know it is based on regional rankings

BTW---Thanks Pat for a job well done on TV today!
Well, as usual, NCAA put the screws to the TExas Teams.....UMHB vs Hardin Simmons at home....GO CRU