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- Midwest Region
562 posts of the member's 610 posts (92.13%)562
- National topics
19 posts of the member's 610 posts (3.11%)19
- Pro ball
9 posts of the member's 610 posts (1.48%)9
- Awards
9 posts of the member's 610 posts (1.48%)9
- Central Region
3 posts of the member's 610 posts (0.49%)3
- Historical/statistical archive
3 posts of the member's 610 posts (0.49%)3
- General Division III issues
1 posts of the member's 610 posts (0.16%)1
- Midwest Region
562 posts of the board's 10952 posts (5.13%)5.13%
- Historical/statistical archive
3 posts of the board's 221 posts (1.36%)1.36%
- National topics
19 posts of the board's 1615 posts (1.18%)1.18%
- Awards
9 posts of the board's 852 posts (1.06%)1.06%
- Pro ball
9 posts of the board's 1789 posts (0.50%)0.50%
- Central Region
3 posts of the board's 11078 posts (0.03%)0.03%
- General Division III issues
1 posts of the board's 5818 posts (0.02%)0.02%