Great job Augie, I wish I could have been at the stuck in Willowbrook for some training with USAW. Huge win today, and to think I only put they'd win by 1! Playoffs here we come! What are the chances that NCC gets Mounted?
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Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 12, 2005, 09:03:13 PM #2
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 10, 2005, 04:47:17 PM
Wabash by 10, Augie by 1
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 08, 2005, 06:48:38 PM
Maybe if we dont respond to NCCfan and give him the silent treament then he'll leave....well most likely not...he'd probably just change his name. And since he insist that anyone can say anything on the board.....then i say shut up.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 08, 2005, 01:03:27 PM
Still...the game is over. Like it was said before, there have been many games called wrong by many refs and thats the way it goes. Why dont you stop writing on the board about it and write your disgusts to the NCAA about the refs because it doesnt matter here. And while youre at it write to the MLB and tell them to take the world series trophy away from the white sox.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 07, 2005, 10:27:09 PM
I love reading this board...
Jaybird, youre catching up in the karma category...i dont feel as bad now.
Jaybird, youre catching up in the karma category...i dont feel as bad now.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 06, 2005, 05:37:41 PM
Augie should be proud they won...bad calls are everywhere and they've been against aguie the last three years, its about time something came augies way.
Cardinaldad, Should the White Sox be happy they won the way they did, with all of the horrible calls the umps made in their games. The fact is you still have to play the game and take advantage of the breaks given to you and like many posters have said, NC had a lot of chances (3 fumbles by augie) and they didnt capitalize. Thats the way it goes.
Cardinaldad, Should the White Sox be happy they won the way they did, with all of the horrible calls the umps made in their games. The fact is you still have to play the game and take advantage of the breaks given to you and like many posters have said, NC had a lot of chances (3 fumbles by augie) and they didnt capitalize. Thats the way it goes.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 06, 2005, 04:10:56 PM
Well we'll wait for someone to tell us for sure that sees the film if the kick was blocked by the player that was called offsides. From what I hear, it was.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 06, 2005, 04:04:07 PM
By the way Cardinaldad,
If the penalty has a direct impact on the game, then the penalty should be called, championship game or not.
If the penalty has a direct impact on the game, then the penalty should be called, championship game or not.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 06, 2005, 03:57:50 PM
There's one thing I like for sure...I'm sure most can agree that the last couple of weeks this board has turned into a NC board. At least for once we don't have to put up with the constant NC hype. Let's just make it a playoff hype for Augie and NC. We know they'll both be in it so are there any ideas of who might play who the first week or is it too early to tell?
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 06, 2005, 03:55:21 PM
Where are the Karma gods does this jass (shepherd) get away with this ranting?
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 05, 2005, 11:26:49 PM
Shame on the referees is right, not augie. You catch breaks sometimes...thats how the games go. Same with the World Series...the only people we can blame are the umps, not the teams.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 05, 2005, 09:59:52 PM
Maybe the writing on Augie's helmets arent big enough...
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
November 05, 2005, 09:09:18 PM
Well it was finally good to see Augie bring one back to Rock Island. Enough of this waiting til the last game to win it outright. Augie fans showed a lot of class today by cheering on their team at the end of the game and not chanting "overrated" like NCC did last year. I'm sure the augie fans figured NCC knew where they're place was...and that's behind Augie. Great job vikes, now BEAT WHEATON
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
October 27, 2005, 06:22:01 PM
Augiedoggie........why would that be a record...whats the significance?
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin
October 27, 2005, 08:24:59 AM