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Messages - thewayitis

Quote from: Goo 62 on May 11, 2007, 12:19:49 AM
Such a bold comment.  Dont mistake love for respect.  Beaver is the best football player I have ever played with.  I guarantee that Beaver will get NFL looks and just by you saying that he wont leaves me to believe that mentally you are not stable.
If your trying to hurt my feelings by saying I couldnt play in the NFL your going at it the wrong way.  As everyone knows me by name on this board, Max Sakellaris, if you dont.  They also know that I was a pretty good D3 football player which is fine by me. As for you Im guessing maybe your playing days ended with a injury that you are still crying about when you go to bed but of course that is if you even played football.  Maybe your so fat that you cant even see your feet but that is just another guess.  One day you will probably grow up and not hide behind your screen name and tell us who you really are.  Until then Im guessing you played coed intramural volleyball all through college.

Way to go Maxie, I knew you would fire back:)  You are such a rebel coming on here and telling everyone who you are.  That's great, you deserve a medal or maybe a brownie.  I betcha you would like a brownie better wouldn't you Maxie?  Hey, you can say whatever you want about me, that's great stuff:)  I honestly was just wandering if you and the Beave had a little something going on.  I can understand that you think highly of him and I think that's wonderful.  You know, if that was the only beaver I ever seen, I would probably talk about it all the time to:)
Quote from: Goo 62 on May 09, 2007, 12:47:20 AM
I tell you what bobhawk I will roll with my UWW boys any day.  Beaver is ten times the RB Englebert is.  You can have englebert Ill take the 2 time first team all american and gagliardi finalist any day and every day.  Have fun trying to stop Beaver next year.  Actually teams should just try to contain him first. 

Congrats to all the D3 guys that made teams it does alot for the D3 football.

Goo 62, do you have the hots for Beaver or something???  I was just curious because you brag him up so much.  Let's see how many NFL teams have interest in him when he is done playing college ball.  I'm guessing he'll get as much interest as you did:)  ZERO!
I just want to congratulate all of the WIAC players on continuing their dreams and getting a chance at the next level.  Especially the Stout Boys, Congratulations Ryan and Jesse!  We are very proud of you guys:)  I know Goo 62 is especially proud ;) 
I don't think anyone cares where you stand.
Quote from: Goo 62 on April 24, 2007, 01:12:44 PM
I hadnt posted in a while so I figured you guys missed me. 
I believe Stanley will 100% get picked up maybe not in the draft but definitely as a free agent. When you think about it he is a small receiver but he is an unbelievable athlete at any level.  Wendt is bigger and stronger and maybe faster in a 40 but Stanley is just better at football and a better athlete. Also Stanleys ability to play special teams has to factor in.  I do also believe that Wendt will get picked up as well because of his size and potential.  Like a very smart man said early as for Pete if he get in the right system he could do some things.  But as for Englebert we already know where I stand on that. 

Very nice article on Englebert and Wendt.  Thanks for the link Xtremetrainer. :)
All anyone can do is wait and see what happens.  It's quite obvious that Max whoever is just jealous and can't seem to let it go.  Max, it's ok, let it go, let it go.  Relax, take a couple of deep breaths and let go of all your anger Max.  It's ok, just let it go. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) Feel better Maxie?
I would just like to thank the xtremetrainer for his awesome post.  Fact of the matter is, he's right, Goo 62 and all the other jealous doubters are wrong and that's just THEWAYITIS! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Once again Goo 62 is running his mouth and making no sense.  Englebert's stats are very impressive considering the team he played on.  Apparently you didn't see too many UW Stout football games did you?  With a horrible supporting cast with the exception of Jesse Wendt, the worst coaching staff that has ever been assembled, and a very mediocre defense, it's a surprise Englebert put up the numbers he did.  And as far as him not belonging at that workout, what the hell is in your pipe man?????  Englebert is an awesome talent and has a tremendous work ethic.  He's as deserving as anyone to have had an NFL workout.  Like I said before, Goo 62 is just another jealous, negative individual who would rather see someone great fail rather then succeed.  
First of all, I just have to say that Goo 62 is just a moron and I don't have much better to say about Warhawkclownshow.  Hey smart guy, if Englebert didn't have a chance, then why was he even invited to workout?????  You are just jealous and bitter because you are someone who would rather see an awesome running back like Englebert fail then succeed.  There are so many out there like you, it's pathetic.  After everything that kid had to overcome, it's truly amazing that he has the opportunity to play at the next level.  He has the talent, the knowledge, and the toughness to play at the next level and I wish him the best.  I wish all of them the best.  There's so many negative people in this world like Goo 62, that's why this world is falling apart.  People who would rather see others fail then succeed, it's just sad.   Let me just tell you this about Englebert, if he does get a shot with an NFL team, he will be the one who will make the most out of it because he's got the most heart and determination and that's more important then any stat or test.  And one other thing, he has a special friend motivating him from above.
This is a very sad day.  Matt was a good friend of mine and very close to my family as well.  He never gave up on his dream and he was admired by many.  Matt had a lot of friends because he was truly an amazing and caring person.  I will greatly miss you Matt.  God Bless You, your family, and friends forever.
Mt. Union proved to be head and shoulders above the rest and it goes to show that Whitewater is just an average football team.  I knew Union would win, just didn't know it would be in such dominating form  ;D Sorry to all WW fans who thought you had a chance:)
Quote from: uww0212 on November 05, 2006, 11:39:07 AM
Like I said before, you put Beaver, Stanley, or anyone else in the WIAC in the Stout offense and they would be no names.


This is also an uneducated statement.

Wendt is one of the elite receivers in the WIAC.... Stanley is one of the elite receivers in the nation.

Wendt would start at WW.... opposite of Stanley, but he's not a better receiver than Stanley.
never said anyone was better then anyone.  just simply stating that you could put T.O. and L.T. in the Stout offense and they would not put up consistant numbers.  Now put Joe Shmo and Jon Doe on the UW Whitewater offense and they would put up great numbers.
Quote from: UWPSUPERFAN77 on November 05, 2006, 11:01:08 AM
Thewayitis: Thank you, most of your points I agree with! blessings!
Glad someone does!
ok, sorry about the foul language.  might not have been appropriate.  but when some people like to single out a few others, there are always going to be biased opinions no matter who we are talking about.  But let me get this straight here.  Englebert and Wendt wouldn't see the field at UWW???  That is the most uneducated statement I have ever heard.  Have any of you been to the UW Stout games this year??  Not once, all year has Englebert had a whole to run through.  Not once all year has Wendt had a decent pass to catch.  All I am saying is that Englebert could have walked through the holes that WW RB's had yesterday.  If Wendt had a QB like WW, he would dominate.  If they had a coaching staff that could actually develop a balanced system like WW, those two would be at the top in the WIAC in their positions without a doubt.  Like I said before, you put Beaver, Stanley, or anyone else in the WIAC in the Stout offense and they would be no names.  It's a suprise that Englebert and Wendt have done what they have done considering the situations their great play caller's have put them in.  And one more thing....As far as WW RB's, they are pretty much like the Denver Broncos.  They are just products of the system.  You could plug in pretty much anyone at that position and they could put up numbers like Beaver or anyone else on their team.  Good coaching and a good offensive line means a lot.
I hope the UW Stout Coaching Staff calls a smart game for once tomorrow because they have such a talented team and such a great group of seniors.  If they only had a clue or plan. ???they could easily be 2nd in this conference for sure.