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- South Region
343 posts of the member's 381 posts (90.03%)343
- Awards
9 posts of the member's 381 posts (2.36%)9
- Region 3 football (South Atlantic-ish)
7 posts of the member's 381 posts (1.84%)7
- New York Region
5 posts of the member's 381 posts (1.31%)5
- Pro ball
3 posts of the member's 381 posts (0.79%)3
- Midwest Region
2 posts of the member's 381 posts (0.52%)2
- What sport should we add boards for?
1 posts of the member's 381 posts (0.26%)1
- West Region
1 posts of the member's 381 posts (0.26%)1
- Historical/statistical archive
1 posts of the member's 381 posts (0.26%)1
- South Region
343 posts of the board's 6879 posts (4.99%)4.99%
- Awards
9 posts of the board's 852 posts (1.06%)1.06%
- Historical/statistical archive
1 posts of the board's 221 posts (0.45%)0.45%
- What sport should we add boards for?
1 posts of the board's 404 posts (0.25%)0.25%
- Pro ball
3 posts of the board's 1789 posts (0.17%)0.17%
- New York Region
5 posts of the board's 7232 posts (0.07%)0.07%
- Midwest Region
2 posts of the board's 10952 posts (0.02%)0.02%
- Region 3 football (South Atlantic-ish)
7 posts of the board's 81796 posts (0.01%)0.01%
- West Region
1 posts of the board's 18414 posts (0.01%)0.01%