- Total time spent Online
- 123 days, 11 hours and 4 minutes
- Total Posts
- 9,034 posts
- Total Topics started
- 4 topics
- Number of Polls created
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes cast
- 5 votes
- 12 am
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- Region 2 football (New York and Pennsylvania-ish)
5933 posts of the member's 9034 posts (65.67%)5933
- Region 1 football (New England-ish)
1502 posts of the member's 9034 posts (16.63%)1502
- General football
175 posts of the member's 9034 posts (1.94%)175
- Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish)
154 posts of the member's 9034 posts (1.70%)154
- Region 6 football (Midwest and West-ish)
50 posts of the member's 9034 posts (0.55%)50
- General Division III issues
30 posts of the member's 9034 posts (0.33%)30
- Region 3 men's basketball
6 posts of the member's 9034 posts (0.07%)6
- What sport should we add boards for?
5 posts of the member's 9034 posts (0.06%)5
- Region 1 men's basketball
3 posts of the member's 9034 posts (0.03%)3
- Region 5 football (Central-ish)
3 posts of the member's 9034 posts (0.03%)3
- Region 2 football (New York and Pennsylvania-ish)
5933 posts of the board's 142441 posts (4.17%)4.17%
- Region 1 football (New England-ish)
1502 posts of the board's 50958 posts (2.95%)2.95%
- What sport should we add boards for?
5 posts of the board's 404 posts (1.24%)1.24%
- General Division III issues
30 posts of the board's 5818 posts (0.52%)0.52%
- General football
175 posts of the board's 41227 posts (0.42%)0.42%
- Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish)
154 posts of the board's 123519 posts (0.12%)0.12%
- General Basketball
1 posts of the board's 2251 posts (0.04%)0.04%
- New York Region
2 posts of the board's 7231 posts (0.03%)0.03%
- Region 3 men's basketball
6 posts of the board's 23679 posts (0.03%)0.03%
- Region 6 football (Midwest and West-ish)
50 posts of the board's 269084 posts (0.02%)0.02%