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- New York Region
116 posts of the member's 169 posts (68.64%)116
- West Region
17 posts of the member's 169 posts (10.06%)17
- Central Region
12 posts of the member's 169 posts (7.10%)12
- South Region
7 posts of the member's 169 posts (4.14%)7
- Multi-region conferences
5 posts of the member's 169 posts (2.96%)5
- Pro ball
5 posts of the member's 169 posts (2.96%)5
- Mideast Region
3 posts of the member's 169 posts (1.78%)3
- New England Region
3 posts of the member's 169 posts (1.78%)3
- National topics
1 posts of the member's 169 posts (0.59%)1
- Multi-region conferences
5 posts of the board's 272 posts (1.84%)1.84%
- New York Region
116 posts of the board's 7232 posts (1.60%)1.60%
- Pro ball
5 posts of the board's 1789 posts (0.28%)0.28%
- Central Region
12 posts of the board's 11078 posts (0.11%)0.11%
- South Region
7 posts of the board's 6879 posts (0.10%)0.10%
- West Region
17 posts of the board's 18414 posts (0.09%)0.09%
- National topics
1 posts of the board's 1615 posts (0.06%)0.06%
- Mideast Region
3 posts of the board's 8122 posts (0.04%)0.04%
- New England Region
3 posts of the board's 9481 posts (0.03%)0.03%