The Messiah Method

Started by ja_rowski, October 12, 2011, 05:28:43 PM

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Who's getting a copy?!  what what.
"From 2000 to 2010, the Messiah College soccer program—the men's team and women's team combined—posted the best record in NCAA soccer: 472 wins, 31 losses, and 20 disciplines that propelled these teams from decent to dynasty."
What a special program!  Mine's on the way!


I'm sure this will be a great read.  I have been watching both programs for the past six years and it's really hard to describe to people how they maintain this standard.  This book should help with that.  One thing that I find amazing is watching 3,000 people show up on a Saturday night womens/mens doubleheader.  There is a real passion for the game in the small town of Grantham.  If you've never been there, try and catch a Saturday evening game sometime.



i've been a part of many...the attraction is that it is more than just a soccer game, although the quality of soccer is outstanding.  the individuals that make up such programs are quality men and women that respect the game, their opponents, and most importantly God.  Spectators who go know that they will see quality, in the game and the experience.  In addition, those (and their families) who have had the privelage of being part of such a special program, remain connected and feel like they are still part of the Messiah soccer family and continually go back and support.  But then again, it's part of the college experience.  Like football is to some schools, it's the main attraction for the student body.  it's part of the culture there.


ja rowski,

Are you a former MWS player?  I noticed the MWS logo under your name.



I thought so ja.  Without asking your name I'm wondering if I know you.  I too have the MWS crest in my family (daughter).  Now you're probably wondering as well.


Ja, I have heard that there is a real cohesiveness on the Messiah team.  Is it as good as they say?  Over the years it looks as though they have some superstars and then plenty of good players.  Is is really "One in heart and mind"?   From the outside, it looks like a great program.


purplehat - i bet i know your daughter if she is from the frey era.  i am part of the c/o 2004.
jellybelly - I cannot describe it in words.  It was absolutely an incredible experience.  Other teams may have great players, but when the individual players on the team are not merely individuals but sisters in Christ, we have a bond that cannot be broken.  It was such a great thing to have friends that not only had a passion for soccer but one for God as well.  It's not about playing for yourself (what's best for me), but for the good of the team..."one in heart and mind."  Acts 4:32, all for the audience of One.


ja,  well said.  I have a daughter that is on the team now and a son that played three years at Messiah from 2006-2008 (he missed his senior year due a lingering injury), so i have been observing the programs for many years.  You're right though when you commented that it's hard to put into words about how they maintain this high level. You have to be around it for a while and then you'll notice that love is the answer.  One more thing that I have noticed and not too many folks talk about, is that these kids work so hard in their summer workouts.  They do play for each other and they do play for their God, but they also outwork everyone else out there.

Can't wait to read the book.


i know your daughter ;)  she's a great player. 
agreed.  preparation is everything.  it comes down to priorities and in my opinion, i think mental toughness, something that is not common in D3 soccer. the great thing about Messiah's program is that because of the team chemistry, the hard work is contagious.  because i work hard, now my teammates work hard and as a result, we make each other better...
i also think our program is where it is because of Scott Frey.  he's a genius :)


You're absolutely right, Coach Frey is the mastermind and it's a beautiful thing to watch.  I wanted my daughter to play for a coach that was going to be like a parent to her.  I think Messiah was the third college she visited and after five minutes of sitting in his office I knew that this was the guy she would play for.